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173 Cards in this Set

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Resting membrane potential
-90 mV with a net negative charge in the cell
electrochemical gradient created by
K+ and its high permeability &
Na+ with its slight permeability through leak channels
The action of the Na-K ATPase pump gives
(transports 3Na out for 2 K in)
a net negative charge on the inner membrane surface.
Which cation has the greatest control and role in setting the membrane potential
K+ due to its higher permeability
Stages of an action potential
Resting State
Resting State
Polarized membrane
membrane becomes permeable to Na and there is an influx of large numbers of Na cations through fast sodium leak channels during phase 0
Phase 0
When electrical potential rises slightly passed 0
potassium influx from the cell
Voltage-gated sodium channel include
activation gate (ECF)
inactivation gate (ICF)
when membrane becomes even more negative than at rest(polarized) for a few milliseconds after the action potential is over
hyperpolarized AKA
(positive) after potential
Initiation requires:
a stimulus to cause a threshold for action potential initiation of (-50 to -70 mv)
stimulus fails to elict an action potential
produces a full action potential due to a critical number of sodium channels open and activated
A subthreshold response is AKA
graded potential
A full response
Action potential
How the Action Potential Spreads
Electronic Conduction
The threshold is a cue to
allow all sodium channels to open
Why hyperpolarization occurs
some potassium channels stay open and allow K+ to come efflux form the cell even after repolarization is complete
Summation of Graded Potentials can be
Spatial Summation
Temporal Summation
Does summation apply to action potentials?
NO. An action potential is generated when the stiumul causes the membrane potential to reach threshold and increasing the stimulus about threshold does not increase ampliture or velocity of the AP
Re-establishment is due to increasing number of action potentials which causes
intracellular sodium concentrations to rise which activates the Na-K ATPase pump
Many tissues (such as the heart beat) have the ability to generate their own AP (AUTOMATICITY) this is due to
During resting state, the membrane must be sufficiently permeable to Na+ ions or Na+ and Ca++ ions to allow spontaneous depolarization
Occurs in virtually all excitable cells that exhibit
DUring the relative refractory period a cell cannot be unless
a stronger than normal stimulus is applied
Absolute Refractory Period
No stimulus, no matter how large can cause a new action potential
Relative Refractory Period
Only a stronger than normal stimulus can elicit an action potential
No stimulus no matter how large can elicit a second action potential during
The Absolute Refractory Period
The Action Potential
During the RRP, the second stimulus required to generate the action potential is
GREATER than the action potential of the original stimulus and DECREASE as the time interval between stimuli increases
Between adjacent Schwann cells the sheath is interuppted by
Nodes of Ranvier (an uncovered area)
Salatory Conduction
AP occur and are only regenerated at nodes and are conducted from node to node.
Salatory Conduction does two things
Conserves energy
Increase veolcity of nerve conduction
The tails of the phosphlipids of the cell membrane contain
hydrocarbon unites of fatty acids "hydrophobic"
The hydrophobic inner portion of the phospholipid bilayer makes it
impermeable to ionic or highly polor, water-soluble substances.
Can water cross the phospholipid bilayer?
YES! It can move between phospholipids
The fluidity of the membrane is determined by
the ratio of membrane cholesterol to phosphlipids
Fluidity is increased by
Lower levels of cholesterol
Can dissolve in and span the lipid bilayer
intergral proteins or transmembrane proteins
Integral proteins can serve as
Ion Channels or Pumps
Carriers for Transport Processes
Peripheral Proteins serve as
intracellular cytoskeleton and
in intracellular molecular signaling processes
Carbohydrate Portions of Glycoproteins or Glycolipids are located where?
At the outer membrane in contact with the ECF.
The function of the cell membrane
Highly Selectively permeability barrier that regulates the composition of the ICF and allows the ICF to maintain different composition that the ECF
The Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum has a presence of
Where protein synthesis occurs
What happens at the smooth endoplasmic reticulum?
Presence of oxidizing enzymes that metabolize foreign chemicals, including drugs
What is the golgi apparatus responsible for?
Formation of lysosomes and secretory vesicles
What is the function of a lysosome?
