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84 Cards in this Set

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Are the ventricles empty before the atria contract?
No, the ventricles are actually only ~70% full, and the atria "top them off".
Which side of the heart delivers blood to the pulmonary circuit?
Right side
Which side of the heart delivers blood to the systemic circuit?
Left side
Do the pulmonary and systemic circuits contain the same amount of blood?
Are both circuits at the same pressure?
No, the systemic circuit is under much greater
pressure. (Systemic systolic pressure ~120 mmHg; Pulmonary systolic pressure ~ 12-14 mmHg).
Do both system pump the same amount of blood at the same rate?.
Yes, both the
pulmonary and systemic circuits must pump the same amount of blood through each
circuit so that neither one "backs up" the other - they both pump about 70 ml/beat
Are left and right ventricles the same size?
No, the left ventricle is considerably larger
than the right.
Which is longer diastole or systole?
During normal contractions, diastole is longer than
systole (normal heart beat - diastole 0.5 sec and systole 0.3 sec).
Do the left and right atria contract at the same time?
Do the left and right ventricles contracts at the same time?
Do atria and ventricles contract at the same time?
No, atria contract
0.1-0.2 sec before ventricles
How long is an average cardiac cycle at rest (non-exercising)?
0.8 sec
What is occurring
during isovolumetric ventricular contraction?
The ventricles begin contracting, which closes the AV valves. As isovolumetric contraction continues, pressure is built up within the ventricle until the pressure in the ventricles is great enough to open the semilunar
What are heart murmurs?
Heart murmurs are abnormal heart sounds produced by
abnormal blood flow in the heart.
What does congenital mean?
Congenital means present at birth, but not necessarily
What is mitral stenosis?
This is a condition in which the mitral valves become
calcified and thickened.
What can happen as a result of mitral stenosis?
If the mitral valve is calcified and thickened, it does not open properly, so blood can not enter the left ventricle easily, this can cause blood to remain in the atria, and eventually back up into
the pulmonary system causing pulmonary hypertension.
What happens to the length of diastole during exercise?
During exercise the length of
diastole decreases.
If rate is over 200bts/min does it affect the ability of the ventricles to fill?
Yes, if the heart rate is over 200 beats/min there is insufficient time for the ventricles to fill.
Where is the majority of the blood in your body contained when you are at rest?
In the veins of the systemic system.
Do all of the cells of the heart contract?
No, the conducting cells do not contract.
Do all of the contractile heart cells contract with each cardiac cycle? (all-or-nothing)
Yes, once
one cell is committed to contract, all the cells in one syncitium become committed to contract because they are all connected by gap junctions, however, the atria acts as one
syncitium (like one giant cell) and the ventricles act as another, so the contraction of the atria does NOT commit the ventricles to directly contract, this is why you must have the
conducting cells to send the depolarization from the atria to the ventricles.
Do heart cells always contract with the same force?
No, the sympathetic system can cause an increase in availability of internal Ca++. If there is more Ca++, that means that cross bridging can happen faster which will cause the cells collectively to contract more forcibly and more quickly.
Is there only one area of the heart with cells that generate spontaneous action potentials?
No, all of the conducting cells of the heart can generate spontaneous action potentials.
Even the contracting cells can generate ABNORMAL action potentials called ectopic
beats, these are the primary causes of PVC's. These are abnormal only because the
contracting cells don't generally generate spontaneous action potentials, not because they are connected with a specific disease state.
At what part of the heart is the heart rate normally determined?
Normally the SA node
sets the pace of the heart because it is depolarizing the quickest.
What does “cardiac output” mean?
Cardiac output (CO) is the volume of blood pumped per minute from each ventricle
What is the equation for cardiac output?
CO = HR x SV
(Cardiac output = Heart rate x stroke volume).
What factors affect Heart rate?
Heart rate is controlled by the ANS (autonomic nervous system).
What factors affect stroke
3 factors affect stroke volume 1. EDV (end diastolic volume) 2. TPR (total pheripheral resistance) and 3. Contractility of the heart.
What is the average resting
cardiac output?
At rest, the average CO is about 5.25L of blood (slightly more than our total blood volume is pumped through the heart every minute).
At rest the c.o. is what %
of the total blood volume?
~ 105%.
During strenuous exercise what is the % of CO in total blood volume?
During strenuous exercise up to 25-30L/min of blood can be pumped through the heart ~500% of our total blood volume.
What is stroke volume?
Stroke volume is the amount of blood ejected per each beat of the
Is stroke volume constant?
What can change stroke volume?
The EDV (end diastolic volume) - the amount of blood that has returned to the heart, which can be affected, for example, by the amount of sympathetic activity causing vasoconstriction of arteries and veins or the
activity of the "skeletal muscle pumps". Furthermore, the stroke volume can be affected
by the contractility of the heart. Or the blood pressure of the arteries (if the pressure in the
arteries is too high, not as much blood can be pumped out of the heart).
What is the major intrinsic regulator of the force of contraction (stroke volume)?
The EDV.
What is the Frank-Starling law of the heart?
Basically, the more blood returned to the heart (the more EDV), the more blood will be ejected with each beat, this is based on the
relationship of the stretch of the sarcomeres and the ability of actin and myosin to form
What are chronotropic effects?
Chronotropic effects are those which affect heart rate. (Chronos = time)
What are inotropic effects?
Inotropic effects are those which
affect the contractility of the heart, these are usually associated with ions, such as Ca++.
