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31 Cards in this Set

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an idea that is not proved but that we use as the basis for providing other things
An outlook from which a person interprets all of life
God's command given to mankind in Genesis 1:26, 28 to exercise dominion over the world by wisely using the resources he has given us
Creation Mandate
free from religious influence
the belief that the only things we can know with confidence are the things we learn through scientific study
anything that is a simplified depiction of a far more complex object or concept
allows a person to organize what he has observed or knows into an understandable idea
conceptual model
the usefulness of something for a particular purpose
the study of the evidence for the origin of all things
Historical science
a process of reasoning used to suggest what may have caused past events or processes based on observation of current events and processes.
an overarching model that describes the behavior of a related set of natural phenomena
used as a temporary explanation of a phenomenon
the end result of a well tested theories
the collection of observations, inferences, and models produced through a systematic study of nature for the purpose of enabling humans to exercise good and wise dominion over God's world.
deals with two major divisions of the sciences- physics and chemistry
Physical Science
the study of matter and energy and how they interact
the study of matter and energy and how they interact.
the general standards scientists use for governing their work
Scientific methodology
information collected through observation
documents observations that cannot be numerically measured.
Qualitative data
includes any information that is obtained from measurements.
Quantitative data
where a scientist's journal is submitted to a number of other scientists who are qualified to review the work for comment and correction.
Peer review
the kind of science where scientists can develop answers to natural-world questions by directly testing and observing present-day phenomena
Operational science
involves research to discover new facts about the natural world.
Theoretical science
involves research to discover new ways to use scientific knowledge for human benefit
Applied science
found in Matt 22:37 and tells us to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind
First Great Commandment
Because we have dominion over the earth, this textbook uses_________________ instead of the Creation Mandate
dominion science
found in Matt 22:39 and tells us to love our neighbor as ourself
Second Great Commandment
that which forms an unbroken expanse or series.
One's inclination about a subject
A generally accepted worldview