Intracellular digestion
-damaged cell structures
-foreign material
Lysosomes are also known as
hydrolases (granules containing digestive enzymes)

Ex. proteases
Peroxisomes contain oxidizing enzymes responsible for
intracellular formation of hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is reduced to water by
Catalase (enzyme)
The mitochondria's inner matrix is responsible and contains enzymes for
oxidative phosphorylation
Oxidative Phosphorylation is
the process by which nutrients (primarily glucose) are oxidized ti yield CO2 and water while releasing large amounts of energy and heat
Energy obtained from oxidative phosphorylation is used in the synthesis of
What is the function of the cytoskelton?
To provide structural support for the cell membrane and other structures.
The cytoskeleton is composed of:
filaments (for contractile mechanism)
What is endocytosis?
The uptake and internalization of extracellular material and very large molecules by cells by using ATP
What does endocytosis do:
-transports large molecules into the cell that cannot pass by diffusion or carrier-mediated transport
-clearance of proteins or pathogens from the EC comparment follwed by IC lysosomal digestion and degradation
Receptor-mediated endocytosis is
the specific uptake of a substance by the cell with the plasma membrane receptors for that substance (AKA ligand)
Ex. LDL low-density lipoproteins

-Also allows absorption of specific substances from the ECF which cannot be absorbed by diffusion or transport
When a receptor binds to the membrane it causes a
conformational change and allows for the membrane to retract inward
Receptor-mediated endocytosis requires
ATP, energy
On average how much total body water do we have?
The amount of Intracellular fluid is
28L (2/3 amount of water in our bodies)
Extracellular fluid consists of
Intravascular Volume and Interstitial Volume
Intravascular volume is
5L, however plasma volume only accounts for 3L & the other portion or hematocrit counts for 2L- Therefore the plasma Volume is only 3L
"packed" RBC volume representing the fraction of blood volume that is RBC
Interstitial Fluid Volume
Total of ECF Volume minus plasma volume ---> 11L
Fluid and plasma proteins that escapes the plasma volume is returned to the circulation by means of
lymphatic vessels
Sodium is in higher concentration in the
Extracellular Fluid
Potassium is in higher concentration
Intracellular Fluid
Cation that is toxic to the ICF which is why we have so little of it inside our cells
Due to metabolic reactions the inside of our cells are slightly
Fluid exchange between the ECF and ICF is regulated by
osmotic forces exterted by small solutes
Osmosis is
the net movement of water between compartments due to a concentration difference
-from a higher concentration to a lower concentration
Osmotic Pressure
the amount of pressure required to stop the osmotic movement of water between the two compartments
Water moves from
A region of low solute concentration to high solute concentration
The concentration difference of water is determined by
dissolved solute particles
Osmotic pressure is determined by
the number of osmotically active particles in solution
Osmolarity of the ECF
300 mOsM
two solutions exert identical osmotic pressures
Example of Hyperosmotic
If solution A exerts a greater Osmotic pressure than solution B then A is hyperosmotic with respect to B
Example of Hypoosmotic
If solution A exerts a lower osmotic pressure than solution B then A is hypoosmotic in comparison to B
effects on volume of cells caused by osmotic pressure exerted by an aqueous medium
In a solution that is isotonic with respect to the plasma
RBC's will have the identical cell volume as they do in plasma
In a solution that is hypertonic with respect to the plasma
RBC's will shrink (crenation) since the osmotic pressure of the medium is greater than in the RBC.
If a RBC is placed in a hypertonic environment
The cell will shrink in attempts to equalize the pressures on both sides of the RBC membrane. The RBC volume will decrease and the medium's volume will increase.
In a solution that is hypotonic with respect to the plasma,
RBC's will expand since the osmostic pressure of the medium is lower than in the RBC.
If a RBC is placed in a hypotonic environment
water will enter the RBC increasing the volume of the RBC in order to equalize the osmotic pressure on both sides of the RBC membrane.
when the RBC volume expansion is so great that it actually changes the membrane permeability properties
The final cell volume ultimately depends on
the concentration of impermeable solutes
Since gylcerol is a permeable solute (small & water soluble) its concentration is
quickly equilibriated on both sides of the RBC membrane.
