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40 Cards in this Set

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What is a black body?
a theoretical object that absorbs 100% of light incident upon it and then reradiates it
Wien's law states that
the wavelength of the maximum intensity of a black body is inversely proportional to the temperature of the black body
The Stefan-Boltzman law sates that
the area under a black body curve is proportional to the temperature of the black body raised to the 4th power
Planck solved the ultraviolet catastrophe problem by
treating light statistically and introducing the idea of quanta
the purest black body curve ever measured is that of
the cosmic microwave background radiation
Lenard's experiments with the photoelectric effect showed that
a greater intensity of light incident on a metal resulted in more electrons being emitted from the metal
Lenard's experiments with the photoelectric effect also showed that
a greater frequency of light incident on a metal resulted in higher kinetic energy for the electrons being emitted from the metal
Electron microscopes have better resolution than ordinary microscopes because
the de Broglie wavelength of electrons is smaller than the wavelength of light
Einstein explained Lenard's results by suggesting that
light displayed particle-like behavior (photons), so that all the electrons in themetal would be hit by the photons one at a time
Which of the following statements is correct?
cell phones cannot cause cancer by creating mutant strands of DNA since they emit low frequency radiation
The Bohr model of the hydrogen atom was
a proton as the nucleus and one electron that could be in any one of the many discrete energy levels
An absorption line spectrum of a star is observed when
the star's light is seen through cooler gas
According to the Bohr model of hydrogen
a photon is emitted when the electron jumps down in energy
A particle's wave function helps determine the probability of finding the particle
at a particular position at a particular time
Which of the following analogies is not correct?
schrodinger's equation is to quantum mechanics what the Doppler effect is to optics
The relation between diffraction angle (theta), wavelength (lambda) and slit width W is
In an electron diffraction experiment
the narrower the slit width, the more spread out is the resulting diffraction pattern
One way of (approximately) formulating the Heisenburg Uncertainty Principle is
h= deltaXdeltaP
One way of thinking about the Heisenburg Uncertainty Principle is that
one cannot know both the exact position and the exact momentum of a particle simultaneously
The Heisenburg Uncertainty Principle does not apply on macroscopic scales because
uncertainties calculated using the principle are too small to measure
The main advocates of the Copenhagen's Interpretation of QM are
Bohr and Heisenberg
In the Copenhagen Interpretation, Complementary means
two properties of an object can't be seen simultaneously despite their simultaneous existence
In the Copenhagen Interpretation, the correspondences principle meas
the behavior described by QM must reproduce classical physics when quantum numbers get large
In the Copenhagen Interpretation, collapse of the wave function means
that once an object whose properties can only be described by probabilities is measured, it comes into well defined existence
The famous Solvay Conference of Physicists that we often refer to in class was held in the year
Schrodinger's cat was a thought experiment proposed by
Schrodinger that challenged the Copenhagen Interpretation
The Schrodinger's cat viewpoint of the Copenhagen Interpretation is that the cat i
is a mixture of dead and alive before the box was open
The movie Sliding Doors was an example of
the Many Worlds hypothesis
Einstein thought that the theory of
QM was incomplete
The idea of quantum entanglement has led to experiments involving
quantum teleportation
The Paulie Exclusion principle states that
two fermions cannot be in the same quantum state
The Pauli Exclusion principle is intimately associated with
the structure of the periodic table of elements
Neutrons stars and white dwarfs are supported by degeneracy pressure, but the neutron stars are smaller than white dwarfs because
neutrons can be packed together more closely than electrons according to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
Which of the following statements regarding quantum numbers is not correct
S is the the specific quantum number indicating special relativistic momentum
Which of the following statements is correct?
the sizes of atoms sometimes increase and sometimes decrease as the number of protons and electrons increases
Rutherford's famous experiment bombarding gold foil with alpha particles
revealed the structure of an atom
Protons and neutrons are held together in the nucleus via
the strong nuclear force
The chart of nuclides shows that
the number of neutrons is greater than the number of protons in most nuclei
Half life is
the period of time it takes for a substance undergoing decay to decrease by half
Carbon 14 is useful in dating organic material (like wood, leather, and cloth)
because its half-life is about 5 thousand years ago