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82 Cards in this Set

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What is divergence?
One neuron influences several other neurons.
What is convergence?
Several neurons work together to affect one neuron.
Temporal arrangement refers to ____ and is measured in ___
timing, impulses/min.
(the more the stronger)
The spatial arrangement of input to neurons suggests that the ______ the impulse is, the ____ _it is.
1. farther away from the axon
2. weaker
At what location on a neuron is the most sensitive part, where an impulse would have the strongest effect?
Axon hillock
______ transmission describes how stimulation occurs between the axon terminal and the dendrite in the synaptic cleft.
Electro-chemical transmission
What factors affect the speed of an action potential conduction in neurons?
1. Axon diameter (bigger = faster)
2. Whether it is myelinated (myelinated = faster)
Pain, thermal, and autonomic axons are the _____ conduction because they are ___ and ___.
slow, thin and unmyelinated
Tactile and motor axons have ____ conduction.
Fast (medium thickness, only lightly myelinated)
Proprioception axons have _____ conductions.
Very Fast (thick and myelinated)
In the PNS, what cells produce and maintain myelin?
Schwann cells
In the CNS, what cells produce and maintain myelin?
Propogation of the axon potential relies on what two ions being shifted across the cell membrane?
Potassium, Sodium
At rest, the axon has a ___ charge on the outside and a ____ on the inside.
Positive on the outside, negative at the inside
_____ ion channels only open when the voltage changes.
What is saltatory conduction?
Fast action potential propogation that jumps from one node to the next.
Describe the process of neurotransmission (5 steps).
1. nerve impulse arrives at azon terminal and causes calcium to bind to its receptor
2. Calcium causes synaptic esicles to release neurotransmitter into synaptic cleft.
3. Transmitter binds to receptor on membrane of dendrite.
4. new nerve impuls in the dendrite is generated, and is propogated to the neuron and its axon
5. transmitter is neutralized by re-uptake, re-use, or enxyme destruction
Why do dendrites create destruction of neuroreceptors?
To clean up after the process, so you can control stimulation.
Sensory nerve fibers have _____ axon diameter and ____, to increase ______
increased axon diameter and myelination to increase conduction velocity
____ receptors are the largest of all in sensory nerve fibers.
In M.S. _____ degenerates resulting in weakness due to ____
myelin sheath degenerates
weakness due to loss of proprioception!
the ______ nerve innervates the skin of the face, but _____ innervates the back of the head, and _____ innervates the neck.
Trigeminal nerve = face
C2 = back of head
C3 = neck
Pain & Thermal pathways have _____ pathways but ______ axons.
the same pathway, different axons
When you feel pain or thermal input, it synapses at the _____.
Substantia gelatinosa
After synapse at the substantia gelatinosa, some neurons will go to _____, but the majority go to _____
1. reflex neurons
2. cross over to contralateral side and ascend the opposite side of spinal tract to the thalamus
The contralateral long tract is ____ in the sacral area, and ____ near the neck.
1. thin near sacral
2. large near neck
The pain and temperature conduction pathway occurs via the _____.
Spinothalamic tract or anterolateral tract (LONG TRACT!!!)
A lesion of a spinal nerve results in loss of sensation _____, where a lesion of the spinal cord (STT), the sensation is lost ____.
1. spinal nerve = same side
2. spinal cord = contralateral side.
The spinothalamic tract is located ________ and is specific to what functions?
1. in the lateral white matter of the spinal cord
2. specific to pain and temperature only!!
How do you figure out a lesion of a R spinal nerve vs L spinal cord?
Look at the OTHER symptoms and put the puzzle pieces together.
The diencephalon consists of what?
Thalamus and Hypothalamus
The spinothalamic tract is a ____ tract (long/ short)
If you have loss of pain and temperature sensation of the right side, but loss of vagus nerve function on the left side, what condition would you suspect?
Lesion of the Left side medulla
Whne pain singals enter the pons, what happens next?
They travel (without synapse) lateral side downward to caudal medulla and then back upto the pons before synapsing.
What is significant about the trigeminal pathway?
the pain sensation works on the same side in the head most of the time, because lesions are rare in ascending pathway from medulla back to midpons
Which gyrus is the sensory receptor in cerebral cortex?
Postcentral gyrus
The _____ artery supplies the medial surface of the brain.
anterior cerebral
The ___ artery suplies the lateral surface of the brain?
Middle cerebral artery
If a stroke occured within the anterior cerebral artery, where would sensory be lost ?
Lower extremity of Contralateral side.