IN order to move between the ICF and ECF cells must undergo
a transport process
Two types of Diffusion
Does either type of diffusion - simple or facillatated require energy?
Lipid-soluble movement of substance through the cell membrane is determined by
concentration gradient
Concentration gradient refers to
the tendency for a substance to move from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration
Lipid Solubility Diffusion is determined by
the ability to dissolve through the phospholipid bilayer and permeate through the membrane
Lipid Solubility is determined by
The partition coefficient, Kp
The higher the KP
the more soluble the substance
For simple diffusion of water soluble substances, the ions are transported accoring to their
electrochemical gradient for that ion.
Facilitated Diffusion
movement of a substance through a cell membrane along its electrochemical gradient which requires a specific carrier molecule (Integral protein)
Is energy required for facilitated diffusion?
no energy is required since a gradient must be present for movement to occur.
Rate of movement for Facilitated Diffusion depends on:
1. All factors affecting simple diffusion (concentration, amount of kinetic energy, and surface area or membrane)
2.above a maximal substance concentration, the carrier mlcls become saturated and reach a Vmax (maximal transport velocity)
At Vmax
transport will not increase no matter the increase in substance concentration
Usually in facilitated diffusion, the transported substances are
ions or large polar mlcls whose rates of diffusion by passive transport would be extremely slow or for which passive diffusion might not even occur.
The carrier mechanism increases
rate of transport unobtainable from simple diffusion by making the membrane permeable to substances which would otherwise be impermeable.
Properties of Carrier mediated transport (Facilitated and Active Transport)
1.chemical specificity
2. sterospecificity
3. competition
Active Transport is
"uphill" movement of a substance against its electrochemical gradient requiring energy.
Primary Active Transport
Energy input derived from ATP
Secondary Active Transport
Energy input derived from stored "potential" energy in the form of a concentration gradient created by another primary active transport process
All active transports require
a carrier protein which has the same properties as facilitated diffusion.
Na+K+ Pump is an example of what and does what
1. Primary Active Transport
2. Pumps 3 Na out of the cell for 2 K into the cell
The purpose of the Na/ K pump is to
maintain Na concentrations in the ECF and K concentrations in the ICF
Since the Na+/K+ pump maintains a constant cell volume by reducing the ion concentrations in the cell,
it reduces the osmotic flow of water into the cell
Two types of Secondary Active Transport
1. Cotransport
2. Countertransport
Cotransport of substances with sodium cations
Since the Na+/K+ pump creates a large concentration gradient for Na+, the movement of Na down its concentration gradient creates stored energy which is the used to transport other substances.
Countertransport with sodium cation
Movement of sodium and other substances in opposite directions
Transepithelial transport sites
1. GI tract
2. renal tubules
In transpithelial transport
cells are polarized with respect to transport properties
The resting membrane potential is due to :
1. Electrochemical potential created by postassium alone (high permeability of K)
2. Electrochemical potential created by Na alone (slight membrane permeability through leak channels)
3. action of the Na/K ATPase pump
4. negative net charge on the inner membrane surface
Difference Between Graded Potential and Action Potential's Response
1. Graded Response, amplitude varies with conditions of the initating event
2. ALl or nothing response, amplitude is independent of the initiating event
Difference Between Graded Potential and Action Potential's Ability to have summation
1. Graded has the ability to be summed
2. Action potential does not
Difference Between Graded Potential and Action Potential's Threshold
1. Graded has no threshold
2. Action potential has a threshold usually between 10 to 15mV depolarized relative to the resting potential
Difference Between Graded Potential and Action Potential's Refractory Periods
1. Graded has no refractory period
2. Action Potential has a refractory period
Difference Between Graded Potential and Action Potential's Conduction
1. Graded is conducted decrementally, amplitude decreases with distance
2. Action Potential is conducted with decrement; amplitude is constant
Difference Between Graded Potential and Action Potential's Duration
1. Graded potentials duration depends on the initiating conditions
2. Action potentials duration is constant for a given cell type
Can Graded Potential or Action Potential be Depolarized or Hyperpolarized?
