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40 Cards in this Set

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Wash Hands
Wash Hands
Mental status examination questions
1) Person: Can you tell me your name
2) Place: Where are you?
3) Time: What is today's date?
4) Situation: Why are you here?
Blood Pressure- one arm sitting
o Make sure correct size cuff
o Must localize the brachial artery at elbow
o Note that the examiner is holding arm at level of heart
o Palpate pulse and inflate until radial pulse is lost
o Reinflate until 20 mm of Hg above value where radial pulse is lost
o Arm should be free of clothing
Radial Pulse-rate / 15 seconds
o Localize radial pulse
o Palpate pulse for 15 second and multiply by 4
Inspect nails and capillary refill
o Ask patient to extend fingers while examining nails
Examine Scalp
o Ask patient to flex head forward
o (Good point to ask for active range of motion for neck)
Cranial Nerve V exam
o Ask patient to close his/her eyes
o Tell me when you can feel my fingers?
o Do they feel the same on both sides?
o Test all 3 branches- V1, V2, V3 sensation
o Ask motor- for masseter and temporalis
Cranial Nerve VII exam
Forehead, frown/smile, puff out cheeks
o Ask patient to raise eyebrows
o Don’t let me open your eyes
o Ask pateitn to frown/smile
o Ask patient to puff out cheeks
Cranial Nerve XI exam
Examining the sternocleidomastoid muscle and trapezius muscle

Shrug shoulders and turn head to both sides
Visual Fields (CN II)
Tell me when you can see my fingers
Extraocular movements (CN II, IV, VI)
o Ask patient to following fingers with eyes
o Use H pattern, stopping at each apex
o Ask patient to look at the tip of his/her nose
Inspect conjunctiva, sclera
o Ask patient to look upward while exmaining conjunctiva of the lower lids
o Ask patient to look downward while examining conjunctiva of the upper lids
Pupillary Reflexes (CN II, III)
o Turn lights off
o Instruct patient to look straight ahead
o Shine light on each pupil separately
Red Reflex/Fundoscopic Exam
Examine disc, vasculature, macula

