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27 Cards in this Set

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What is speed

Speed is the amount of time taken for an object to cover a certain distance

How to calculate the average speed

S = d/t

Definition of acceleration

Acceleration is the right of the change of velocity

How to calculate Acceleration

Acceleration= change of velocity/time

What does a straight line show on a motion graph

Constant speed

What are the two types of forces

Contact forces which means it is acted directly on the object and noncontact forces which means it acts at a distance on an object

Definition of resultant force

The resultant force I don't object is the net force found by adding up all the forces in one direction

What is newtons first law

Newtons first law means that an object will either continue to be stationary or moving in a straight line at a constant speed unless there is a resultant force acting upon it

What is newtons second law

Newtons second law means the post on an object is directly proportional to its mass multiplied by its acceleration

What is newtons third law

Newtons third law means that for every force applied to an object that is an opposite and equal reaction force

What is terminal velocity

Terminal velocity is when an object falls at a constant velocity in a fluid as the forces acting on it are equal

What is the formula to work out density

Density equals mass divided by volume

How do you work out a moment

Moment = Force X distance

Why are doorhandles located at the opposite side of the door to the hinges

The closer to the hinge a.k.a. the pivot to the handle them all fours is required to move the door therefore if you increase the distance less force is required at the moment stays constant

How do you work out the pressure

Pressure = force divided by area

How does pressure in a fluid change when the fluid gets deeper

The pressure in a survey to increases with depth this is because the force acting on it due to the weight of the water above is the largest

How does a hydraulic work

For a constant volume and temperature the pressure of the liquid stays the same

What is static electricity

Static electricity is the movie is when there is a buildup of charge if an object gains electrons it becomes negatively charged if it loses electrons it becomes positively charged

Definition of electricity

Electricity is the movement of charged particles normally electrons

If two objects have collected static electricity with the same charge what would the object to do when place near each other

They would repel each other

Dangers of static electricity

Static electricity can cause sparks

The force causes them to move across to quickly making a sPark

When fuelling aeroplanes are connected to Earth by conducting wire why is this a vital safety measure

Because the conductor is the wire as it prevents a buildup of charge as it is a good conductor and the electrons will travel or flow to the ground otherwise this could cause a spark resulting in a big explosion

Why did TV screens become a dusty as they are dusted

When you dust the screen becomes negatively charged due to friction through induction the dust particles are then attracted to the TV as the particles are positive they attract each other

What is the law of charges

Opposite charges will attract lost the same charges repel

What is current and how is it worked out

Current is the rate of flow of charge and current = charge divided by time

What is the voltage and how is it measured

Fault it is the energy per-unit charge and it is worked out by dividing energy by charge

