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64 Cards in this Set

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Pulse sequences can generally be categorized as
1. Spin echo pulse sequences (spins are rephased by a 180 degree rephasing pulse):

2. Gradient echo pulse sequences (spins are rephased by a gradient):
Spin echo pulse sequences (spins are rephased by a 180 degree rephasing pulse):
Conventional spin echo
Fast or turbo spin echo
Inversion recovery
Gradient echo pulse sequences (spins are rephased by a gradient):
Coherent gradient echo
Incoherent gradient echo
Steady state free precession
Balanced gradient echo
Fast gradient echo
Echo planar imaging
Conventional spin echo pulse sequences are used to produce
T1, T2 or proton density weighted images and are one of the most basic pulse sequences used in MRI.
In a spin echo pulse sequence there is a 90° excitation pulse followed by
a 180° rephasing pulse followed by an echo
After the application of the 90° RF pulse, spins lose
precessional coherence because of an increase or decrease in their precessional frequency caused by the magnetic field inhomogeneities.
The NMV decays in the transverse plane
and the ability to generate a signal is lost.
After the application of the 90° RF pulse, spins lose
precessional coherence because of an increase or decrease in their precessional frequency caused by the magnetic field inhomogeneities.
A180° RF pulse flips the
dephased nuclei through 180°. The fast edge is now behind the slow edge
The NMV decays in the transverse plane
and the ability to generate a signal is lost.
A180° RF pulse flips the
dephased nuclei through 180°. The fast edge is now behind the slow edge
A180° RF pulse flips the dephased nuclei through 180°. The fast edge is now behind the slow edge
The fast edge eventually catches up with the slow edge reforming the NMV. This is called
A180° RF pulse flips the dephased nuclei through 180°. The fast edge is now behind the slow edge
The fast edge eventually catches up with the slow edge reforming the NMV. This is called
The signal in the receiver coil is regenerated and can be measured. This regenerated signal is called an echo and, because an RF pulse has been used to generate it, it is specifically called
a spin echo.
The signal in the receiver coil is regenerated and can be measured. This regenerated signal is called an echo and, because an RF pulse has been used to generate it, it is specifically called
a spin echo.
A single spin echo pulse consists of a single 180° RF pulse applied after the excitation pulse to produce a single spin echo.
1. The TR is the length of time from
2. The TE is the length of time from
1. one 90° RF pulse to the next 90° RF pulse.

2. the 90° RF pulse that begins the pattern to the mid-point or peak of the signal generated after the 180° RF pulse, i.e. the spin echo.
Spin echo sequences are still considered the gold standard in that the contrast they produce is
understood and is predictable.
Spin echo sequences produce T1, T2 and PD weighted images of good quality and may be used in any part of the body for any indication.
Good image quality
Very versatile
True T2 weighting
Available on all systems
Gold standard for image contrast and weighting
Long scan times
a much faster version of conventional spin echo.
Fast spin echo (FSE)
In spin echo sequences, one phase encoding only is performed during each TR
In fast spin echo what is different?
more than one phase encoding is performed per TR, reducing the scan time.
FSE employs a train of 180° rephasing pulses, each one producing
a spin echo
This train of spin echoes is called
an echo train.
The number of 180° RF pulses and resultant echoes is called the
echo train length (ETL) or turbo factor.
The spacing between each echo is called the
echo spacing.
In FSE , after each 1._______, a phase encoding step is performed and data from the resultant echo are stored in K space.
1. rephasing
In FSE, several lines of K space are filled every TR instead of one line as in conventional spin echo.what is the result?
As K space is filled more rapidly, the scan time decreases.
Typically __,__,__ or __ 180° RF pulses are applied during every TR.
2, 4, 8 or 16,
Typically 2, 4, 8 or 16, 180° RF pulses are applied during every TR. As 2, 4, 8 or 16 phase encodings are also performed during each TR, the scan time is reduced to __, __, __, or
__ of the original scan time.
1/2, 1/4, 1/8 or 1/16
The higher the turbo factor the -?
shorter the scan time
Each echo has a different TE and data from each echo are used to produce one image
. T or F
Each echo has a different TE and data from each echo are used to produce one image
And therefore data collected from them have variable weighting T or F
In any sequence, each phase encoding step applies a different - ?
slope of phase gradient to phase shift each slice by a different amount. This ensures data are placed in a different line of K space.
When the TE is selected the resultant image must have a weighting corresponding to that TE, i.e. if the TE is set at 102 ms a T2 weighted image is obtained (assuming the TR is long)
1. .T or F and
2. what is this known as?
(known as the effective TE in FSE sequences)
FSE produces T1, T2 or proton density scans in a fraction of the time of CSE. Because the scan times are reduced, 1. ____ ____ can be increased to improve spatial resolution.
1.matrix size
FSE is usually used for -?anatony-?
brains, spines, joints, extremities and the pelvis
Two contrast differences between spin echo and fast spin echo:
1.Fat remains bright on T2 weighted image due to the multiple RF pulses (reduce the effect of spin – spin interaction in fat) it is known as
J Coupling
2. The repeated 180 pulses can increase magnetization transfer effect so that muscles, for example appears darker
What may occur at the edges of tissues with different T2 decay values?
Image blurring
Image blurring may occur at the edges of tissues with different T2 decay values
Because each line of K space filled during an echo train contains data from echoes with different TE. T or F
Sast or Turbo spin Echo Advantages are:
Short scan times
High resolution imaging
Increased T2 weighting
Magnetic susceptibility
* This can be a disadvantage as well as an advantage, e.g. haemorrhag
Disadvantages of Fast or Turbo Spin Echo:
Some flow artefacts increased
Incompatible with some imaging options
Some contrast interpretation problems
Image blurring possible
Single shot fast spin echo (SS-FSE) ;
All lines of K space are acquired at one TR
Combines a partial Fourier technique with fast spin echo
SNR poor
SAR increased
Driven equilibrium Fourier transform = ?
Modification of FSE

