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54 Cards in this Set

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celestial sphere
huge imaginary dome with earth as center; stars appear to be mounted
celestial latitude on celestial spherel
right ascension
celestial longitude on celestial sphere
celestial prime meridian
half-circle that passes thru vernal equinox, north celestial pole, and south celestial pole
path the Sun traces annually on the celestial sphere
celestial equator
extension of earth's equator on celestial sphere
light year
distance light travels in time of 1 year
distance to a star that exhibits a parallax of 1 sec of arc
absolute magnitude
brightness a star would have at distance of 10 pc
apparent magnitude
brightness of a celestial object from earth; original scale from hipparchus
h-r diagram
chart obtained when absolute magnitude of stars is plotted against their temperature
red giants
large, cool stars to the upper right on the h-r diagram
main sequence
narrow band of stars going from upper left to lower right on h-r diagram
cool, dense clouds of gas and dust in space
brown dwarfs
failed stars
name given to condensed nebula before it becomes a star
planetary nebulae
shell of material ejected from a variable star late in its life
white dwarfs
hot, small, very dim stars formed at the end of low-mass star's lives
small nuclear explosion on surface of white dwarf
most catastrophic explosion of high-mass star, end results are either neutron star or black hole
neutron star
super dense star of which pulsars are one type
fast rotating neutron star that radiates radio waves in rotating pattern
black hole
object so dense that not even light can escape its gravity
extremely dense point at center of black hole
event horizon
boundary around black hole from which no matter or radiation can escape from
schwarzschild radius
distance from black hole's singularity to its event horizon
creation of nuclei of elements inside stars
dark patches of cooler material on surface of the sun
material explosively ejected in space from sun's surface
enourmous filaments of excited gas that arch over and return to sun's surface
layer of sun above photosphere, temp 50,000 K
sun's most outer layer, origin of solar wind
core of sun
interior of sun where nuclear reactions convert hydrogen to helium and energy, core temp 15 mil K
bright visible surface of sun, temp 6000 K
age of our sun
5 billion years
proton-proton chain
the series of three reactions by which hydrogen is fused into helium in the sun
milky way galaxy
galaxy which contains our solar, a spiral galaxy with massive black hole at its center
globular clusters
densely packed region of stars
extremely large collection of stars
totality of all matter, energy, and space
local group
40 or so galaxies of which milky way is member
elliptical galaxy
galaxy with an elliptical shape
irregular galaxy
galaxy with no regular shape
normal spiral galaxy
galaxy with disk shape, central bulge and curved spiral arms
barred spiral galaxy
spiral galaxy with two broad bars extending from opposite sides of central bulge, spiral arms extend from ends of bars
believed to be cores of galaxies that were formed when universe way young, extremely strong sources of radio waves, most distant objects in universe
age of universe
13.7 billion years
big bang
astronomers best theory of origin of universe. universe was extremely condensed and hot billions of yrs ago and has been expanding and cooling ever since
Evidence for big bang
cosmological redshift, cosmic microwave, background radiation, 3:1 ratio of hydrogen to helium in universe
hubble's law
greater the recessional velocity of a galaxy, the farther away it is
studies structure and evolution in universe
dark matter
mysterious, unseen matter that accounts for about 23 percent of mass of universe
cosmic microwave background
radiation coming from all directions in space as a consequence of big bang
dark energy
mysterious energy that seems to cause acceleration of expansion of universe