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36 Cards in this Set

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large reatively flat areas
relatively flat raised areas of land
Folded Mountains
mountains created when rock layers are squeezed from opposite sides,causing them to buckle and fold
Upwarped Mountains
mountains formed when earth's crust is pushed up and eroded,froming sharp peaks ridges
Fault-Block Mountains
Jagged mountains formed from huge,tilted blicks of rocks that are separated from surrounding rock by faults
Volcanic Mountains
mountains created when magma whithin earth escapes to the surface,building cones of lava and ash
an Imaginary line,at 0 latitude,that circules earth exactly halfway between the north and south;separates earth into the northern hemisphere
a distance north or south of the equator,expressed in degrees
Prime Meridian
an imaginray line running from the north pole to the south pole,passing through Greenwich,England;the 0 reference line for longitude
a distance east or west of the prime meridian,expressed in degrees
International Date Line
an imaginary line in the Pacific Ocean where we change calendar days
Mercator Projection
a map projection method using parallel longitude lines,their areas are distorted
Robison Projection
a map projection method using curved longitude lines,has a little distortion
Topograpic Map
a map that uses contour lines uses contour line to show changes in elevations at earth's
Contour Line
a line on a topograpic map that connects points of equal elevation
Contour Interval
the difference in elevation between two side-by-side contour lines
Map Legend
explains what the symbols used on the map mean
Map Scale
is the realationship between the distance the on the map and actual distance
detect different wavelengths of energy reflected or emitted from earth's surface
Topex-Poseidon Satellite
uses radar to compute the distance to the ocean's surface
refers to the use of sound waves to detect oceanbottom features
Coastal Plains are also
To show distances a _____________ is used on maps
map scale
Sea Beam maps
show contours of the ocean
Lansat Sattelites use measurements of ________________ that are converted into detailed maps of landforms
wavelenghts and intensity of energy
Landforms formed by molten materials are __________ mountains
Areas of equal elevation
are connected by contour lines
To find an exact location on a mpat
use latitude and longitude linges
if you travel ____________ across the International Date Line you lose one day
A road map is drawn to a _____________ projection
The process that people use to prouduce modern maps
uses satellite photos
Meridains _________ the poles
meet at
What is the difference in plains and plateaus
they both are flat but plateaus rise
In what ways has technology changed map making in the last 100 years
computers, radar and satellites have made it possible to make a much greater variety of detailed maps of both land and sea features
Would a topographic map of the Rocky Mountains have a large or small contour interval
The Rocky Mountains have high relief so the contour interval would be large
Compare a Mercator projection map to a Rovinson projection map
a mercator projection map has parallellel latitiude linge and parellell longitude line. A Robinson projection map has parallel latitude lines and curved longitude lines