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15 Cards in this Set

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Karl Popper
Science cant prove, can only disprove; All knowledge is provisional
James Usher
Irish priest who calculated the age of the world through the bible 4004 BC
Great Chain of Being
Aristotle's scheme that ranked organisms based on their intelligence, complexity, and importance.
Carolus Linnaeus
Developed the system called Taxonomy. Ranked creatures based on physical characteristics.
Binomial Nomenclature
Referring to animals by there genus and species
Comte Buffon
Proposed species changed through time; had no research.
Erasamus Darwin
Wrote Zoonomia, the first structured theories of Biological Evolution
Georges Cuvier
Opponent of evolution; Proposed Catastrophism: Animals are replaced with stronger ones
James Hutton
A Scottish geologist who opposed Catastrophism
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
Proposed the theory of inheritance of acquired characteristics; Evolution happens within the lifetime of an organism; Giraffe; Coined the term Biology
Charles Lyell
Proposed uniformitarianism, geological processes have occurred throughout all time
Adaptive Radiation
Species evolve into multiple lineages to meet new local environments
Genetic makeup of an individual organism
An observable or measurable feature of an organism (describes organism as a whole)
Alfred Russell Wallace
Independently came up with the idea of natural selection