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23 Cards in this Set

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aching and pain in connective tissue and joints
How does RA impact immune system
attacks healthy joint tissue leading to inflammation and damage to wrist, PIP, MCP, Elbows, Jaw
What happens during the acute phase of RA?
swelling and inflammation
What happens during the chronic phase of RA?
articular cartilage thins, joint space narrows, cysts, bone thins, synovium thickens, joint deformity
Signs of RA?
Morning stiffness, inflammation of joints, heart, blood vessels, lungs, eyes
Joint involvement of RA?
bilateral, crepitus occurs, joint deformities
Joint Deformities of RA?
fusiform swelling of PIP, swan neck, boutonniere, trigger finger, thumb, joint laxity, subluxed, dislocated, ulnar drift, loss of ROM
What is the course of RA?
unpredictable, may have exacerbations and remissions
Dx of RA?
4/7: morning stiffness of 1+ hr., 2+ jt. swollen simultaneously, 1 swollen area in hand, symmetrical, nodules, Serum Rheumatoid factor, radiographic changes
How is RA treated?
treatment is usually meant to manage pain

drugs or surgery
What is the most common type of arthritis?
What is the etiology of osteoarthritis?
unknown, possibly genetic
caused by wearing of jts
What is the pathophysiology of osteoarthritis?
cartilage softensand wears away, ends of bone thicken, bony growths, floating pieces of bone, fluid filled cysts
What body parts are affected by osteoarthritis?
knees, hips, interphalengeal joints, 1st CMC jt, spine
Symptoms of OA?
jt tenderness, some crepitus, limited mvmt, pain after use or inactivity, morning stiffness less than 30 min
What is Heberden's nodes?
bone growth on DIPs
What is the course of OA?
slowly progressive
How is OA diagnosed?
x-rays, pain relieved by rest and minimal morning stiffness, lack of systemic findings (i.e. specific jts not organs)
What is the etiology of Fibromyalgia?
unknown, possibly: previous trauma to CNS response, infections, lack of or overuse of exercise, hormonal influences
What is the pathophysiology or FM?
decrease serotonin, abnormal fx of hyptothalamus-pituitary adrenal axis, elevated levels of CSF neuropeptide that facilitates pain perception, disordered engery metabolism
What are the symptoms of FM?
widespread pain in soft tissue (bilateral), fatigue, non-resorative sleep
Secondary conditions of FM?
chronic fatigue, IBS, cardiac awareness, headache, numbness, jaw problems, cold intolerance, weakness, mood disorders
FM is exacerbated by?
excercise, inactivity, poor sleep, emotional stress, humid weather