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103 Cards in this Set

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Which 4 causes of dyspnea may present with pleuritic pain?
-Spontaneous pneumothorax
-Acute pulmonary embolism
Which 7 causes of cough are categorized as chronic inflammation?
-Postnasal drip
-Chronic bronchitis
-Pulmonary tuberculosis
-Lung abscess
Dark to bright red sputum is most often associated with?
-Pulmonary emboli
In what conditions would you find the diaphragm to be abnormally high?
-Pleural effusion
-Paralysis of diaphragm
-Atelectasis (lower lobe)
Which conditions will cause a bilateral decrease in diaphragmatic excursion?
-Thickened chest wall
-Elevated diaphragm
-B/L organomegaly
-B/L collapse
Which conditions will cause a unilateral decrease in diaphragmatic excursion?
-Pleural effusion
-Bronchial obstruction
Which adventitious lung sound is often coarse and relatively few in #?
Early inspiratory crackles
Which 2 adventitious lung sounds are heard in bronchiectasis but are not specific for this dx?
Midinspiratory and expiratory
Using landmarks, describe where (anteriorly) the apices of the lungs are
2-4 cm above proximal 1/3 of clavicle
Where does the oblique fissure run?
T3 SP obliquely down & around chest to 6th rib @ midclavical line
How does the horizontal fissure run?
Ant: runs close to 4th rib & meets oblique fissure in midaxillary line near 5th rib
Sighing Resp.
-Breathing with freq. sighs
-Hyperventilation syndrome
-dyspnea & dizziness
Obstructive breathing
Causes include:
Chronic bronchitis
What may cause a decrease in rate/depth of breathing?
-Severe obesity
-Myasthenia Gravis
-Narcotic overdose
What may cause an increase in rate/depth of breathing?
-CNS lesion (pons)
-Anxiety, pain
-Aspirin poisoning
Which conditions are assoc. w/ "pulled" tracheal deviation?
-Infiltrated tumor
-Pneumothorax (open)
-Atelectasis (upper lobe)
Which conditions are assoc. w/ "pushed" tracheal deviation?
-Tension pneumothorax
-Nodal enlargement
-Pleural effusion
-Thyroid enlargement
-Periods of breathing alternating w/ periods of apnea
-Classic for CHF!!!
-Crescendo/decrescendo pattern
Describe Peripheral cyanosis
-Venous stasis
-Exposure to cold
-Found in nail beds, nose, lips
-Better w/ warming
What is the classic cause of platypnea?
Intracranial problems causing pressure
Dyspnea relieved by laying on side
Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
Sudden onset of dyspnea while sleeping relieved by sitting up
Hemoptysis vs. Hematemesis
-Bright red
-Mixed w/ pus