o Instruct patient to look at a distant point and focus on that point
o Place hand on patient’s shoulder to orient
o Hold ophthalmoscope in right hand to view right eye
o Hold opthalmoscope in left hand to view left eye
o Begin from 10-15 degrees laterally and move in slowly
o Ask patient to look directly into the light at some point of the exam to check red reflex (used to look for cataracts)
o Note that you are looking at the optic disc, the vessels of the eye, and macula
Inspect pinnae
Inspect pinnae
Otoscopic ear exam
o Gently pull auricle up and back
o While holding otoscope, slowly insert speculum with donward and forward movement into the ear canal
o Repeat with the opposite ear
Hearing acuity (CN VIII)
o Ask patient to block one ear with finger
o Check auditory acuity in opposite ear
o Rub fingers togeter 3 ft away
Rinne Test
The Rinne test is performed by placing a vibrating tuning fork (512 or 256 Hz) initially on the mastoid process until sound is no longer heard, the fork is then immediately placed just outside the ear. Normally, the sound is audible at the ear.
Webber Test
n the Weber test a vibrating tuning fork (either 256 or 512 Hz) is placed in the middle of the forehead equidistant from the patient's ears. The patient is asked to report in which ear the sound is heard louder.
Examination of nasal passages
Ask patient to tip head back while insert speculum
Percussion of sinuses
Percussion of sinuses
Inspect oral cavity
o Use light to inspect buccal muscosa and back of the mouth and throat; use a tongue depressor to depress halfway to the back of the tongue; GOOD PLACE FOR CN IX, X, XII EXAM (phonation)
o Ask patient to bite down; inspect teeth and gums using tongue depressor
Palpate oral cavity
o Ask patient to extend tongue and move it from side to side (CN XII exam)
o Use cotton gauze or gloved finger when touching the tongue
Neck Range of Motion
Neck Range of Motion
Palpate Neck Nodes
o Preauricular: in front of ears
o Postauricular: behind ears
o Occipital: base of the back of the neck
o Posterior Cervical: back of the SCM
o Cervical/tonsilar: angle of the jaw
o Submandibular: halfway between angle of jaw and chin
o Submental: center of body under chin
o Cervical chain: along sternomastoid muscle
o Supraclavicular: in angle formed by collarbone and SCM muscle
Thyroid Exam
o Stand behind patient while seated
o Ask patient to bend head to neutral position or slightly forward
o Two fingers of each hand should be placed on either side of the trachea
o Examiner should ask patient to take a sip of water while feeling isthmus
o Examiner should displace trachea to left and ask patient to swallow while palpating trachea- repeat on opposite side
Back exam
o Palpate or percuss spine
o Percuss costo-vertebral angles
o Back mobility in 6 directions
Cardiovascular Exam
• Auscultate heart sitting: ausculate in 2 areas sitting
• Ask patient to lie down
o Palpate precordium for PMI
o Auscultate 4 areas-supine, with diaphragm
• Aortic Area
• Pumonic Area
• Tricuspid Area
• Mitral Area
o Auscultate 2 areas-supine, with bell
o Auscultate at apex, LLD, with bell
Shoulder Exam
o INSPECT: Inspect shoulder and assess for symmetry, deformity and discoloration (STATE).
o PALPATION: Examine scapular spine, acromion process, acromioclavicular joint
o ROM: Flex, extend, abduct (full arc), internally rotate (elbow flexed, thumb at opposite scapula) and externally rotate (elbow flexed, hands out at side or behind head) both shoulders
o STRENGTH- Resist patient while patient shrugs shoulders, flexes shoulder forward and abducts shoulder
Elbow exam
o INSPECTION: Assess symmetry, deformity and discoloration (STATE)
o PALPATION: Palpate lateral epicondyle, medial epicondyle and olecranon process
o ROM: Flex, extend, pronate and supinate both elbows
o STRENGTH: Examiner resists patient while patient flexes and extends elbow
o REFLEXES: Biceps and Triceps
Hand exam
o INSPECT: Assess symmetry, deformity and discoloration
o PALPATE: Palpate wrist, CMC, MCP and PIP joints
o ROM: Flex and extend patient’s wrists. Move hand to ulnar and radial sides. Flex and extend fingers at MCP joint with fingers straight- make a fist
o STRENGTH: Examiner resists patient while patient flexes and extends wrist, assesses grip strength, resists finger abduction and resists opposition of thumb and small finger
Hip Exam
o PALPATE: palpate iliac crest and greater trochanter
o ROM: With patient supine, flex the patient’s hip with the knee bent. Subsequently extend hip. Then adduct and abduct patient’s hip. With patient supine and knee flexed to 90 degrees, internally and externally rotate patien’t hip.
Knee Exam
o INSPECT: Inspect for symmetry, deformity and discoloration
o PALPATE: palpate patella
o ROM: Flex and extend knee
o STRENGTH: Ask patient to try to flex and extend knee against resistance
o REFLEX: Knee Reflex
Ankle/Foot Exam
o INSPECT: Inspect for symmetry, deformity and discoloration
o PALPATE: Palpate achilles tendon, lateral and medial malleoli and forefoot
o ROM: Dorsiflection, plantar flexion, eversion and inversion of the ankle
o STRENGTH: Resist patient while patient dorsiflexes and plantar flexes ankle
o REFLEX: Ankle reflex, Babinski Reflex
• Vibration- toes
• Proprioception of big toe
Cerebellar Exam- FTN or RAM
o Ask patient to touch my index finger and nose
o Make sure to change location of finger several time
o Repeat with patient’s other hand
Cerebellar Exam- Heel to Shin
o Ask patient to run the heel of one foot up and down the shin of the opposite leg
o Repeat with the opposite leg
Gait exam
Normal gate

Tandem gate

Walk on heels/toes
Romberg Exam (Proprioception)
o Observe patient stand with his/her arms stretched out in front or beside him/her with eyes close

Tests dorsal column of the spinal cord
Pronator Drift
Ask patient to hold out arms 90 degrees to body and close eyes. If move, can indicate an upper motor lesion