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38 Cards in this Set

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Boyles Law

k Temp

Volume inversely proportional with pressure

Charles Law

K Pressure

Temp directly proportional with volume

Gay-Lussacs Law

K Volume

Pressure directly proportional with temp

Daltons Law
Total pressure of gas is equal to sum of partial pressures
Henrys Law
Solubility of gases in a liquid. The amount of gas that dissolves in a liquid is directly proportional to the pressure of the gas.
The mole

6.02 x 10^23 particles

1 mole of gas at standard temp 0c and standard pressure (1atm) occupies a volume of 22.4 liters.

Ex: how many liters is 0.5 moles of oxygen occupy = 11.2L

VP of gases




Gases diffuse from high concentration to low concentration- Larger the surface area the more the diffusion. The more soluble the more diffusion.

Diffusion rate of gas. With T and P constant. The speed of diffusion is inversely proportional to the square roots of the molecular weights. The smaller it is the faster it will diffuse.

The total pressure of a gas is the sum of the partial pressures
Ex: Air is 760mmhg, 21%O2760X.21=159.6 mmhg of pressure exerted by 02
How much o2 is dissolved in blood with pa02 300?
300x.003=0.9ml/100ml blood
What do you multiply the Pa02 by to calculate amount of oxygen dissolved in blood
How to calculate P02 estimate

Multiply Fi02 by 5

Ex: 50% Fi02x5=250PaO2

Given Fi02 calculate Pa02 and amount of 02 in blood.

Multiply Fio2 by 5=Pa02


Multiply by 0.003= 02 in blood

Ex: Fi02 is 50= 50x5=250Po2

250x0.003= 0.75ml/100ml blood

Calculate C02 in blood

Multiply PaC02 by 0.067

EX: PaCo2 is 50= 50x0.067= 3.35ml/100ml blood

If you take Iso and add to flask of oxygen, what is the percent o2 and percent Iso in flask above the liquid?

Vp of Iso/ Atmospheric pressure

Ex: 239/760(mmhg)= 0.31 or 31%


Freezing point of water in kalvin

273 K

Bernoullis Principle
As the speed of a moving fluid (liquid or gas) increases, the pressure within the fluid decreases
Relative vs absolute humidity
Relative is a percentage
Specific gravity
SG= Mass of object/Mass Water
Farenheit to celcius
Celsius to Farenheit
Reynoulds number
Flow becomes turbulent >2000
Properties of gases



Low density

Diffuse more rapidly than liquids

No definite shape

Absolute 0
Zero K
Rapid compression of gas
Heat builds up
Gas pressure

In a closed container the pressure increases as the temp increases

Gas Density

The density of a gas is directly proportional to its molar weight

At a constant volume the density increases as the pressure increases.

At a constant pressure the density will decrease as the temperature increase.

Joule Thompson effect

Cooling effect. As molecules rapidly leave they take thermal energy with them

Due Point

The concentration of water exceeds the

solubility of water in air

Ounces to Grams
1oz is 28.35g
LaPlaces Law

The larger the radius of the tube the greater the wall tension.

The greater the pressure the greater the wall tension.

ex: as an aneurysm gets bigger its more likely to rupture

Avogradros Theory
At the same volume, pressure, and temp gases contain the same number of molecules
Moles of solute/liters of solution
Moles of solute/Kg of solvent
What changes weight or mass
Relative vs Absolute humidity
Relative is a percentage
Triangle pnemonic
Can These Girls Possibly Be Virgins