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50 Cards in this Set

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Name the 7 principle forces
Friction, Gravitational, Magnetic, Electrostatic, Nuclear, Elastic, Upthrust
State 2 ways Drag is similar to friction
1.Opposes motion
2.mainly in liquids and gases
Friction occurs between 2 objects when 1 or both are moving, state three things
1. Causes heat between two surfaces
2. Opposes motion
3. mainly in solids but also in liquids and gases
Friction can be reduced by...
Smooth surfaces
Lubrication oil
Drag can be reduced by
Smooth shapes
Smooth surfaces
Slower speed
Mass is constant...
providing no material is removed
What is weight?
weight is the force exerted by a mass as a result of gravity
Formula for mass, weight, gravitationla constant
weight = mass x gravitational constant
w = m x g
Magnetic forces act over short distances and can
Electrostatic forces are similar to magnetic forces
act over short distances
Nuclear is a very powerful force but acts over very short distances
state 2 other things
What does nuclear force do in an atomic nucleaus?
holds the neutrons and protons together in an atomic nucleus
Elastic is a ..... force
Upthrust is a force produced by different.....
What is a balanced force?
forces in each direction are equal
what what is an unbalanced force?
forces in one or more directions are not equal
With balanced and unbalanced forces if they go in the same direction it is.... if they are going in opposite it is ....
+, -
What is newtons first law of motion?
An object will remain at rest or more at constant speed if resultant force is zero (i.e balanced forces)
What is newtons secound law of motion?
An object will accelerate as a result of unbalanced forces
The size of the acceleration can be calculated using:
Force = mass x accelaration
F = m x a
The statement for terminal velocity
When an object falls in a gas or liquid it will eventually reach a terminal velocity
Terminal velocity is when
forces are balanced
speed is constant
What are the 5 stages of free fall?
1. leave plane & start accelerating
2. reach terminal velocity
3. open parachut start decelerating
4. secound terminal velocity
5. land safely
work is done when a force...
what is work also?
work is also a measure of the energy transferred to change in energy from one form to another
Work is calculated using
work = force x distance moved by force
w = F x d
With the work formula what is each one measurd in
1. work
2. force
3. distance moved by force
1. joules (J)
2. newtons (N)
3. metres (m)
work is....... of time
what is gravitaional potential energy?
GPE is the energy an object has because of its height in a gravitational field
To lift an object we have to..
use a force to overcome the effects of gravity
GPE is a special case of work and so the formula is
Gravitaional potential energy = mass x gravity x height
GPE - m x g x h
In GPE what are the following measured in
1. mass
2. gravitational constant measurement
3. height
4. GPE
1. kilograms (kg)
2. metres per secound squared (m/s²)
3. metres (m)
4. Joules (J)
What is kinetic energy?
Kinetic energy is the energy of an object due to motion
Kinetic energy depends on both....
the mass of an object
the speed or velocity of an object
The formula for kinetic energy is:
Kinetic energy - ½ x mass x velocity squared
KE = ½ x m x v²
State 2 things about power and work
work tells us the energy transferred
powers tells us how quickly work is done
Formula for power
power = work done / time
p = w / t
the power formula what are the following measured in
1. power
2. work
3. time
1. watts (w)
2. Joules (J)
3. secounds (s)
Forces can cause objects to........
deform or change shape
If when the force is removes, an object returns to its original shape we call this....
ELASTIC deformation
If the change is permenant on an object we call this
PLASTIC deformation
What is Hooke's law?
Hooke's law states that providing a wire or spring remains within its elastic limits extension is driectly proportional to force that produces it
Hooke's law formula:
force = spring constants x spring extension
F = K x X
Springs obey hooke's law providing......
within elastic limit
What do springs in series do?
Springs in series decrease the spring constant compared to a single spring
Springs in series do 2 things
produces greater extension/ force
less steep gradient than single spring
What do springs in parallel do?
Springs in parrallel increase the spring constant compared to a single spring
Springs in parrallel do 2 things
Produces less extension / force
steeper gradient than single spring
Which 2 materials do not obey hookes law?
polymers ( i.e polythene)
what is the structure of natural rubber and many polymers like?
a pile of worms