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33 Cards in this Set

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"Marie Curie coined the term radioactivity for the spontaneous emmision of radiation from the nucleaus of an atom."
Scientists in the late 1800's determined this.
Different types of radiation and also visible light
Some types of radiation have this and some do not.
Cathode rays are made of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. (J.J. Thompson.)
Cathode ray tubes were the basis of what before what happened?
Basis of television before LCD and Plasma screen tvs were invented.
What is a nucleus?
a positively charged mass within an atom, compose of neutrons and protons, and possesing most of the mass but only occupying a small fraction of the volume of the atom.
What is a proton?
A positively charged elementary particle that is a fundamental constituent of all all atomic nuclei.
X-rays were discovered by who?
Wilhelm Rontgen (1895)
X-rays are part of what spectrum?
The electromagnetic spectrum
What is a neutron?
An elementary particle having n charge, mass slightly greater than that of a proton.
What is an isotope?
An isotope of an element has the same atomic number but a different mass number.
What has the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons?
An isotope
All atoms are made of ___________________.
Subatomic Particles.
What are the 3 most common isotopes for hydrogen?
Hydrogen, deuterium and tritium.
True or false. Isotopes can be written in standard atomic notation.
Radioactive decay
- an unstable nucleaus that emits radiaton.
Parent Nucleus
original nucleus
Daughter Nucleus
nucleus remaining after the decay
Alpha radiation releases what?
Beta radiation releases what?
Gamma radiation releases what?
Gamma particles
Transmutation occurs when...?
Changes a parent nucleus into a daughter nucleus.
Alpha beta and gamma rays have different properties of mass, charge penetrating ability and reaction to _____ and _______ charges.
electric, magnetic
What is a half-life?
the average length of time for half of the parent nuclei to decay in a sample is called the half-life
Carbon-14 has a half-life of how many years?
5730 years
Carbon-14 is useful for radioactive dating material which was once ___________?
The half-life of a radioactive isotope can be determined from?
graphs of a number of parent nuclei versus time and activity level versus time.
The rate of radioactive isotope cannot be affected by what?
physical or chemical changes such as temperature, pressure of age of the sample.
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True or false: The role of decay of a radioactive sample is not predicatable.
False. It is predictable.
In 1896, someone discovered radiation given off from a mineral. Who was this man?
Henri Becquerel.
Scientists determined that the radiation resulted from the unstable ______ (pl.)of an atom.
A "Geiger Counter" is a device used for what?
A device that detects radiation