What % of the blood that enters the ventricle during diastole is pumped out during systole?
This is referred to as the "Ejection Fraction" and is usually about 60%.
Is the ventricle empty at the end of systole?
No, if the ejection fraction is ~60%, that means that
about 40% of the blood is still remaining in the ventricles at the end of systole.
How do skeletal muscles affect EDV?
Without skeletal muscles (especially of the lower
extremities) blood would not be able to return to the heart, and would pool in the foot and
lower leg area. The more skeletal muscle activity, the more blood is returned to the heart. In other words, when you go out and run, you muscles are being used to not only move
you but also to return more blood to the heart at a quicker rate.
The closed loop of large vessels carrying blood between the heart and lungs, heart pumps blood to the lungs from the right side of the heart
The closed loop of blood vessels carrying blood between the heart and body system, heart pumps blood to the body system from the left side of the heart
Two of four chambers that receive blood from venous system and transfers to the ventricle, found in the upper chambers of the heart
Two of four chambers that pump blood to the arteries, found in the lower chambers of the heart
The think wall that separates the two sides of the heart that act as pumps, the left ventricle and atrium and the right ventricle and atrium
The cardiac muscle within the heart wall, entire muscle that forms a chamber
A large vessel that carries blood from the left ventricle
Pulmonary Artery
The large vessel that carries blood from the right ventricle to the lungs
Pulmonary Vein
The large vessels that carry blood from the lungs to the heart
AV (Atrioventricular) valves
One way valves that permits blood flows from atria into ventricles during filling of the heart but prevents the backflow of blood from the ventricle to the atrium during emptying of the heart, closing of AV valves produce first heart sounds
AV valve between right atrium and ventricle
Bicuspid/mitral valve
AV valve between left atrium and ventricle
Semilunar valves
The aortic and pulmonary valves, during ventricular contraction blood is pumped through aortic and pulmonary, and are closed during contraction. Closing of semilunar valves produces second heart sound
CO – cardiac output
The volume of blood pumped by each ventricle each minute; equals stroke volume times heart rate
SA (sinoatrial) node
A small specialized autorhythmic region in the right atrial wall of the heart that has the fastest rate of spontaneous depolarizations and serves as the normal pacemaker of the heart
Internodal Pathway
The pathway found between the SA node and the AV node that creates a temporary pause
AV (atrioventricular) node
A small bundle of specialized cardiac cells at the junction of the atria and ventricles that is the only site of electrical contact between the atria and ventricles
Bundle of His
A tract of specialized cardiac cells that rapidly transmits an action potential down the interventricular septum of the heart
Purkinje Fibers
Small terminal fibers that extend from the bundle of his and rapidly transmit an action potential throughout the ventricular myocardium
HCN – hyperpolarization activated cyclic-nucleotide gated
Gate is opened during spontaneous depolarization which is caused by Na+ flowing through the channel that opens when hyperpolarized, pacemaker potentials
Absolute Refractory Period
Plateau Phase (Ca ++)
Plateau results from balance between slow Ca++ influx (in) and K+ efflux (out), membrane potential rapidly declines to 15mV and stats there for 200-300 msec
SV- stroke volume
The volume of blood pumped out of each ventricle with each contraction, or beat of the heart
EDV- end diastolic volume
The volume of blood in the ventricle at the end of diastole, when filling is complete
Ejection fraction
= Stroke Volume/End diastolic volume
Frank Starling Law of the Heart
Intrinsic control of the heart such that increased venous return resulting in increased end diastolic volume leads to an increased strength of contraction and increased stroke volume; that is, the heart normally pumps out all the blood returned to it; states that strength of ventricular contraction varies directly with EDV, as myocardium is stretched more, causes greater contraction and stroke volume
Chronotropic Effect
The influences on heartrate caused by sympathetic and parasympathetic activity, symp and parasymp nerve fibers modify rate of spontaneous depolarization at the SA node, sympathetic system released NE and EPi which stimulates opening of pacemaker HCN channels, Parasym system releases Ach which promotes opening of K+ channels
Local control mechanisms inherent to an organ
Regulatory mechanisms initiated outside of an organ that alter the activity of the organ; accomplished by the nervous and endocrine systems
Skeletal Pump
Blood is moved toward heart by contraction of surrounding skeletal muscles
Venous Return
The volume of blood returned to each atrium per minute from the veins
Capacitance Vessels
Veins hold most of blood in body, almost 70%, and have thin walls and stretch easily to accommodate more blood without increased pressure (= higher compliance), have only 0-10mmHg pressure
The distensibility of a hollow, elastic structure, such as a blood vessel or the lungs; a measure of how easily the structure can be stretched
Isovolumetric Contraction
Isovolumetric Relaxation
Heart murmurs
Abnormal sounds produced by abnormal patterns of blood flow in heart, many caused by defective heart valves, can be congenital origin (present at birth), heart valve defects are not always life threatening
Rheumatic Fever
Thickened valve from calcium deposits does not open fully impairing blood flow from left atrium to left ventricle, valve acts as if it’s too stiff, this type of damage can be severe because it can lead to accumulation of blood in left atrium and can cause pulmonary hypertension, also causes a secondary damage known as mitral stenosis
Mitral Stenosis
A type of valve damage in which the mitral valve becomes thickened and calcified very often due to secondary damage from rheumatic fever
TPR – total peripheral resistance
Impedance to blood flow in arteries
AV valve between right atrium and ventricle
Bicuspid/mitral valve
AV valve between left atrium and ventricle