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126 Cards in this Set

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The main reason for building large telescopes on the Earth's surface is to
collect more light from faint objects
A changing electric field will produce a
magnetic field
Of the following kinds of waves the only ones that cannot travel through a vacuum (like outer space) are
sound waves
Light of which of the following wavelengths has the highest frequency
Which of the following types of EM radiation has the longest wavelength
A set of Christmas tree lights is wired in series. What will happen if one of the lights burns out?
all the lights will turn off
To an astronaut in orbit many miles above Earth's atmosphere, the sky around him/her appears
Radio waves are
light waves
You are looking at a penny at the bottom of a fountain that s 2m deep while standing on a sidewalk above it. To you the penny seems to be
less than 2m deep
If an electron jumps from a higher energy level in an atom to a lower energy level, a photon is
Thomas Young performed a crucial experiment on the nature of light when he
demonstrated the wave nature of light by passing light through two slits and obtaining a pattern of bright and dark bands on a screen that he correctly interpreted as interference between the two light beams
An ambulance with siren blaring passes you. Compared to the wavelengths of the sound waves emitted from it's siren, those that reach your ear
gradually become shorter and shorter as the ambulance approaches you and then gradually become longer and longer as the ambulance recedes from you
The sun appears reddish as it sets because
the blue wavelengths have already been scattered by the atmosphere
Because of the law of conservation of mass, it seems reasonable that
the number of atoms of reactants must equal the number of atoms of products
Isotopes of an element are atoms that have
the same number of protons, but a different number of neutrons
Identify the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in an atom of 19/9 F
9 protons, 10 neutrons, and 9 electrons
Which of the following is not considered to be one of the four fundamental forces
The elements in the far right column of the periodic table are called
the noble gases
In a chemical equation, the reactants are found on the left side of the arrow
The cyclic motions of the Sun and stars in our sky are
due to the motions of Earth
The spin of earth on it's axis
-spinning at over 1000 miles/hour
Sun, moon, stars set along the
western horizon
People living at different latitudes see stars
move differently
the movement of the Earth in
its orbit around the Sun
-takes one year for Earth to complete one revolution
developed an
astronomy that detailed
the motions of the
Moon and planets.
attempted to model the universe,
Said that Earth does not spin because there is no
wind outside. Other things must be orbiting Earth
geocentric orbit
The terms ____ & _____were
coined by Copernicus to distinguish a planet's
orbit's size in relation to the Earth's.
inferior planet and superior planet
The apparent shift of an object
against a background due to a
change in observer position.
The orbit of a planet around the Sun is
an ellipse with the Sun at one focus.
Kepler Law #1
A line joining the planet and the Sun sweeps out equal areas in equal intervals of time
Kepler Law #2
The square of a planet’s sidereal period
around the Sun is proportional to the cube of its
semi-major axis.
Kepler Law #3
He used the telescope to look at astronomical objects
Rotation takes ____ earth days, so a day is longer than a year on Venus
Moons closest and farthest approach to earth
Farthest: apogee
The gravity on the moon is ___ that of earths
The phases of the moon are called ____ and last ____
the Syndonic Period
29 1/2 days
Greatest surface temperature range of any planet or natural satellite
-183°C to 427° C.
Mercury has a very large
iron-nickle core
Venus spins slowly in a ______ direction, called _______
rotation because it is the opposite of the other planets
Why does Venus not have a magnetic field?
clouds obscure surface
Able to see through thick clouds on Venus
Magellan space craft
first ever taken of Earth from another planet
Sprint image
We hope to gain insight into the history of
martian water
Looking for life on Mars
position of orange and yellow
orange belt: left
yellow zone: right
The innermost moon of Jupiter, ____ largest moon in the solar system
Io, 4th
Most likely to harbor life
Has the most craters
Saturn's rings are __% ice
Uranus is ___billion miles from Earth and has a ___year summer and ___year winter
1.6, 42, 42
The outer most planet
Has the highest known probability of impacting earth
1950 DA
are the remnants of planetesimals that failed to accrete into a full-sized
planet, due to the gravitational
influence of Jupiter and other massive objects.
Asteroid belt is located
in between Mars and Jupiter
First and largest asteroid
We are afraid of
apollo asteroids
Comets can be found
in the Kuiper Belt
is a celestial body orbiting the Sun that is massive enough to be
rounded by its own gravity but which has not cleared its
neighboring region of planetesimals and is not a satellite.
