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103 Cards in this Set

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Kinematics equation without acceleration
d=1/2 (vo + v)t
Kinematics equation without distance
v = vo + at
Kinematics equation without velocity
d = vot + 1/2 at^2
Kinematics equation without initial velocity
d = vt - 1/2 at^2
Kinematics equation without time
v^2 = vo^2 + 2ad
Newton's laws
F=ma (w=mg)
equal and opposite reactions
stays in state it is in
Gravity equations (2)
Fgrav = G (Mm/r^2)
g = G (M/r^2)
Friction equations (2)
Ff = u[k] F[N]
F [f max] = u[s] F[N]
normal force on an inclined plane is ........
force of gravity acting down the plane is .......
mg sin(angle)
center of mass/gravity
X[cm] = m1x1+ m2x2 + m3x3......./m1+m2+m3......

X[cg] = w1x1 + w2x2 + ...../w1+w2+......
Centripetal force/acceleration equations (2)
a[c] = v^2/r
F[c] = ma[c] = mv^2/r
F[c] = F[net] towards center
Torque equations (3)
τ = Fl (l = perpendicular to F)
τ = Frsin(angle) = angle between r and F)
[τ = Ialpha ( I = rotational inertia, alpha = rotational acceleration)]
Work equation
Work = Force x Distance
W = Fd cos(angle between F and D)
Power equation(2)
P = W/t = Fv (when F parallel to v)
Work Energy Theorem equations (KE/PE/W)
5 equations
KE = 1/2 mv^2
W[total] = change in KE
change in PE = (-W[by Fgrav]) = (-mg change in h)
E = KE + PE
KE[i] + PE[i] (+ Work of friction) = KE [f] + PE [f]
Mechanical Advantage and Efficiency equations
Distance of effort / distance of resistance = mech advantage
% efficiency = Work output / Energy input
Momentum and Impulse equations (3)
p = mv
J = change in momentum (p) = F change in time
Initial momentum = final momentum
(angular momentum = inertia times rotational acceleration)
Density is......
p = mass/volume
specific gravity is?
(specific gravity of water?)
density of fluid/density of water
density of water = 1000kg/m^3 = 1g/cm^3 = 1Kg/L
Gravity in fluids?
mg = pVg = F[grav]
Pressure in fluids
P = Perpendicular Fore / area
P[tota] = P [at surface] + P[at gauge]
Gauge pressure in fluids
P[gauge] = p[fluid] g D (depth)
NOT proportional to depth due to pressure at surface
Pressure units
P = N/m^3
Surface Tension
F[surf tens] = 2yL (2 (coefficient) (length acting upon))
Archamedies principle
F[buoy] = p[fluid] V[submerged] g
=Weight of displaced fluid
When an object is floating.......
density of object is less than density of fluid
weight of object = force of buoy
Vsub/V = density of object/density of fluid
Pascals Law
Force1/area1 = force 2/area2
4 laws of ideal fluid
1. incompressible
2. negligible viscosity
3. Laminal (non turbulent)
4. Steady flow
FLow rate law (2 eq)
f = Av
Av1 = Av2
Bernolini's Eq
P[1] + 1/2 pv^2[1] + pgy[1] = P[2] + 1/2pv^2[2] + pgy[2]
Flow rate pressure laws (2)
fast flow = low pressure
slow flow = high pressure
velocity of efflux equation
v[efflux] = √2gD
D = depth
Stress equation (Pressure)
Hooke's Law
F=kx (stress = modulus x strain)
Strain equation (Change)
Change in length/original length
Tension/Compression strain equation
change in length = FL[0]/EA
E = modulus
FLEA equation
Shear strain equation
x = FL[0]/AG
FLAG equation
G = modulus
electron charge
1.6 x 10^-19
Electric force equation
Coulomb's law
F[elec] = K Qq/r^2
Coulomb's constant
k[0] = 9x10^9 Nm^2/C^2
Charges and potential laws (2)
Positive charges go towards lower potential
Negative charges go towards higher potential
Electric field equation
Force equation?
E = kQ/r^2
Electric potential equation
epsilon = kQ/r
Change in electrical PE?
Change in PE = q(change in potential) = qV
Work done by electrical field
W = -change in PE
Change in KE (in electric field)
-change in PE
(Electricity) Current equation
Flow is .......?
actual flow is.......?
I = Q/t
in the direction of flow of positive charge.
actual flow is opposite (flow of negative charge)
Resistance equation
p (L/A)
p = resistivity constant, not density
Ohm's law equation
V = IR
R is constant, V varies
Resistors in a series equation
R = R[1] + R [2] + .......
Resistors in parallel
1/R = 1/R [1] + 1/R [2] + ......
R = (R[1]R[2]) / R[1] + R[2] (Two at a time)
Resistors in a series have the same ____ and different ______
Same current, different voltage
Resistors in parallel have the same _____ and different _______
same voltage, different current (waterfalls)
The sum of the voltage-drops across the resistors in any complete path is equal to the ______
Kirchhoff's rule 1
voltage of the battery
The amount of current entering a parallel combination of resistors is equal to the sum of the__________
Kirchhoff's rule 2
currents that pass through the individual resistors
Power of circuit element equation
Power of circuit
P = IV = I^2 R = V^2/R
total power supplied by a battery equals the ________
total power dissipated by the resistors
Root mean square quantities for AC circuits
Voltage and Current RMS
V [rms] = V[max] / √2
I [rms] = I[max]/√2
Average power of a circuit element in AC circuit
P[av] = (I [rms])^2 R = I [rms] V[rms]
Charge on a capacitor equation
Q = CV
Capacitance (equation and law)
With K and e (what are they?)
does not depend on voltage or charge. Only on Area and distance.
No dielectric: C = e A/d
With dielectric: C = KC[without dielectric]
K = dielectric constant
e = fundamental constant of nature = permittivity of free space = 8.85x10^-12 F/m
Electric field in a parallel plate capacitor equation
V = Ed
Stored potential energy in a capacitor
3 equations and 1 statement
PE = 1/2 QV = 1/2 CV^2 = Q^2 /2C
PE = work done by battery to charge capacitor
Capacitors in series equation
1/C = 1/C[1] +1/C[2] .......
C = C[1]C[2] / C[1] + C[2] (Two at a time)
Opposite to resistors
Capacitors in parallel equation
C = C[1] + C[2] +........
(Opposite to resistors)
total electric field between plates of capacitor with dielectric
E - E[induced] = E[net]
Only really a problem when dielectric is inserted when battery disconnected
units of E in an electric field
N/C or V/m
N/C from F = qE
V/m from V = Ed
What happens when there is more than one battery?
The highest-voltage power source wins.
If other battery in opposite direction, subtract voltage. if in same direction, add.
Magnetic force equation on moving charge q? 2
F[b] = q(v x B)
F[b] = (absolute value q) vB sin(angle between b and B)
Force of magnetic field is always _______ to both v and B
Equation of B created by a long, straight, current carrying wire
B (inversely proportional to) I/r
Equation of B created by a solenoid (coil of wire)
B (inversely proportional to) IN/L
L= length of solenoid
N= number of coils
Magnetic force never changes the _______ of a particle and does no ______ on the particle
Magnetic field lines created by a magnet will point _____________
North to South
North pole wants to line up ________of external magnetic field (South wants to line up_______the field)
with the direction/opposite
e[0] (constant of nature in capacitance equations)
Permititivity of free space
8.85 x 10^-12 F/m
Dynamics Condition of Simple Harmonic Motion?
Restoring force is direction proportional to displacement from equilibrium (x=0) and points towards that equilibrium point.
Kinematics condition of Simple Harmonic Motion?
Frequency and period are independent of the amplitude of oscillations
Hooke's Law (spring)
F= - kx
Elastic potential energy (spring)
PE[elastic] = 1/2 kx^2
Spring-block oscillator frequency
Simple pendulum frequency (small oscillations)
f = 1/2pi √k/m
f = 1/2pi √g/l
Period/frequency equation (all harmonic motion and waves)
T = 1/f
Wave Equation!!!!
v = delta (wavelength) f
2 big rules for waves
1. wave speed v depends on wave type and the medium, not the frequency!!
2. a single wave passing between media maintains constant frequency (but velocity may change)
Spring equation for potential/kinetic energy
1/2 kA^2 = 1/2 mv^2
Standing wave on a rope - Wavelengths and frequencys?
wavelength = 2L/n
Wavelength [n] = wavelength [1]/n

