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70 Cards in this Set

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The brain (in the skull) and the spinal cord (in the spine) make up the?
The PNS is located outside the?
skull and spine (cranial nerves and spinal nerves)
Bundles of axons are?
Clusters of nerve cell bodies are known as?
What are 2 subdivisions of the PNS?
afferent and efferent
The afferent division of the PNS is also known as the _____ ______ and carries information from the ___ to the _____
sensory system; from periphery to the CNS (or from receptors to the CNS)
Which one of the three sensory systems contains pain receptors within the skin?
The efferent division of the PNS carries information away from the ____ and to ______
away from the CNS and towards the effectors (i.e. muscles and glands)
The efferent disvision is also known as the motor division. What 2 further subdivisions can this system be broken up into?
somatic nervous system and autonomic nervous system
Which subdivision of the motor/efferent division conducts impulses from the CNS to skeletal muscles?
somatic nervous system
The autonomic nervous system is under _______ control
The autonomic nervous system sends impulses from the CNS to?
cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and glands
What 2 divisions can the autonomic nervous system be broken up into?
sympathetic (fight or flight) system and parasympathetic (rest and digest) system
T or F: If there were damage done to autonomic motor nerves, there would be a large change in muscle tone.
False; the effector organs within the autonomic nervous system consist of cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and glands
T or F: All axons are myelinated in the CNS
T or F: Nerves are located in both the PNS and CNS
False; there are no nerves in the CNS
In the CNS, bundles of axons are referred to as?
tracts, which travel up or down the white matter of the spinal cord (think of them as the communication pathway within the CNS)
The basic functional unit of the nervous system
T or F: Neuroglia are 10 times more abundant in the nervous system than neurons
Astrocytes are a type of?
glial cell (aka neuroglia)
The axon carries info ____ from the cell body
away (cell body aka soma)
Which part of the axon releases a chemical message?
axon terminal
______ neurons transmit instructions from the brain to muscles or glands
Efferent/motor neurons
Efferent neurons are primarily found in the PNS. Where are the cell bodies of efferent neurons found?
Thoughts, memory, creativity, and intellect are functions primarily associated with which type of neurons?
Which neurons take information from the internal or external environment and send this info to the CNS?
Afferent/sensory neurons
T or F: Neuroglia can conduct nerve impulses
False; use chemical signals as a form of communication within other glial cells or between a glial cell and a neuron
What are 4 kinds of neuroglia?
astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, microglia, ependymal cells
Astrocytes are the most abundant type of glial cell. The formation of tight junctions on capillaries helps establish the ___ ____ _____
blood brain barrier
Axons wrapped with myelin can be found in both the CNS and PNS. Which kinds of cells are myelinated?

PNS- Schwann cells
Which glial cells serve as an immune defense in the CNS?
Which glial cells help move cerebrospinal fluid down the central canal?
ependymal cells
What are the 3 layers of the meninges?
dura mater (outer, hard layer), arachnoid mater (middle, delicate layer), and pia mater (deepest and most fragile layer)
What is the largest portion of the brain?
What connects the 2 hemispheres of the cerebrum?
corpus callosum
The 2 major portions of the cerebrum are?
cortex and subcortex
The cerebral cortex is made up of ____ matter and divided into 4 ____.
gray matter; divided into 4 lobes- parietal, occipital, temporal, and frontal
Basal nuclei are populations of ___ matter located deep within the _____.
gray; cerebrum

note*** basal nuclei are masses of gray matter located deep within white matter
Parkinson's disease is associated with a decrease in which neurotransmitter?
dopamine (more specifically- death of dopaminergic cells in the substantia nigra)
What is the oldest region of the brain?
brain stem (made up of midbrain, pons, and medulla)
Which part of the cerebellum plays a role in learned motor skills, i.e. riding a bike?
The pneumotaxic center is located in the?
The forebrain/diencephalon surrounds the ___ ventricle and houses the _____ & ______
surrounds the 3rd ventricle; houses thalamus and hypothalamus
The _____ root conveys motor commands to the muscles
ventral/anterior root
Cell bodies of afferent/sensory neurons are found in the?
dorsal root ganglion
T or F: An indirect antagonist competes with the binding site on the receptor.
Fasle; binds to a different site than the neurotransmitter
ACh is the most abundant NT in the?
PNS (it is also found in CNS, but not as abundant compared to PNS)
Nicotinic receptors and muscarinic receptors are types of _____ receptors
AChE inhibitors are considered _____ agonists
indirect because they prevent ACh from being degraded and ACh will remain in the synaptic cleft for a longer period
Atropine is a direct cholinergic antagonist that works on which type of receptor?
Dilation of pupils and bronchioles are a response of the?
sympathetic nervous system
The urinary system and digestive system are inhibited in the ?
sympathetic nervous system
Dilation of the blood vessels in the penis and clitoris and a decrease in heart rate and blood pressure are associated with?
parasympathetic nervous system
Bronchiole and pupil constriction are associated with?
parasympathetic nervous system
An increase in heart rate and blood pressure are associated with?
sympathetic nervous system
Stimulation of the digestive system and urinary system are associated with?
parasympathetic nervous system
In the sympathetic nervous system, postganglionic nerve axons are ____ while preganglionic nerve axons are ____.
In the sympathetic nervous system, where do preganglionic neurons originate?
thoracolumbar region (T1-L3)
In the parasympathetic nervous system, preganglionic nerve axons are ____ and postganglionic nerve axons are ____.
Where do preganglionic neurons originate in the parasympathetic division?
craniosacral region (spinal cord segments S2-S4)
GABAergic agonists include?
benzodiazepines, barbiturates, ETOH
Picrotoxin is a ______ antagonist
GABA is an inhibitory/excitatory NT and Glutamate is an inhibitory/excitatory NT
Which part of the cerebellum maintains balance, controls eye movement, and receives input from the vestibular system?
Does the sympathetic or parasympathetic division innervate sweat glands?
T or F: Salivary secretion is stimulated by both divisions of the ANS
In the sympathetic NS, which kind of receptors are found on the effector organs of the autonomic nerve pathway?
both adrenergic and cholinergic receptors are found on the effector organs (sweat glands=muscarinic receptors and smooth muscle, glands=adrenergic receptors)
Opiates bind to receptors located on the _____ ____
spinal cord
Which fibers carry pain signaling?
C and A-delta
Which chemical mediator causes the most pain?