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13 Cards in this Set

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What is Geography and it's important subcategories?
Geography is the description of the Earth through the studying of the evolving character and organization of the Earth's surface.
Regional: How earth's surface is differentiated in "places"
Systematic: Process that lead to creating these places
What are some geographic tools and how are they used?
Maps, GIS, Remote sensing, mathematics modeling and statistics
GIS or Geographic information System is a system that captures, stores, analyzes, manages, and presents data that are linked to location.
Remote Sensing is Remote sensing is the examination or the gathering of information about a place from a distance. Such examination can occur with devices (e.g. - cameras) based on the ground, and/or sensors or cameras based on ships, aircraft, satellites, or other spacecraft.
What is geomorphology and geomorphologic agents?
What is climateology, soil geography, hazards and global climate modeling? Hint: Areas of study in physical geography
Geomorphology: study of landforms and the processes that shape them
Geo-Agents: Causes of the processes
Soil Geography:Scientific discipline dealing with distribution of soil types in landscapes, describing this distribution according to geographical rules.
Hazards: Natural disaster such as Hurricanes
Climatology: The study of climate, looking at weather conditions averaged over a period of time.
Global Climate modeling: A system of differential equations based on the basic laws of physics, fluid motion, and chemistry which explain changes in on the Earth.
What are important subcategories of systematic geography? What are some of the areas of study in these sub fields?
Human Geography: Changes made by humans through construction.
Physical geography: The study of physical features on the surface of the Earth
Ares of study P.G.: Climatology, geomorphology,coastal/marine, soil geography, biogeography, water resources
What are the layers of Earths atmosphere and how are they categorized?
Earth is like a machine. Earth is a system divided into subsystems.
The earth's physical systems are comprised of five major subsystems: biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere. Those subsystems interact with each other. Change in each of the subsystems impact the earth's physical and biological characteristics.
Lithosphere: Rocks
Biosphere: Living Things
Atmosphere: Air
Cryosphere: Ice
Hydrosphere: Water
What is the shape of the Earth and its diameters?
Earth is an Oblate Ellipsoid.
The diameter of the earth at the equator is 7,926.41 miles
How does the earths rotation, axis, inclination, and direction effect geography?
The axis tilt causes the change in seasons.
The rotation of the earth marks a 24 hour period.
The inclination of the Earth also helps to create seasons since the axis is on a tilt
The axis of rotation sets a reference for setting up geographical grid
What are the sub sub fields of the five major subsystems?
What are the spatial scales?
Spatial scales range from global (entire Earth) to continental (e.g., North America, Europe, Asia) to regional (e.g., Rocky Mountains, Mediterranean Sea, Japan) to local (e.g., Denver, Colorado, Rome, Italy, Mt. Fuji, Japan) to individual (e.g., a single animal, plant or hillslope).
What are time scales? \
What does diurnal mean?
The geologic time scale provides a system of chronologic measurement to time that is used by geologists to describe the timing and relationships between events that have occurred during the history of the Earth.
Diurnal: Animals that are active during the day. Or it means having a daily cycle or occurring every day; "diurnal rotation of the heavens"

What is a geographic grid?
A system of imaginary circles known as parallels (latitude) and meridians (longitude)
Distance between two latitude lines is equal to 111 kilometers
Distance between two longitude lines at the equator is also 111 km but as you go north or south the distance decreases
What are great circles and small circles?
Great circles: are formed when planes passing through the center of the Earth intersects the earths surface
Small Circles: Formed when a plane passsing through the Earths surface intersects but NOT at the center
What are the minutes and seconds of longitude and latitude?
Degrees of latitude and longitude can be further subdivided into minutes and seconds: there are 60 minutes (') per degree, and 60 seconds (") per minute. For example, a coordinate might be written 65° 32' 15".