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22 Cards in this Set

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What is Accuracy?
How close a measurement is to the accepted value
How do you find absolute Error?
I Measured Value - Accepted Value I
How do you find Relative Error?
Absolute Error
Accepted Value x 100
What is Precision?
How close a group of measurements are to each other
How do you find Absolute Deviation?
I Measured Value - Mean I
How do you find Relative Deviation?
Average of the Absolute Deviations
Accepted Value X100
How do you know if a graph is a direct proportion?
1. On the table, If one value goes up, the other goes down
2. The graph is a straight line
3. The Quotient is a constant
How do you if the values a an inverse proportion?
1. As one goes up the other goes down
2. The product is a constant
3. The graph of the inverse of x is a straight line
4. The graph is a hyporbola
What is a hyporbola?
A curved line
What is an independent variable?
The one that the expirimenter controls
What is a dependent variable?
The one that changes as a result of what the expirimenter does
What is the correlation coefficient?
It shows how well the data fit the line. You want it to be close to 1
List and describe the steps of the scientific method?
All scientists, obtain data, make predictions, and create compelling explanations that quantitativley describe any phenomena
What is a Law?
Describes Law Observations
What is a Theory?
Explaination describes observations
Trailing zeros
They are significant only if there is a decimal point at the end ex. 2400.
When using Mult. and Div.
Count off sig figs in each number
When using addition and subtraction
Round off answer to the least precise decimal place
Weight is measured in?
What is Mass?
Amount of matter that makes something up
What is weight?
How hard gravity pulls on you
How do you find the quotient?
Multiply the two values