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38 Cards in this Set

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Internal Anatomy of Abdomen
-abdomen is large, cavity extends diaphragm-->brim of pelvis
-bordered by spine and paravertebral muscles in back
-bordered by lower rib cage and abdominal muscles in front
-all internal organs in ab cavity=viscera
Surface Landmarks of Abdomen
-4 Layers of large, flat muscles form ventral ab wall=6 pack:
*external oblique
*internal oblique
*transversus muscles
*rectus abdominus
-all ab muscles joined at midline by tendon seam-linea alba
-wont feel 6 pack in everyone
Landmarks on Abdomen
4 quadrants (Right upper, Left lower, etc)
-epigastric (below chest)
-umbilical (belly button)
-suprapubic (above pubes)
-R and L hypochondrium
-R and L lumbar
-R and L inguinal
Location of liver
upper right quadrant
goes to left midclavicular (L. upper quad)
Not palpable organs of abs
-gallbladder-cant separate from liver
-pancreas, spleen
-appendix (LWQ)
Related organs of abdomen: Vagina
bimanual palpation
one hand into vagina
other hand palpates vagina
Related organ of abdomen: aorta
usually palpable in most people
often feel sensations in upper gastric area
Related organs of abdomen: kidneys
posterior of body
protected by ribs
lower pole of right kidney can be palpable when you inhale deeply and liver pushes it down
if no bowel movement in 3 days
need to consider what is normal for patient
Visceral Abdominal Pain
-from an internal organ
-dull, poorly localized
Parietal abdominal pain
-from inflammation of the overlying peritoneum
-sharp, precisely localized, aggrevated by movement
Referred abdominal pain
-history of ab pain-but pain located not directly over the organ involved
-GERD-mimic heart attack
-stomach acid coming underneith sternum
-can even go up to jaw
-cholestysis-pain comes into back below scapula
-kidney stones-pain down into groin
-rectal lesions-hurt over sacrum
General Prepatation for Abdominal Exam
-warm room w good lighting
-empty bladder(urine causes dull sound)
-supine position (knees bent, arms at side or folded over chest)
-examine area patient points to for pain last
Order for abdominal exam
-->percussion and palpation create bowl movement
Umbilical hernia
puching out
-pushes colon out
Incisional hernia
-from an incision
-bulding at incision
Epigastric hernia
-through linea alba
Ausculate Bowel Sounds
bowl sounds are high pitch
-begin at ileocecal valce in RLQ
Bowel Sound Observations
5-30 bowel sounds/min normal
-don't count but note they are present
hyperactive-more bowl sounds
-diarhea, obstruction
hypoactive-less than 5-30
-after ab surgery, peritinitus
-no bowl sounds-->have to listen for 2-5 mins
botborygmi-prolonged gurgles of peristalsis heard w out stethoscope
Auscultate Vascular Sounds
listen to:
-L and R renal arteries
-L and R iliac arteries
-L and R femoral arteries
-Arterial bruits w both systolic and diastolic-->partial occlusion of aorta or arteries
-epigastric systolic bruit can be normal
Percuss Abdomen
should hear tympanic dullness
start illeocecal-do zigzag down
constipated-dullness over colon
ascitis-fluid in abdomen
large area of dullness-mass, tumor, fetus, feces, etc
When patient has fluid in abdomes
-on back-dullness on side
--lay patient on side-->air-->dullness will go away as fluid goes down-->tympany
Percussion of liver span
start midclavicular line-->percuss in the abdomen up from tympany to fullness
-start at top and percuss resonance down to dullness
resonance to dullness 6-12 cm
enlarged-larger inflammed
cirhossis-smaller size
COPD-normal span but lower down
Liver Scratch Test
-when abdomen is distended or muscles tense
-when pregnant or a lot of ascitis-hard to percuss liver
-defines liver border
-stethoscope over liver
-start is RLQ and scratch w finger top or scratch blade from tympany
-when sound magnified--went from hollow orgin to solid (liver edge)
Percussion of spleen
percuss lowest interspace in L anterior axillary line
-should hear tympany
-take deep breath
-shuld still hear tympany
--dull->+ splenic percussion
splenomegaly (enlarged)
-mono, malaria, cirhossis
Assessment of Kidneys
Costovertebral tenderness (CVA)
thrust fist below ribs
tenderness-muscoloskeletal or kidney problem
Light Abdominal Palpation
dominant hand-feel quadrants
look at patient for pain and discomfort and superficial masses
-viscera-hollow fluid filled or solid
-solid-still mantain shape when enlarged
Deep Abdominal Palpation
feel with dominant hand-press w non dominant hand
identify masses
correlate dullness to palpation
ticklish-have patient put hand on stomach while you palpate
Notably palpable structures
-pulsations from aorta
-xiphoid process, normal liver outline
-lower colon
-6 pack-rectus muscle borders
sigmoid or ascending colon
Tenderness in abdomen
-voluntary muscle guarding-often when ticklish-tightening of muscles
-involuntary rigity-constant, board ike hardness of abs
-protective mechanism when parateneal is inflammed
-ask to cough-give a localized feeling where tenderness is
-diverticulitis-food particle
peritoneal irritation
-rebound tenderness-push down on peritoneal
-let go-->bad pain
indicative of inflammed pitoneal
Palpation of liver
place left hand under persons back under ribcage
right hand parallel to midline lateral muscle
push gently in and up-->pation take deep breath
-should feel sharp edge
-if 1-2 cm below costal margin-abnormal
-dont want nodules or tenderness
hook method-for pregnant or overweight peeps
Palpate spleen
-don't want to palpate a lot because to delicate
-will know spleen enlarged bc of earlier percussion
-spleen 3x normal size to be felt
Kidney Palpation
-hands lateral to rectus muscle
-take deep breath-try to catch kidney in btw fingers
-most likely will not feel it
Palpation of aortic pulsation
wideness of pulsations
move fingers out at pulsation
stop when no longer feel pulsation
-2-3 cm normal
3-4 watchable
6 cm surgery
Assessing for appendicitis
-rebound tenderness
-rovsings sign-press deeply in lower quad and let go-feel it in right lower quad id anormal
-psoas sign-psoas muscle irritated
obdurator test
Assessing for acute cholecystitis
murphy's sign
-test for englarged gallbladder
-go below ribs for liver-take deep breath-
-will stop mid breath because so painful
-positive murphy test
Iliopsoas muscle test
perritinitis-lifting leg against pressure will cause
Obdurator muscle test
moving hop for internal and external rotation
-irritate muscles attach nearing appendix