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53 Cards in this Set

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Absolute Threshold
The minimum amount of energy in a sensory stimulus detected 50 percent of the time.
Signal Detection Theory
A theory that assumes that the detection of faint senory stimuli depends not only upon a person's physiological sensitivity to a stimulus but also upon his decision critterion for detection, which is based on nonsensory factors.
Defference Theshold
The minimum difference between two sensory stimuli detected 50 percent of the time. The difference threshold is also sometimes referred to as the use noticeable differene or jnd.
Weber's law
For each type of sensory judgment that we can make, the measured differnce threshold is a constang fraction of the standard stimulus valtia used to measur it. This constant reaction is different for each ytype of sensory judgment.
Steven's power law
The perceived magnitude of a stimulus is equal to its actual physicsical intensity raised to some constant power. The constant power is different for each type of sensory judgemnt.
Sensory adaptation
Our sensitivity to unchanging and repetitious stimuli disappears over time.
The distance in one cycle of awave, from one crest to the tnext.
The amount ot energy in a wave its intenisty whcih is the height of the wave at its crest.
The number of times a wave cycles in one second.
The conversion of physical enery into neutral signals that the brain can understnad.
The focusing of light waves from objects of different distances directly on the retina.
A visual problem in which the light aves from distant objects come into focus in front of the retina, blurring, the images of these objects.
avisual problem in which the light waves from nearby objects come into focus behind the retina, blurring the images of these objects.
The light sensitive layer of the eye which is composed of three layer s of cells ganglion, bipolar, and receptor (rods and cones)
Receptor caells in the retina that are principally responsible for dim light and periphearl vision
Receptor cells in the retina that are principally responsible for bright light and color bision.
A tiny pit in the center of the retina filled with cones
Dark Adaptation
The process by which the roofs and cones through internal chemical changes become more and more sensitve to light in dim light conditions.
Trichromatic theory A
A theory of color vision which assumes that there are three types of cones each only activated by wavelentg ranges of light corresponding roughtly to blue green and red. It further assujmes that all of the various colors that we can see are mixtures of various levels of activation of the three types of cones. If all three are equally activated, we see white.
Additive Mixtures
Direct mixtures o different wavelenghs of light in which all of the wavelengths reach the retina and are added together.
Subtractive Mixtures
Mixtures of vaelenthes of light which some wavelentggths are absorbed (subtracted) and so do not get reflected from the mixtures to the retina.
Complementary Colors
Wavelengths of light that when added together produce white.
Opponent process theory
a theory of color vision which assumes that there are three opponent process cell sstems (red green, blue yellow, and black white) which process color information after it has been processed by the cones. The colors in each system oppose one another in that if one color si stimulated, the other is inhibited.
Hair cells
The receptor cells for hearing. They line the basilar memgrane inside the cochlea.
Nerve Deafness
Hearing loss created by damgae to one of the structures in the ear responsible for mechanically conductiong the audtory information to the inner ear.
Place theory
A theory of pitch perceptoin, which assumes that there is a specific locatoin along the basilar membrane which will maximally respond to a particular frequency thereby indicating the pitch to the brain. As this location goes down the basilar membrane from the oval window, the pitch goes down from 20000 Hz to 20 Hz.
Frequency Theory
A theory of pictuch perception which assumes that the frequecny of the sound wave is mimick ed by the fireing rate of the entire asiilar membrane.
Volley principle
Cells taking turns firing will increase the maximum firing rate for a group of cells.
The initial information gathering and recoding by the sensory structures.
Subtractive Mixtures
Mixtures of vaelenthes of light which some wavelentggths are absorbed (subtracted) and so do not get reflected from the mixtures to the retina.
The interpretation by the brain of sensory information
Complementary Colors
Wavelengths of light that when added together produce white.
Opponent process theory
a theory of color vision which assumes that there are three opponent process cell sstems (red green, blue yellow, and black white) which process color information after it has been processed by the cones. The colors in each system oppose one another in that if one color si stimulated, the other is inhibited.
Hair cells
The receptor cells for hearing. They line the basilar memgrane inside the cochlea.
Nerve Deafness
Hearing loss created by damgae to one of the structures in the ear responsible for mechanically conductiong the audtory information to the inner ear.
Place theory
A theory of pitch perceptoin, which assumes that there is a specific locatoin along the basilar membrane which will maximally respond to a particular frequency thereby indicating the pitch to the brain. As this location goes down the basilar membrane from the oval window, the pitch goes down from 20000 Hz to 20 Hz.
Frequency Theory
A theory of pictuch perception which assumes that the frequecny of the sound wave is mimick ed by the fireing rate of the entire asiilar membrane.
Volley principle
Cells taking turns firing will increase the maximum firing rate for a group of cells.
The initial information gathering and recoding by the sensory structures.
The interpretation by the brain of sensory information
Bottom up processing
The processing of incoming sensory information as it travels up from the sensory strucurs to the brain.
Top down processing
The brain's use of knowlege, beliefs, and expectations to interpret sensory infromation.
Perceptual set
The interpretation of ambiguous sensory information in terms of how our past experiency have set us to perceive it.
Contetual effect
the use of the pressent context of sensory info to determine its meaning.
Figure and ground principle
the gestalt perceptual orgainiztionlal principle that the brain orgainizes sensory info into a figure or figures (the center of attention) and ground (the less distinct background)
The gestalt perceptual orgaizational principle that the braine completes (closes incomplete figures to form meaningful objects.
Subjective Contour
A line or shape that is perceived to be present but does not really exist. The brain creates it during perception.
Perceptual Constancy
The perceptual stability of the sie, shape, brightenss, and color for familiar objects seen at varying distances, different angien, and under different lighting conditions.
Depth perception
Our ability to perceive the distance of objects form us.
Retinal disparity
A binocular depth cue referring to the fact that as the disparity (difference) between the two retinal images of an object increases, the distance of teh object fomr us decrease.
Retinal Disparity
A binocular Depth cue referring to the fact taht as the dispartiy (difference) between the two retinal images of an object increases, the distance of the object from us decreases.
Linear perspcetive
A monocular depth cue referring to the fact that as parallel lines recede away from us, they appear to converge the greater distance, the more they seem to converge.
A monocular depth cue referring to the fact that if one object partially bolcks our view of another, we percieve it as closer to us.