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23 Cards in this Set

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If you suspect a patient is struggling with alcoholism, what might you ask?
1. Have you ever tried to Cut out drinking?
2. Have you ever felt Angry when someone questions your drinking?
3. Have you ever felt Guilty about your drinking?
4. Have you ever had an 'Eye opener' drink in the morning?
List the structure of the History and Physical:
Chief Complaint
History of Present Illness
Medical History
Family History
Social/Personal History
Review of Systoms
Define Chief Complaint
A brief statement of reason the patient is seeking health care
Define History of Present Illness
A step-by-step evaluation of the circumstances that surround the primary reason (problem) for the patient’s visit
Define Past Medical History
Exploration of the person’s overall health before the present problem, including all past medical and surgical experiences
Define Family History
Exploration of a family’s health, past medical experiences, illnesses, social experiences, deaths, and genetic and environmental circumstances
Define Social/Personal History
Exploration of a person's work habits and relationships at work, school, and home
Define Review of Systems
Detailed review of complaints for each body system
List four sensitive issues for patients
1. Alcohol or drug use
2. Sexual history
3. Sexual orientation
4. Religion
List FICA...
Faith (What?)
Influence (How much?)
Community (Where/With Whom?)
Address (So What?)
List SAFE...
Stress in relationships?
Afraid or Abused?
Friends and Family?
Emergency Plan?
List the four communication tasks with each patient visit (4 E's)...
List cultural factors that aid understanding...
Health beliefs and practices
Religious influences and special rituals
Language and communication
Parenting styles and role of family
Sources of support beyond family
Dietary practices
What kinds of effective communication skills have been shown to reduce the risk of malpractice?
Oriented patients to process of visit
Used facilitative comments
Asked patients their opinion
Used active listening
Used humor and laughed
Had longer visits (18.3 vs. 15 minutes)
Define Engagement
A connection which continues throughout the encounter
Define Empathy
Being seen
Being heard
Being accepted
List the two leading causes for malpractice law suits...
1. Failure to communicate test results
2. Poor communication
Make a statement to Engage the patient.
"Before we begin tell me something about yourself."
Define Education
Education involves cognitive, behavioral, and affective elements. Goal is to promote patient with:
Greater knowledge and understanding
Increased capacity and skills
Decreased anxiety
Describe a patient's belief system in relation to ED.
Functional meaning - I can't maintain an erection
Relational meaning - I can't be intimate with my partner
Symbolic meaning - I am losing my manhood
List the nine (9) mysteries of health...
1. What has happened to me (diagnosis)?
2. Why has it happened to me (etiology)?
3. What is going to happen to me (prognosis)?
4. What do I need to do (self management)?
5. What are you (they) doing for me (to me)?
6. Why are you (they) doing this rather than that?
7. Will it hurt me or harm me? How much? How long?
8. When and how will you know what all this means?
9. When and how will I know what it means?
Define Enlistment
An invitation from the clinician to the patient to collaborate in the decision-making related to goals for treatment and plan for treatment
List 3 techniques for effective Enlistment...
1. Keep regime simple
2. Write out the regimen
3. Follow up and ask about adherence to plan