1. Graded potential can be depolarized or hyperpolarized
2. Action potential has depolarization (with overshoot)
Individual muscle fibers which are long, cylindrical,and multi nucleated
Cell membrane of a muscle fiber
Myofibrils extend the entire length of the muscle and consist of longitudinally arranged bundles of
Thick and thin filaments
Thick filament
Thin Filament
Sympathetic Autonomic Nervous System has what kind of fibers
Short Preganglionic fibers
Long Postganglionic fibers(traveling to effector target organ)
Innervation of the adrenal medulla consists of
Preganglionic fiber going directly to adrenal medulla and terminating on chromaffin cells which are capable of secreting NE and EPI
Adrenal Medullary Cells are analagous to
postganglionic neurons
Parasympathetics nerves originate as
Cranial Nerves
Sacral Nerves
Parasympathetic Nervous System has what kind of fibers
Long Preganglionic- going all the way to ganglia at or near target organ walls
Short Postganglionic- distributes thoughout the organ
Cholergenic fibers secrete
Adrenegic Fibers Secrete
In both SNS and PNS the preganglionic fibers are
Postganglionic Fibers in PNS are
Postganglionic Sympathetic Fibers are
Adrenergic except for sweat glands and pilorector muscles
ACh is terminated by
Hydrolysis by the enzyme acetylocholinesterase (AChE)
NE is terminated by
(80%) through uptake into the nerve terminal by an active transport mechanism.
Cholinergic receptors are either
Muscarinic or nicotinic
Muscarinic are located at
parasympathetic postganglionic sites and at some sympathetic sites (sweating)
Nicotinic are located at
1. synapses between preganglionic and postganglionic fibers in both systems
2. Adrenal Medulla
2. NMJ (not in PANS)
Adrenergic Receptors are classified as
Alpha or Beta
Alpha1 Receptors
located at sympathetic postganglionic sites (smooth muscle)
-increased intracellular calcium
Beta Receptors are located
Located at Sympathetic postganglionic sites
Beta Receptors are divided into 3 subgroups:
1. beta1 receptors (visceral organs)
2. beta2 receptors (vascular and visceral smooth muscle)
3. beta3 receptors (fat cells)
Parasympathetic Response of Pupil
Miosis (constriction)
Parasympathetic response to exocrine glands
copious, watery secretion (nasal, saliva, RT, GIT)
SNS and PNS response to cardiac muscle
1. increased contractibility (beta1)
2.decreased contractibility
SNS and PNS response to SA node
1. increased rate (beta1)
2. decreased rate
SNS and PNS response to vascular smooth muscle
1. contricted (alpha1)
2. no response
SNS and PNS response to bronchiolar smooth muscle
1. dilated (beta2)
2. contricted
PNS response to gut wall
1. increased peristalsis
SNS response to sphincters
contracted (alpha 1)
PNS response to skin
PNS response to bladder
contracted (urination)
SNS response to sphincter
contracted (alpha 1)
PNS response to penis
Sympathetic responses to metabolism
BMR-increased up to 100%
adrenal medulla-increased secretion
skeletal muscle-glycogenolysis
fat-lipolysis (beta3)
kidney-renin secretion(beta1)

*Parasympatheic has no metabolic responses*
Sympathetic stimulation of the adrenal medulla causes
release of NE (20%) and EPI (80%) into the blood & resulting end organ effects lasting 5-10 times as long as the effects by sympathetic nerve stimulation alone
Without the prescrence of _____ there would be no mechanism for dilation.
Inhibition of normal tone allows for
Sympathetic stimulation increases
vasoconstriction(sympathetic tone)
SNS effects are
massive, rapid activation of the SNS to provide activation in response to powerful stimuli
SNS produces what type of response
fight or flight
Responses of activation to powerful stimuli by the SNS include
1. increased arterial pressure and heart rate
2. increased blood flow to skeletal muscles
3.decreased blood flow to the GI and GU tracts
4.increased blood glucose and metabolic rate
5. increased glycogenolysis in liver and muscle
PNS repsonses are
localized and discrete