Dwarf planets
outermost of our solar system, composed of billions of comets
oort cloud
When near the Sun, the radiation
from the Sun evaporates some of
the ices which forms a ____ that
surrounds the _____.
coma, nucleus
of an element or compound is a transition from the solid to gas phase with no
intermediate liquid stage.
The _____ tail follows the comet in its orbit.
The ___ tail is pushed straight behind the comet by the solar
dust, ion
*blue ion tail points toward opp. of the sun
are grains of dust and small “rocks” that fall through
the atmosphere and glow due to the heat of air resistance as
they fall.
(burn up in the atmosphere)
are the remains that reach the Earth’s surface.
On average, ___ tons of mass is added to the earth each day
Earth’s orbit sometimes takes it through the debris of a
comet (tail), resulting in a
meteor shower
Impact producing the _______ 65 million
years ago may have caused major climate change,
leading to the extinction of many species, including
Chicxulub crater
4H----> _____ fusion.
=hydrostatic equilibrium=?
He, main sequence 90% of it's life
Most photons enter the
radiative zone as ____, and they leave as _______.
gamma rays, visible photons
Sun is a ____ star
Stars are sorted by ______ called ______
temperature, Spectral Classes
order of temperatures
O=hot, blue/white
M= cooler, red
Where does fusion happen
Suns atmosphere
Photosphere 5800K
What does ozone protect us from
UV rays
The max. mass a star can have is ___ mass of the sun
The min. mass a star can have is ____ mass of the sun
More mass of a star means
more power/luminosity
What do stars spend most their lives doing?
fusing H--->He
Nearest star to the sun is
Proxima Centuari
A place of infinite density
Number of stars in our galaxy
400 billion
the milky way galaxy is a ____ galaxy of stars
I takes _____ years to our solar system to complete one orbit
226 million
up to a few thousand stars, stars not gravitationally bound
open cluster
other clusters have up to a million stars gravitational bound, little or no dust, and no blue giant star
globular clusters
What we observe when we look at spectra from galaxies is the farther away a galaxy is from us, the bigger the red shift of the spectra from that galaxy. The farther away the galaxy is, the faster it is receding
Hubble's Law
-this means the universe is expanding
Temperature of the universe
2.73 Kelvin
we can go back as far as The Plank Era
gravity broke off at 10 ^-43 seconds
What is the most importatnt reason for Earth's need of the ozone layer?
shields earth from harmful solar ultraviolet radiation
If the Earth's axis were less tilted than it is today, the difference between the average temperatures of winter and summer would
Which of the following can be formed from previously existing rocks?
all of these
-igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic
The chief source of atmospheric heat is
IR radiation from the Earth itself
Which of the following weather hazards results in the highest number of deaths on average in the US
The Earth's magnetic field is believed to be produced by molten metal circulating in Earth's
outer core
The planet with the longest year
The solar system is approximately
5 billion years old
The Oort cloud is composed of
The heavy elements in the earth were formed by
supernova explosions
What is the source of energy that is radiated from the sun?
nuclear fusion
Which of the following is not a stage a star such as our sun will undergo?
black hole
The planet with the shortest year is
A small body from space that falls on the surface of earth is
The planet with the most satellites is
The planet that consists of the most compressed gases is
The sun is composed mostly of
The two planets of the solar system that do not have satellites (moons) are
Mercury and Venus
The great red spot is at atmospheric disturbance on
After our sun burns it's supply of hydrogen, it will become
a red giant
come in a variety of shapes
The planets shine because they
reflect sunlight
When a solar eclipse occurs, the moon must be
The moon has lots of
When a lunar eclipse occurs, the moon must be
Double stars are valuable to astronomers because they permit the determination of stellar
The most distant galaxies are receding at speeds that are
not far from the speed of light
The temperatures of stars can be determined by
Present evidence suggests that the proportion of unseen dark matter in the universe is
more than 90%
The color of a relatively cool star is
The planet that appears the brightest is
The least dense planet is
At the end of its period in the main sequence, a star whose mass is near that of the sun
expands in to a red giant
The number of sunspots
increases and decreases in an 11 year cycle
The interior of the moon is probably
The surface temp. of the sun is probably