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43 Cards in this Set

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energy per photom
speed of light in a vacuum
2.998 x10^8 m/s
2 types of radiation used in diagnostic rads
electromagnetic and particulate
2 potential fates of EM radiation
scattered or absorpbed
types of EM radiation
radiant heat, radio, tv, microwave, infrared, visibkem /uv, XR, gamma ray
types of radiation impt in imaging
when is FM used during imaging
in MRI
when describing a wave, what is a period
time req'd to complete 1 cycle of a wave
formula relating speed, frequency , and wavelength
c=lambda x nu

c= speed of light, constant
units for frequency
term used to describe EM when it is particulate
protons + neutrons
symbol for atomic number
determined by
det by + protons
idifference btwn mass number and mass
mass # is comprised of # of protons and neutrons
atomic mass = actual weight
2 main forces within a nucleus
electrostatic repulsive and attractive forces within nucleus

aka strong force
ground state
lowest energy state
excited state
nuclei with energy in excess of ground state
if this state lasts longer than 10^-12s, then is metastatic (ex tc-99m)
types of nuclear families
isotope (same # of protons, ex I-131 and I 125)
isobar (same atomic mass #, MO-99 or Tc-99)
isotone (same # of neutrons - I 131 and Xe 132)
isomer (same atomic and mass #, diff energy states)
equation to determine how much energy is in a photon/quantum
E=hv or E = hc/lambda
(E = energy
h = planck's constant
v/"nu" (frequency)
planck's constant
6.62 x 10^-34 Js or
4.13x 10^-18 keVs
beta particle
e- emitted from nucleus of radioactive atom, consisting of 2 neutrons and 2 protons
what releases alpha particles
concept of einstein's theory of relativity
mass and energy are interchangable and equivalent
in any rxn these must be preserved
equation for theory of relativity
E = energy
m = mass
c = speed of light
energy equivalent of 1 e-
0.511 MeV
how are quantum lvls denoted
k, l, m, n, etc
how to determine the max # of e- on any quantum lvl
define binding energy
energy req'd to completely remove an e- from an atom
binding energy decreases as distance from nucleus increases
ionizing energy
energy req'd to move 1 e- from 1 quantum lvl to another
T or F:
binding energy increases as atomic # incresaes
what is electron cascade
when an e- is removed from orbit, a vacancy is created. vacancy is filled by e= from an outer orbit, whose vacancy is filled by another e-. energy is released as EM or particulate radiation
this cascade can result in characteristic XR or auger e-
characteristic X ray
emissions from e- transitions >100eV, it isspecific to atom type and final quantum states
how to calculate characteristic X ray ENERGY
delta E = E initial - E final (inintial and final refer to the quantum level)
auger e-
an electron that is ejected as a result of the cascade electron process
it possesse the kinetic energy = transition energy and binding energy
probability that e- transition will result in a characteristic XR
when is it more likely to have an auger e- vs a characteristic XR
when there are vacancies in light elements or outer shells of heavy elements
define atomic binding energy
e- binding energy + nuclear binding energy
which energy is greater: e- binding energy or nuclear binding energy
nuclear binding energy
nuclear binding energy
energy needed to dissociate the nucleas into its parts
t or f:
total energy of bound particles is> separated free particles in nucleus
true ;
when 2 particles approach each other under the influence of the strong force, total energy decreases
mass defect
atomic mass - mas (protoni + neutron + e-) = mass defect