Reverse flip angle is applied at the end of echo train
Drives any transverse magnetization into longitudinal plane – get magnetization ready for next 90 excitation pulse
- Increased signal intensity in fluid based structures
Some manufactures call : DRIVE,
Inversion recovery (IR)
Inversion recovery is a spin echo sequence that begins with a 180° inverting pulse .
Inversion recovery is a spin echo sequence that begins with a 180° inverting pulse . This inverts the NMV through 180°. The TR is the time between successive 180° inverting pulses.T or F
Inversion recovery is a spin echo sequence that begins with a 180° inverting pulse . Tor F
Inversion recovery is a spin echo sequence that begins with a 1 ___ inverting pulse . This inverts the NMV through 2 __. When the pulse is removed the NMV begins to relax back to B0. A3 __ pulse is then applied at time interval TI (time from inversion) after the 180° inverting pulse.
A further 4. __ RF pulse is applied which rephases spins in the transverse plane and produces an echo at time TE after the excitation pulse
1. 180' 2. 180' 3. 90' 4. 180°
What is the main factor that controls weighting in IR sequences.
The TI (time from inversion)
The 1.__ controls the amount of T2 decay. For T1 weighting it must be 2____. for T2 weighting, 3. ___.
The 4.__ must always be long enough to allow full longitudinal recovery of magnetization before each inverting pulse.
Fast inversion recovery is?
Fast inversion recovery is a combination of inversion recovery and fast spin echo.
Fast inversion recovery is a combination of inversion recovery and fast spin echo.
Multiple 180° rephasing pulses are applied to produce multiple echoes which are phase encoded with a different slope of gradient.
TI allows suppression of signal from various tissue types.
Short TAU Inversion recovery (STIR) is ?
STIR (short TI inversion recovery) uses short TIs such as 100– 180 ms, depending on field strength
TIs of this magnitude place the 90° excitation pulse at the time that NMV of fat is passing exactly through the transverse plane. At this point (called the null point) there is no longitudinal component in fat.In this way a fat suppressed image results. The TI required to null the signal from the tissue is 0.69 times its T1 relaxation time
Different tissue have different T1 relaxation times: T or F
FLAIR stands for ?
(fluid attenuated inversion recovery)
The TI required to null the signal from the tissue is - ? -
0.69 times its T1 relaxation time
which type of pulse sequence uses long TIs such as 1700–2200 ms, depending on field strength, to null the signal from CSF in exactly the same way as the STIR sequence .
FLAIR (fluid attenuated inversion recovery)
Because CSF has a long T1 recovery time, the ___ must be longer to correspond with its null point.
90' - 180' - 90'
Single Spin Echo pulse sequence
90' - 180' - 180' - 90' ETL
Fast Spin Echo
90 180 180 R-90 90 ETL
Two contrast differences between spin echo and fast spin echo:
1. Fat remains bright on T2 weighted image due to the multiple RF pulses (reduce the effect of spin – spin interaction in fat) it is known as ?
J Coupling
Two contrast differences between spin echo and fast spin echo:
1. Fat remains bright on T2 weighted image due to the multiple RF pulses (reduce the effect of spin – spin interaction in fat) it is known as
J Coupling
2. The repeated 180 pulses can A).___ ____ ____ ____ so that muscles, for example B). ____ ______.
1. increase magnetization transfer effect
2.appears darker