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20 Cards in this Set

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How are cadiac muscle fibers similar to skeletal muscle fibers?
-Striated appearance (myofibrils composed of actin & myosin)
-do not regenerate via mitosis (absence of satellite cells)
-undergoes hypertrophy in response to increased workload
How are Cardiac Cells different from Skeletal Cells?
-Intercalated discs
-Cardiac muscle is syncytial
-Cannot be tetanized (due to duration of action potential and length of refractory period)
The intercalated discs allow for
syncytial contraction
What are intercalated discs?
Specialized end-to-end junctions bt individual cardiac muscle fibers where cell membranes ahere to each other. Since the lateral portions are in contact it allows for a low-resistance pathway and allows ions to diffuse freely permitting the flow of info bt cells so that action potentials may be conducted fiber to fiber.
Types of action potentials in cardiac cells?
-fast response action potentials
-slow response action potentials
-slow response action potentials from pacemaker cells
Sinus Tachycardia
-how fast bmp?
-where it originates
-can cause
-can elict
-rate >100 bpm
-originates in SA node
-heart failure
-thryrotoxicosis (extreme hyperthryoidism)
Sinus brachycardia
-rate and rhythm
- <60 bpm, regular rhythm
-originates in SA node
Sick Sinus Syndrome (SSS)
sinus brachycardia with irregular rhythm
Atrioventricular (AV) nodal block can be
1st degree
2nd degree
3rd degree
Bundle Branch Block
AV nodal block, 1st degree(incomplete heart block)
prolong PR interval, PR prolongation consistent in ALL cycles
AV nodal block, 2 degree (some atrial depolarizations pass through but not all)
progressive lengthening of the PR interval with each beat until a impulse cannot be conducted, the last P wave stands alone, and the cycle repeats
AV nodal block 2nd degree
produces a series of cycles consisting of one normal cycle (P wave associated QRS) preceeded by a series of P waves that fail to conduct through the AV node, EKG shows normal, expected P waves with no corresponding QRS waves
-each repeating series of dropped ventricular beats has a consistent P:QRS ration resulting in some type of regular rhythm
AV nodal, 3rd degree(complete AV block)
-complete block of all paths below the His bundle
-only automaticity foci in verntricles may escape
-ventricular rate 20-40 with large wide (PVC-like) QRS: ventricular focus
Stokes-Adam syndrome
complete heart block that comes and goes (paroxysmall) resulting in syncope
Mechanism of Stokes-Adam syndrome
AV block occurs, ventricles stop beating for 5-30 sec, due to overdrive suppression of the SA nodal pacemaker
-Purkinje pacemaker site beyond the block begins at ab 15-40 bmp (ventricular escape); however, there is a delay of up to 30sec before ventricular escape occurs, during this time no blood flows to the brain and after 5 sec you faint
What would you treat Stokes-Adam Syndrome with?
A pacemaker
Atrial Escape Beat
retrograde depolarization may occur producing an inverted P' wave before or after the QRS complex
Ventricular Escape Beat
Inverted T wave
Atrial Escape rhythm
if the atrial focus is low in the atrium, P' waves may be inverted in some leads due to retrograde depolarization
Junctional Escape Rhythm Happens due to three things:
1) Sinus Arrest and Failure of atrial automaticity foci to establish packemaking
2) Complete conduction block of the proximal end of the AV node
3) the junctional focus is not overdrive suppressed nad becomes the dominant packemaker