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36 Cards in this Set

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location, size, and surround structure of heart
middle of the thoracic cavity
weighs a little more than 1/2 lb.
majority of the heart lies on the left side of the thoracic cavity
chambers and valves of heart
2 atria, 2 ventricle
AV valves:
1. tricuspid valve
2. mitral valve
Semilunar valves:
1. aortic valve
2. pulmonary valve
coronary arteries
heart receives blood for own nourishment;
coronary arteries on either side of aorta just after the blood leaves the left ventricle ( enters coronary arteries AFTER other blood flows past; diastole)
the anatomical structure of cardiac conduction system
SA node
AV node
bundle of his
R & L bundle branches
purkinje fibers
SA Node
pacemaker of heart ( in R atrium)
depolarizes 70-100 times/min.
action potential produced b/c of leaky NA channels > stimulates atria to contract = known as sinus rhythm
-innervated by the ANS ; sympathetic tone, parasympathetic tone (slightly greater)
AV node
slight delay b/t SA and AV node to allow ventricles to fill with blood
-depolarizes as a result of the SA node depolarizing the atrial myocardium
if SA node isn't working can take over and dep. 40-50/min. (nodal rhythm)
Bundle of His
AV bundle> branches into R and L bundle branches
R and L bundle branches
receives stimulus from bundle of his
purkinje fibers
along the bundle branches; when stimulus reaches fibers it sends a wave of dep. through the ventricles beginning at the apex and progressing toward the semilunar valves ; to push blood up and out
heart does not require outside nerves to stimulate contraction ; comes from cardiac conduction system
end diastolic volume; the volume of blood in the ventricle at the end of diastole
end systolic volume; the volume of blood in the ventricle after systole
cardiac output
volume of blood pumped from the heart per minute
stroke volume
volume of blood pumped per beat of the heart
factors that regulate cardiac output
heart rate and stroke volume
how pressure influences flow of a fluid
pressure flows DOWN a concentration gradient
pressure changes created to allow blood flow through chambers of heart
inverse relationship b/t pressure and volume
inc. volume = dec. pressure
dec. volume = inc. pressure

when chambers contract volume decreases
1. cardiac cycle
ventricular filling
1. when the atria fills with the blood the pressure increases
2. ventricles are relaxing at same time (vol. inc. and pressure dec. )
3. when pressure is > in atria than vent. both AV valves open (70%) of blood flows
4. SA depolarizes causing atria contraction (remaining 30% flows)
2. cardiac cycle
isovolumetric contraction
1. ventricles are filled with blood and signal arrives to purkinje fibers (dep. of ven= contraction)
3. cardiac cycle
ventricular ejection
1. pressure inc. because of inc. blood volume and dec. volume of ventricle
2. blood forced through semilunar valves
4. cardiac cycle
isovolumic relaxation
1. after previous ventricular contraction
vent. volume inc. pressure dec.
2. atria start to fill with blood
-all valves are closed
heart sounds
1. lub: AV valves closing
2. dub: semilunar valves closing
how is HR modified to inc. or dec. cardiac output
by mechano, chemo, or thermal receptors
they detect changes in temp, pH, CO2, O2, and movement in muscles> then goes to cardiovascular center which sends out the signal to the effectors that increase or decrease HR appropriately, which inc. or dec.'s cardiac output
regulation of cardiac output
regulated by heart rate and stroke volume
regulation of HR and cardiac output
in the brain the cardiovascular center controls HR through the ANS innervation to SA node

parasympathetic slows heart rate (vagus nerve signals to SA and AV nodes)
sympathetic increases heart rate (accelerator nerves signal to SA, AV, and myocardium)
regulation of SV and its relationship to Q
Frank Starling law , EDV, and venous return, contractility and afterload
-EDV is determined by venous return
Venous return
1. venoconstriction>inc. pressure>inc. flow>inc. EDV>inc. stroke volume
2. skeletal muscle pump
3. respiratory pump
the amount of force produced by the contracting myocardium at a given preload
caused by negative (decrease cont.) and positive ( inc. cont.) ionotropic agents
resistance from blood pressure in the major arteries that DECREASES stroke volume - opposes the opening of the valves and limits stroke volume
intercalated discs
allow adjoining cells to interlock which cause cells to increase contact area
-provide strength and prevent pulling apart when the heart contracts
- provide channels that allow ionis to flow from one cell directly into the next
coronary blood flow
5% of circulating blood supplies themyocardium to meet it's own metabolic needs
-coronary arteries stem from the aorta just after blood leaves L ventricle
cardiac cycle
events involved during the course of one heart beat that account for blood flow through the heart
-blood moves through the heart as a result of pressure changes in the chambers
components of blood (2)
1. plasma
2. formed elements
-red blood cells, platelets, white blood cells
functions of blood
1. transport (O2, CO2, nutrients, wastes, hormones, heat)
2. protection (clotting, immunities)
3. regulation (fluid, balance, pH)
primary function of red blood cells
transport gases between lungs and the tissues of the body
reasons for pulsatile blood flow
prevent the BP from falling during relaxation, when blood is not leaving the heart
-the walls of the vessels are elastic and provide force for blood to move on recoil