Frequency = n/2L
F[n] = nf[1]
Standing wave equation in a tube with both ends open? (2 equations with n=whole number)
Wavelength = 2L/n
f = nv/2L
Standing wave equation in a tube with one end closed? (2 equations with n = whole number)
wavelength = 4L/n
f[n] = nv/4L
Beat frequency of doppler effect
f[beat] = absolute value (f[1] - f[2])
Intensity in doppler effect (what it is inversely proportional to (r = distance from source)
I = power/area
I ~ 1/r^2
Sound intensity level (in dB)?
B = 10 log[10] I/ I[0]
Multiply by 10 = add 10 to B
Divide by 10 = subtract 10 from B
Doppler Effect equation (and thing to remember about when coming TOWARDS or AWAY?)
f[D] = f[S] V+/- V[D] / V -/+ V[S]
Speed of light in a vacuum?
C = 3x10^8 m/x
Photon energy equation
E = hf = hc/lamda
Index of refraction equation
n = c/v
Snell's law of refraction
nsinO = nsinO
Total Internal Reflection
happens when n1>n2 and O1>Ocrit where sinO crit = n2/n1
No light is transmitted from incident medium through boundary.
Mirror/lens equation
1/o + 1/i = 1/f
Magnification of mirror/lens equation
m = - i/o
converging mirror or lens (concave mirror or convex lens) f is.........
diverging mirror or lens (Convex mirror or concave lens) f is ..........
Values for i for real/virtual images?
real = positive i
virtual = negative i
Lens power equation
P = 1/f
P in Diopters
F in meters