-Not frothy
-Dark red/coffee color
-Mixed w/ food
Gravel in the sputum is assoc. w/?
Profuse, colorless sputum is typical of?
Alveolar cell carcinoma
Yellow-green sputum is typical of?
Bronchiectasis, chronic bronchitis
Dry hacking cough is generally assoc. w/?
-Viral infection & mycoplasma
-Interstitial lung ds
A stridor type cough is assoc. w/?
Tracheal obstruction
Morning cough is classic for?
Cough assoc. w/ eating or drinking is typical of?
Neuromuscular dx of upper esophageal
Barking cough is typically assoc. w/?
Epiglottal ds. (croup)
Which 2 lung conditions are most commonly assoc. w/ history of smoking?
-Chronic bronchitis
Which cause of pneumonia presents w/ sticky, red, jelly-like sputum?
Pink frothy sputum is assoc. W/?
Pulmonary edema
-Left sided HF
Purulent foul smelling sputum is assoc. w/?
-Lung abscess
Which cause of chronic cough presents early in the morning and late at night?
Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD)
Which cause of cough is assoc. w/ anorexia, weight loss, fatigue, fever, and night sweats?
Pulmonary tuberculosis
Which 4 causes of cough are categorized as acute inflammation?
-Mycoplasma & Viral pneumonias
-Bacterial pneumonias
Which 2 cardiovascular disorders are assoc. w/ cough?
-Left ventricular failure
-Pulmonary emboli
Which cause of cough is often assoc. w/ viral nasopharyngitis?
What cause of sputum is assoc. w/ febrile illness and poor dental hygiene?
Lung abscess
Which chest disorder has increased tactile fremitus?
Which chest disorder presents w/ all 3 types of transmitted breath sounds?
What are the 3 types of transmitted breath sounds?
What chest disorder usually has absent fremitus?
Which chest disorders have decreased tactile fremitus?
-Pleural effusion (may be absent or increased)
-Pneumothorax (may be absent)
Which chest disorders have hyperresonant percussion notes?
-Pneumothorax (tympanic)
-COPD (diffusely)
-Asthma (diffusely)
Which chest disorders have dull percussion notes?
-Pleural effusion
Which chest disorders have resonant percussion notes?
-Chronic bronchitis
-Left-sided HF
Which cause of cough may be characterized by diffusely pink or rust colored sputum?
Bacterial pneumonias
Which cause of cough is seen w/ discharge in the post. pharynx, chronic rhinitis and sinusitis?
Post nasal drip
How much should the clavicles move during passive respiration?
Which conditions are assoc. w/ a "pushed posterior" tracheal deviation?
-Mediastinal tumors
What condition is assoc. w/ a "pushed anterior" tracheal deviation?
What level would you perform post. chest expansion and what result would you expect?
- (3-4) cm
What level would you perform ant. chest expansion and what results would you expect?
Upper Lobe = Ribs 2/3 & 1-2 cm
Lower Lobe = Ribs 5/6 & 2-3 cm
Which conditions will cause diaphragmatic excursion to be absent?
-Inflammation of diaphragm or viscera below
-Phrenic nerve palsy
Which adventitious lung sound results from a series of tiny explosions when small airways, deflated during expiration, pop open during inspiration or from air bubbles flowing thru secretions or lightly closed airways during respiration?
What position is a mediastinal crunch best heard?
Left lateral position
What is a mediastinal crunch due to?
Mediastinal emphysema (pneumomediastinum)
Describe thoracic kyphoscoliosis
-Abnormal spinal curvatures and vertebral rotation deform chest
-Distortion of lungs may make interpretation of lung findings difficult
Describe traumatic flail chest
-Multiple flail chest (rib fractures)
-Paradoxical movements of chest
-Inspiration injured areas cave inward
-Expiration moves outward
Describe pigeon chest
-AKA Pectus Carinatum
-Sternum displaced anterior, Increase A-P diameter
-Costal cartilage adjacent to sternum are depressed
Describe barrel chest
Increase A-P diameter, which is normal during infancy, often accompanies aging and COPD
Describe funnel chest
-AKA Pectus Excavatum
-Depressed lower sternum
-Compression of heart & great vessels may cause murmurs
Describe normal adult thorax
Wider lateral diamter than A-P
In what chest disorders do you find tracheal deviation?
How does it shift?
-Atelectasis - towards involved side
-Pleural effusion - towards opposite side
-Pneumothorax - towards opposite side
What breath sounds are normal?
-Bronchovesicular over large bronchi
-bronchial over trachea
-no adventitious sounds
What breath sounds would you find in a pt w/ atelactasis?
-Usually absent, exception is w/ Rt upper lobe where tracheal sounds transmitted
-Adventitious : none
Describe 3 retraction signs
1. Abnormal contours - variation in normal convexity of each breast
2. Skin dimpling - look for this in pts w/ arm @ rest during compression of breast
3. Nipple retraction & deviation - flattened or pulled inward, broadened/thickened, googley eyed nipple. Points toward center
What is Paget's ds of the nipple?
-Uncommon form of breast cancer
-Starts as scaly eczema-like lesion that may weep, crust or erode
Peau d'orange sign
-Edema of skin produced by lymphatic blockade
-Thickened skin w/ enlarged pores
-1st seen in lower portion of breast
Common Breast Masses

