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112 Cards in this Set

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The Hydrologic cycle
movement of water around the planet
preciptiation falls to rapidly and doesnt fluctuate into the ground.
overland flow
1. sheet flow
2. channelized flow
permenable rock or sediment that is holding ground water
impermeable rock and sediment that underlys ground water
perched water table
formed when there is small lens of impermeable rock
-form shallow groundwater.
draw down
creates a cone of depression.
-occours when well is dug and water is taken out of ground water
point source pollution
know were the pollution is coming from
no point source pollution
pollution that cannot be pointed to one place
karst topography
llandscape with karst landforms
refers to dissolution of limestone
fluival geomorphology
the study of streams and river systems
volume of water/unit time
height of stream surface
stream Gage
measures stage and discharge
-set up by usgs
drainage basin
an area in which all surface water passes through a single point
drainage divide
a upland that seperates drainage basins
plots discharge over time.
lag time
discharge peaks after rainfall
base flow
kind of like stage of stream
-related to water table(height of water)
flood stage
stage just before a river floods
what are sources of water supply?
overland flow
landscape evolution
landscapes change over geographic time
general lowering of the landscape
erosional landforms
water has removed materials
depositional landforms
sediment is removed to form new landforms
closely spaced, small chanels in a hill slope
master rill
water chooses to move through one rill and make it larger over time
steep walled canyon like trenches
headward errosion
gullies grow progressively upslope
hydrolic action
the force of flowing water removing material
rock particles carried by the current remove materials
chemical process; material going into a solution
geomprphic term for a landscape with extensive gullying.
consist of larger sediment and cobble that are bounced or slide along the bottom of the stream
process of sediment bouncing along the bottom of stream bed
suspended load
smaller particles that are held in suspension at the bottom of the stream bed
dissolved load
material that is being carried in a dissolved state
stream capacity
maximum amount of particules
stream competence
maximum sized particles
landscape evolution
how a landscape changes over time
graded stream
even gradient stream carries just the amount of sediment that it recieves
called nick-points
temporary on the landscape
braided stream
heavy bed load
lots of deposition
meandoring stream
migrates through its flood plain
graded system
elevation of the stream bed is rising
flood plain is forming when aggredation is occouring
stream is cutting down into the sediment
refered to as hungry water
entrenched mendor
stream degrades into the bedrock
point bar
depostional landform on inside of a meandor bend
cut bank
errosional landform on the outside of a meandor bend
what is left behind after a river cuts off a meander bend
natural levee
ridge of corser sediment thats parrellels the river on both sides
back swamp
flat portion of flood plain between natural levee and valley wall
former floodplains
a result of aggradation, then degradation
alluvial fan
fan shaped depositional landform created where a high energy stream emerges onto a flat plain
a series of coalesing fans
broad shallow lake beds that are dry most of the year
means wind blown
abrassion (wind)
wind drives sand and silt against a surface
wind picks up loss particles
angle of repose
max angle of sediment will sit without falling
bachan dunes
cresentic dunes, usually form were there is isolated pocket of sand
concave in down wind direction
transverse dunes
abundant sand mulitple barchan dunes
large section of sand
parabolic dunes
concave upwind
also called costal blowout dunes
coastal foredune
vegitated dunes on a beach
star dunes
a result of multiple complex wind directions
wind blown silt
marine cliff
a steep bank of bedrock carved out by the waves at the cut notch
wave cut notch
basial indentation that is cut out by the waves
abrassion platform
flat surface created by the retreat of a marine cliff
marine scarp
steep bank of soft sediment
sea arch
differentail errosion cut out a part of rock to form an arch
sea stacks
when arches fall sea stacks form
sea caves
similar to wave cut notch but go back further and form a cave
a big peice of ice that falls of a glacier into the ocean
a large accumilation of ice, on land, affected by past or present motion
what are two broad categories of glaciers?
1. apline glaciers'
2. ice sheets
alpine glaciers
long narrow glaciers occourying former stream valleys in mountainous regions
also called mountain or valley glaciers
ice sheet
broad masses of ice covering large areas
partially recrystallized snow
incoming snow
melting or going away of the snow
rock fragments held within the ice grind against bedrock
freeze/thaw action lifts blocks from bedrock
narrow groves in the bedrock that are abraded by glaciers
zone of accumulation
zone on glaciers when accumulation exceeds ablation
zone of ablation
zone of glaciers when ablation exceeds accumulation
line between the two zones-equilibrium line
above line is accumulation and below is ablation line
cracks in the brittle layer upper portion of a glacier
bowl shapped depression at the head of a glacier
glacier through
u shaped valley
hanging valley
u shaped triubtary valley
knife like ridge formed by the enlargement of two cirques
prymid like peak formed by the enlargement of three or more cirques
low point on an arete
a lake in a crique
unsorted unstratified galcial deposits
a ridge of till deposited at the margins of a glacier
terminal moraine
at the tumius or furthest extend of glaciaiton
lateral moraine
at the sides of a glacier
medial moraine
in the middle of a glacier
recessional moraine
like a terminal moraine except during a period of recession
ground moraine
till deposited underneath the glaciers
roche moutnnee
bedrock knobs reshaped by ice sheets
ice marginal lake
a lake along the margins of the ice
outwash plain
stratified sediment down valley of the glacier
galcial delta
ridge of glacial aluivum that forms in tunnels beneath the ice sheet
kettle lake
lake in an outwash plain formed when a block of stagnite ice melts
knob of till reshaped by an ice sheet
block of rock that is transported by glacier and dropped were it doesnt belong.