The fast conducted neuron fibers carry pain to the ____.
What is the function of the slow pain fibers?
Bring behavioral responses to the pain up to the cortex
Why does referred pain occur at a different place than the source of pain?
Because skin and organ developed in the same area in the embryo, but then organs migrate to other sites with growth.
Cardiac pain is typically referred where?
Chest, neck, L arm, jaw
Biliary (liver) pain is referred where?
R chest, R posterior shoulder
Fasciculus gracilis and facilis cuneatus can collectively be called the ____
dorsal columns
The fascuculus gracilis serves the _____ half of the body.
The fasciculus cuneatus serves the _____ half of the body
The dorsal column medial lemniscus pathway serves what senations?
descrimnative tactile, vibratory, and position sense (conscious proprioception)
If a patient is unable to hold a coin and identify it as a coin, there is a lesion of what pathway?
Dorsal columns pathway.
An exam procedure in which you blindly move the patient's big toe and they cannot sense the direction of movement, suggests lesion of ____
dorsal columns
Once axons from dorsal columns cross over, they form the ____
contralateral medial emniscus
What is the Rhomberg sign?
Pt loses sense of balance wiht feet together with eyes closed. It indicates dysfunction of dorsal column-medial lemniscus system
The non-conscious proprioception pathway is a ____ tract to the ___.
Cerebellum - LONG tract!!!
The non-conscious proprioception pathway conveys what type of information?
muscle tension, movement, body posiiton.
Injury in the cerebellar and vestibular path results in _
- diminished strength
- poor timing and accuracy of movement
- tremors when initiating movement
- diminished balance
- DOES NOT result in paralysis (just severe weakness)
WHat are the 4 long tracts?
1. pain & temp
2 dorsal column medial lemniscus
3. spinocerebellar
4. voluntary motor
The volutary motor tract crosses over to the contralateral side where?
Motor ecussation in lower brainstem.
dorsal columnar tract crosses to the contralateral side at ____
sensory decussation in lower brainstem.
The -______ regulates visceral and endocrine functions
The hypothalamus exerts control by _____
meeting up with sympathetic and parasympathetic axons
What are Raphe nuclei?
groups of interconnected neurons in the brain stem, especially at the midline of the brain stem
What reticular formations modulate pain
Periaquaductal gray, and Raphe nuclei
What part of the brain stem are the respiratory centers in?
Pons and medulla
The Raphe nuclei are most prominent in what part of the brain stem?
pons and medulla
Cardiovascular centers lie within the ___
As pain comes up through STT, it gives off some neurons to ___, ___, and ___ which in turn send projections of ____ to the body.
gives off to Raphe nuclei, periaqueductal grey, and hypothalamus..... projections of Seratonin
The enkephalin neuron does what?
inhibits the pain fiber from transmitting to brain
Tactile fibers help activate ______ to help reduce pain.
enkephalin inhibitory neurons.
What is nocioception?
Pain perception
Where do fast pain fibers transmit to?
conductied via A-delta lightly myelinated axons to thalamus and sensory cortex (location and character of pain/temp)
Where to slow pain fibers transmit to?
Conducted via C unmyelinated axons to the thalamus and limbic structures (affective, behavioral, responses to pain)
What is the only descending long tract?
Voluntary motor
Where do visceral pain fibers transmit to?
from organs and vessels they follow autonomic nerves to the spinal cord (irritants, ischemia, muscle spasms, organ distension)
Warm and cold sensations are conveyed by _____ fibers and ____ pain fibers.
1. separate fibers
2. separate from painf ibers
Below and above which range does temperature become most painful? They are sensitive to about ____ degree.
1. 15-45 deg C
2. 1 deg C sensitivity
How does pain protect tissue from damage?
By evoking avoidance behaviors
Patients are constantly aware of pain because ____
Pain receptors do not adapt
What does neuropathic pain refer to?
pain caused by injury to a nerve as in sciatica, pinched nerve, etc.
Why are muscle spasms painful?
They evoke muscle ischemia
Where to viruses migrate to in order to cause skin pain, inflammation, as in shingles?
Shingles is a viral invasion of peripheral sensory neurons that migrate to dendritic terminal causing these problems.
When the enkephlin neuron is doing it's job, the gate for pain reception is _____.
CLOSED! (pain can't get through)
Where does each long tract cross over?
1. STT = in spinal column at level of spinal nerve input
2. Dorsal columns = medulla
3. Spinocerebellar = most do not cross
4. voluntary motor = medulla