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177 Cards in this Set

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Type 1 Pneumocytes
Type 2 Pneumocytes
Dust Cells
Serous Cells
Salivary Glands
Mucous Cells
Salivary Glands
Parietal (Oxyntic) Cells
Chief Cells
G Cells
D Cells
Histamine Releasing Cells
Acini Cells
Islets of Langerhan
Alpha Cells
Islets of Pancreas
Beta Cells
Islets of Pancreas
Delta Cells
Islets of Pancreas
F Cells
Islets of Pancreas
Tubular (duct) cells
Kupffer Cells
Absorptive Cells
Small Intestines
Goblet Cells
Small Intestines
S Cells
Small Intestines
CCK Cells
Small Intestines
Paneth Cells
Small Intestines
Follicular Cells
Thyroid Gland
Parafollicular Cells
Thyroid Gland
Zona Glomerulosa Cells
Adrenal Gland
Zona Fasiculata Cells
Adrenal Gland
Zona Reticularis Cells
Adrenal Gland
Supraoptic Nuclear Cells
Post. Pituitary
Paraventricular Nucleus
Post. Pituitary
Principal (Chief) Cells
Oxyphil Cells
Mesangial Cells
Kidney (Nephron)
Macula Densa Cells
Kidney (Nephron)
Principal Cells
Kidney (Nephron)
Intercalated Cells
Kidney (Nephron)
Juxtaglomerular Cells
Kidney (Nephron)
Leydig Cells
Sertoli Cells
Primary Spermatocyte
Secondary Spermatocyte
Granulosa Cells
Follicular Cells
Primary Oocyte
Secondary Oocyte
Type 1 Pneumocytes
gas exchange 95% of alveolar surface
Type 2 Pneumocytes
produce surfactant 5% of alveolar surface
Dust Cells
Serous Cells
secrete watery fluid
Mucous Cells
secrete mucous
Parietal (Oxyntic) Cells
Secrete HCL, intrinsic factor & Ghrelin (know alkaline tide)
Chief Cells
Secrete pepsinogen & gastric lipase
G Cells
secrete gasrtin
D Cells
secrete somatostatin (GHIH)
Histamine Releasing Cells
secrete histamine, Ach, gastrin, & activate parietal cells
Acini Cells
Produce pancreatic Juice (exocrine) 99% of gland
Islets of Langerhan
Produce hormones (endocrine) 1% of gland
Alpha Cells
Produce Glucagon
Beta Cells
Produce Insulin *** most numerous ***
Delta Cells
Produce GHIH & somatostatin
F Cells
Produce Pancreatic Polypeptide
Tubular (duct) cells
Produce Bricarbonate ions (note acidification of capillaries)
Located within the lobules, surrounding the sinusoids
Kupffer Cells
Absorptive Cells
aborb nutrients
Goblet Cells
S Cells
secrete secretin
CCK Cells
secrete CCK
Paneth Cells
in Crypts of Lieberkuhn, secrete lysozymes, phagocytosis
Follicular Cells
Produce T3 & T4
Parafollicular Cells
Produce Calcitonin
Zona Glomerulosa Cells
Produce mineralcorticoids - Aldosterone
Zona Fasiculata Cells
Produce glucocorticoids - cortisol
Zona Reticularis Cells
Produce androgens - DHEA
Supraoptic Nuclear Cells
Produce antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
Paraventricular Nucleus
Produce Oxytocin
Principal (Chief) Cells
Produce produce parathyroid hormone (PTH)
Oxyphil Cells
Function Unknown
Mesangial Cells
In glomerulus, relaxing causes increased GFR
Macula Densa Cells
Produce NO (vasodialator) in Juxtaglomerular Apparatus
Principal Cells
Electrolyte regulation, Reab. Na, secrete K, Aquaporin 2 channels
Intercalated Cells
pH regulation, secrete H+ to lumen, NEW bicarb reab., buffer urine
Juxtaglomerular Cells
Produce Renin
Leydig Cells
Secrete Testosterone, between seminiferous tubules
Sertoli Cells
Nurse Cells, blood-testes barrier, Secrete inhibin & ABP
Diploid, divide by mitosis
Primary Spermatocyte
Diploid, divide by meiosis I
Secondary Spermatocyte
Haploid, divide by meiosis II
Haploid, differentiate into spermatozoa (called spermiogenesis)
Granulosa Cells
Nurse Cells, convert androgens into estrogens
Follicular Cells
Surround Oocyte, produce estrogen
Diploid, divide by mitosis
Primary Oocyte
Diploid, divide by meiosis I, stop in prophase I
Secondary Oocyte
Haploid, divide by meiosis II, stop in metaphase II
Meiosis II completed after fertilization
voluntary control
skeletal muscle
involuntary control
cardiac, uni-nucleated smooth muscle, multi-nucleated smooth muscle
cardiac, uni-nucleated smooth muscle
neuronal stimulation
skeletal and multinucleated smooth muscle
hormonal stimulation
cardiac, uni- and multinucleated smooth muscle
contains actin and myosin
skeletal, cardiac, uni- & multi-nucleated smooth muscle
skeletal and cardiac muscle
skeletal and cardiac muscle
skeletal, cardiac, uni- and multi-nucleated smooth muscle
skeletal and cardiac muscle
uni- and multinucleated smooth muscle
skeletal and cardiac muscle
dense bodies
uni- & multi-nucleated smooth muscle
most well develop SR
skeletal muscle
least developed DR
uni- and multi-nucleated smooth muscle
fastest speed of contraction
slowest speed of contraction
uni- and multi-nucleated smooth muscle
greatest amount of contraction
uni- and multi nucleated smooth muscle
gap junctions
cardiac, uni-& multi-nucleated smooth muscle
myosin light chains
skeletal, cardiac, uni- and multi-nucleated smooth muscle
forms cross bridges b/t myosin and actin
skeletal, cardiac, uni- and multi-nucleated smooth muscle
greatest force of contraction
uni-& multi-nucleated smooth muscle
uses a latching mechanism
uni- and multi- nucleated smooth muscle
Na+ influx
skeletal and cardiac muscle
Ca2+ influx
uni- & multi-nucleated smooth muscle
requires greatest amount of energy to contract
skeletal muscle
requires least amount of energy to contract
uni- & multi-nucleated smooth muscle
shortest latent period
skeletal muscle
longest latent period
uni- & multi- nucleated smooth muscle
stretch relaxation reflex
uni- & multi-nucleated smooth muscle
stretch contraction reflex
skeletal muscle
able to regenerate
uni- and multi-nucleated smooth muscle
uni- and multi- nucleated smooth muscle
muscles of forced inspiration
SCM, scalenes, pec. minor
muscle of forced expiration
abdominals and internal intercostals
pleural pressure is always (above/below) alveolar
ease w/ which lungs expand
diseases that reduce compliance
TB, pulmonary edema, lung fibrosis
lung elasticity determined by?
