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52 Cards in this Set

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Calcium homeostasis depends
on a balance between
between the
amount of total body calcium
(bone) and distribution of
Calcium to the ECF
Secreted by chief cells of
the parathyroid gland to
hypocalcemia and promotes
bone resorption and diminishes
: Vitamin D metabolite
secreted by proximal tubules
by hypocalcemia; promotes GI
uptake and bone resorption, and
inhibits excretion
Secreted by thyroid
Parafollicular cells, secreted
to hypercalcemia and promotes
bone formation
Calcitronin metabolism
UV light converts 7-dehydrocholesterol into cholecalciferol, this is metabolized in the lover into 25-OH-chole..and goes on to kidney, function of proximal tubules cells to convert active form of VitD
enzyme in the proximal tubule that activates Vit D
1 ALPHA Hydroxylase
1 alpha hydroxylase is activated by
decrease in [Ca2+]
Increase in PTH
Decrease in Phosphate
1-25OH...active form of Vit D carried in blood by
VDBP and exerts actions in
target tissues by binding to nuclear receptor, VDR, activating
transcription of target genes.
Filtered Load of Ca2+ equation
=[P]ca (GFR)(0.6)
0.6 because 0.4 of Ca2+ bond to protein
Proximal Tubule absorption of Ca2+
20% Transcellular; 80% paracelluar
via solvent drag and the positive transluminal electrical
gradient in the late proximal tubule
Ca2+ REAB in thick ascending limb
Trans- and paracellular
transport similar to PT; however, since there is no
H2O permeability in this segment, all paracellular
transport depends on transluminal electrical gradient.
Ca+2 reab in distal tubule
Reabsorption is entirely transcellular
and active. Dependent on the TRPV5/6 Ca++ luminal
channel, calbindin, and active extrusion by pumps
on the basolateral membrane. This is a PTH sensitive
mechanism dependent on PTH binding to a basolateral
receptor, triggering adenylate cyclase and cAMP
Transluminal Electrical gradient dependent on
the NKCC2 pump
Main site of regulation of Ca2+ reabsorption
is on distal tubule because it is sensitve to PTH.
PTH stimulates Ca++ reabsorption in distal tubules via
a cAMP dependent mechanism
In proximal tubule: interstitial Ca2+ is reduced by hypoCa2+, causing
plasma and interstitial fluid equilibrate leading to increased paracellular transport
Low levels of Ca2+(hypcalcemia) stimulates NKCC2 which results in
Stimulation of NKCC2 pump in TAL induced
via CaSR on the basolateral membrane, thus
enhancing the transluminal electrical gradient
for calcium uptake via paracellular pathways
Hypocalcemia triggers in the distal tubule PTH binding to PTHR which is a coupled Gs which causes an
increases cAMP in distal convoluted tubule, Ca2+ goes up into celll…intraceullular free levels are low because it is bound to calbinding and buffers Ca2+, then Ca2+ is pumped across basolateral membrane via Ca2+ pump (1ary), or Na/Ca2+ exchanger (secondary)
Hypocalcemia will cause CaSR to influence distal tubule and thick ascencing limb to
decrease Ca excretion
Hypocalcemia will cause CaSR to influence chief cells to
increase PTH secretion
Hypocalcemia will cause CaSR to influence proximal tubule to
increase calcitriol which will elevate GI Ca++ absorption
Hypocalcemia will cause CaSR to influence parafollicular cells to
decrease calcitonin secretion
PTH effect on Calcitrol, Ca excretion from distal and TAL
Total plasma Ca++ =
Total plasma Ca++ = 2.2 – 2.6 mmol/L
Ionized plasma Ca++ = 1.1 – 1.3 mmol/L
Dieases that can cause hypocalcemia
Vit D defficiency
Renal Failure
PTH deficiency produces hypocalcemia
Vitamin D deficiency
Low calcitriol levels and deficient calcium absorption
Usually a defect in Gs ; PTH normal to hig
Renal Failure
Deficient levels of calcitriol; Vitamin D hydroxylation defect
diseases that can cause hypercalcemia
Prmary Hyperparathyroidism
Familial Hypocalciuric Hypercalcemia
Primary Hyperparathyroidism
Parathyroid gland tumor
Familial Hypocalciuric Hypercalcemia
Mutation in the CaSR
Phosphate homeostasis depends
on a balance between
amount of total body Pi
and distribution to the ECF.
Phosphate balance maintained by
by matching
dietary intake with excretion.
Regulated by the kidney.
GI phosphate uptake stimulated by
mobilization from bone stimulated by
PTH and calcitriol
Pi deposition in bone stimulated by
Calcitriol stimulates absorption of Phosphate from intestine as well as resorption from bone but it would inhibit
excretion of phosphate all these increases amount of Phosphate for bone formation. Action of Calcitriol is to break down old bone and have more free Ca2+ to use it for new bone formation
PTH maintains plasma pool of Ca2+. It stimulates of excretion of phosphate (phosphoturic activity) which leads to
reduction of free phosphate in plasma. And free Ca2+ increases ‘cause its no longer complexed to Phosphate
PTH main site of action with respect to phosphate reabsorption is PT. PTH causes phosphate excretion by
causing endocytic removal of Na/Phosphate transporters in the apical membrane of PT (npt2). NPT2 is secondary transport. Na that enters through this transporter goes across basolateral membrare via NA/K pump, and phosphate crosses in an electroneutral way via antiport system with an anion
distrubution of water in body
ICF = 2/3 = 28 L

ECF = 1/3 = 14 L
ECF composed of
Plasma = 1/4 ECF = 3.5 L
Intersitial Fluid = 10.5 L
Total solutes equation
Total solutes=Total body water (Osmolality=285)
Although the osmolality is equilibrated across the compartments, the ion and cation contents are
different across the ECF and ICF
Diarrhea or isosmotic ECF volume contraction referes to
luid loss in diarrhea lost in diarrhea has the same osmolality as the fluid in the body. Whenever theres volume contraction or expansion those are changes in ECF. Vascular detection to regulate volume only detects ECF changes
if 15% volume loss in ECF due to diarrhea (isosmotic), whats the water loss and mosmoles loss in ECF?
Example 15% volume loss
.15 X 14 = 2.1 L

.15 X 3990 = 599 mosmoles Total Solute Decreases to 11371 mosmoles
Diarrhea Isosmotic volume contraction
Fluid lost removed from ECF..no change in ICF, no change in total body osmolality change because change was isoosmotic..this is in the case of volume contraction
Saline IV infusion (Isosmotic Volume Expansion)
Volume isoosmotic expansion, giving a patient saline IV with same osmolality as body fluid. Volume added to ECF, since ECF osmolality is not changed, ICF doesn’t change
Water restriction, burns, perfuse sweating (hyperosmotic volume contraction)
Hyperosmotic volume contraction..dehydration, perfussed sweating, loosing more water than solute. If burns, blisters filled up with fluid more dilute than body fluid so more water than solute loss. Osmolality of ECF increases due to water loss, water leaves ICF and goes into ECF
High Na+ Intake (Hyperosmotic Volume Expansion)
Eating a pound of salt osmolality of ECF goes up, fluid from ICF goes into ECF and ECF volume goes up and ICF volume goes down.
Adrenal Insufficiency; Salt Wasting nephritis (Hyposmotic Volume Contraction)
Failure to secrete aldosterno, Na lost in urine. ECF becomes hypoosmolar, ECF water goes to ICF and ICF becomes higher
Excessive H20 Intake or SIADH (Hyposmotic Volume Expansion)
SIADHS: too much ADH and water retention. Osmolality of ECF goes down, ECF water goes to ICF.