Age: 30-50
#: Single or multiple
Shape: round
Consistency: Soft to firm, elastic
Delin: Well delineated
Mobility: mobile
Tender: often
Retraction sign: absent
Common Breast Masses

Age: 30-90
#: usually single
Shape: Irregular or stellate
Consist.: Firm or hard
Delin.: Not clearly delineated
Mobility: fixed to skin or underlying tissue
Tender: usually nontender
Retraction sign: may be present
What are 2 causes of late inspiratory crackles?
-Interstitial lung ds (consolidation)
-Early CHF
What breath sounds would you auscultate in a pt w/ consolidation?
-Bronchial over involved areas
-Adventitious: late inspiration crackles over involved area
What breath sounds are heard w/ chronic bronchitis?
-Adventitious: none or scattered coarse crackles in early inspiration.
Wheezes or Rhonchi
What breath sounds would expect to hear w/ early Left-sided HF?
-Adventitious: late inspiratory crackles in dependent portions of lung
What are the visible signs of breast cancer?
-Retraction signs
-Edema of skin
-Paget's ds of nipple
What is the landmark for a thoracentesis?
-T7-8 Interspace
Using landmarks, describe where the lower border of the lungs are (anteriorly & posteriorly)
-Ant.: crosses 6th rib @ midclvicular line & 8th rib @ midaxillary line
-Post.: about T10 SP
Where is the lower margin of endotracheal tube is seen on x-ray
Common Breast Masses

Age: 15-25
#: usually single, may be multiple
Shape: Round, dislike or lobular
Consis.: May be soft, usually firm
Delin.: Well delineated
Mobility: Very mobile
Tender: Usually non-tender
Ataxic (Biot's) Breathing
-Unpredictable irregularity
-Respiratory depression & brain damage typically @ medullary level
Kussmaul breathing
Deep breathing due to metabolic acidosis. It may be fast, normal, or slow
What breath sounds are found w/ pleural effusion?
-Decreased to absent
-Adventitious: none, possible pleural rub
This is a series of precordial crackles synchronous w/ the heart beat, not w/ the respiration?
-Mediastinal crunch
(Hamman's sign)
What breath sounds are heard in a pt w/ COPD?
-Decreased to absent
-Adventitious: non or crackles.
Wheezes or Rhonchi
What landmarks are used to determine where to insert the needle for....
1) Tension pneumothorax
2) Chest tube
1) 2nd intercostal space
2) 4th intercostal space
What breath sounds are heard in a pt w/ asthma?
-Often obscured by wheezes
-Adventitious sounds: Wheezes, possibly crackles
What breath sounds may be heard w/ pneumothorax?
-Decreased to absent
-Adventitious: non, possible pleural rub
What does persistent localized wheezing suggest?
Partial obstruction of a bronchus
(tumor or foreign body)
Silent chest is assoc. w/ what ds?
Severe obstructive pulmonary ds
Is a rub usually confined to a relatively small or large area?
Small area
A wheeze that is entirely or predominately inspiratory is called?
Where is stridor the loudest?
The neck
What does stridor indicate?
Partial obstruction of larynx or trachea
List 4 causes of Wheezes
-Chronic bronchitis
______ suggest secretion in the larger airways
What type of crackle begins in 1st half of inspiration, but must continue into late INspiration?
They are usually fin, fairly profuse, and persist breath to breath.
Late inspiratory crackle
Which type of adventitious lung sound appears and ends soon after the start of inspiration?
Early inspiratory crackles
What are 2 causes of early inspiratory crackles?
-Chronic Bronchitis
Which adventitious lung sound occurs when air flows rapidly through bronchi that are narrowed nearly to the point of closure?