elastin and collagen in lung parenchyma
LaPlace's law
critical closing pressure
greatest work of breathing
compliance/elastic work
lowest work of breathing
tissue resistance work
Tidal volume
Volume of air inspired or expired during a normal inspiration or expiration
Inspiratory reserve volume
Amount of air inspired forcefully after inspiration of normal tidal volume
Expiratory reserve volume
Amount of air forcefully expired after expiration of normal tidal volume
Residual volume
Volume of air remaining in respiratory passages and lungs after the most forceful expiration
Inspiratory capacity
Tidal volume plus inspiratory reserve volume
Functional residual capacity
Expiratory reserve volume plus the residual volume
Vital capacity
Sum of inspiratory reserve volume, tidal volume, and expiratory reserve volume
Total lung capacity
Sum of inspiratory and expiratory reserve volumes plus the tidal volume and residual volume
obstructive lung conditions
FEV1 decreased
restrictive lung conditions
decrease in compliance
restrictive FEV1
is near normal
zone 1
alveolar pressure exceeds arterial

no blood flow
zone 2
arterial pressure exceeds alveolar pressure
alveolar pressure exceeds venous pressure
zone 3
arterial and venous pressure exceed
Right-to-left shunt
blood bypasses pulmonary circulation, e.g. transposition of great vessels, tetralogy of Fallot, truncus arteriosus, atrial septal defect, atelectasis
blood bypasses systemic circulation, may cause pulmonary hypertension, e.g. patent ductus arteriosus, ventricular septal defect
always causes hypoxemia and can't be corrected w/ O2
right to left shunt
does not cause hypoxemia
left to right shunt
Poiseuille’s law
Resistance effects on flow
low O2 increases/decreases pulmonary vascular resistance
Boyle’s law
general gas law
Dalton’s law
Partial pressure
Henry’s law
Diffusion of gases through liquids
Charles’s law
the volume of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature
A shift of the curve to the left because of
1) increase in pH;
2) a decrease in carbon dioxide;
3) a decrease in temperature ---results in an increase in the ability of hemoglobin to hold oxygen
A shift of the curve to the right because of
1) a decrease in pH;
2) an increase in carbon dioxide, or
3) an increase in temperature results in a decrease in the ability of hemoglobin to hold oxygen
Carbon dioxide is transported as:
1. bicarbonate ions (70%)
2. in combination with blood proteins (23%)
3. in solution with plasma (7%)
Haldane effect
Hemoglobin that has released oxygen binds more readily to carbon dioxide than hemoglobin that has oxygen bound to it
hamburger shift
Cl- follows CO2 in and out of the cells
Medullary rhythmicity respiratory center (muscle control
Dorsal groups [inspiratory]
stimulate the diaphragm and external intercostals via phrenic nerves – cervical plexus @ C3-C5
Ventral group [expiratory]
stimulate the internal intercostal and abdominal muscles
Pontine (pneumotaxic & apneustic) respiratory group
Involved with switching between inspiration and expiration
Inflation Reflex (Hering-Breuer reflex)
big deep breath stretches receptors in bronchi and bronchioles producing urge to exhale
parietal cells
secrete: HCL, intrinsic factor, ghrelin
chief cells secrete
Pepsinogen, which is converted to pepsin by HCl
- Gastric lipase
pancreatic enzymes
pancreatic amylase,
pancreatic lipase,
Trypsinogen - activated by enterokinase (a brush border enzyme)
Chymotrypsinogen - activated by trypsin
Procarboxypeptidase - activated by trypsin (note that aminopeptidase is in the brush border = is not a pancreatic enzyme)
Proelastase - activated by trypsin
trypsin inhibitor - combines with any trypsin produced inside pancreas
Ribo- and deoxyribonucleases - digest nucleic acids to oligonucleotides and single nucleotides