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34 Cards in this Set

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what is a reflex
an involuntary reaction or response
what's developmental psychology
how people grow and change throughout their life span
what's maturation
the automatic and sequential process of development that results from genetic signals
what's a critical period
a stage or point in development during which a person or animal is best suited to learn a particular skill or behavior pattern
stages vs. continuity
does development occur in stages or as a continuous process without distinctive levels
arnold Gesell
proposed maturation played the most imortant role in development (occurs in stages)
what's a couple examles of a reflex
breathing, eliminating wastes, withdrawling from painful stimuli,
what's attachment
emotional ties that form between people (usually devolepes with their mother)
what's stranger anxiety
at about the age of eight months, some infants develop a fear of strangers
what's contact comfort
instinctual need to touch and be touched by something soft
Harry F. Harlow experiment
Monkey chose mother made of cloth instead of wire mother that fed them because of comfort
what's imprinting
many animals become attached to the first moving object they see
what's a warm parent
shows a great deal of affection to their children and appear to really enjoy their comany
what's a cold parent
cold parents may not be as affectionate toward their children or appear to enjoy them as much
what's a strict parent
they impose many rules and watch their children closely
what's a permissive parent
impose few rules and watch their children less closely
what's an authoritative parent
they combine warmth with positive kinds of strictness
what's an authoritarian parent
beleive in obedience for it's own sake; have strict guidelines that they expect their children to follow without question
what's unconditional positive regard
parents love and accept their children for who they are no matter how they behave
what's conditioinal positive regard
parents show love only when the children behave in certain acceptable ways
what was jean piagets theory
beleived humans organized information through assimulation and accommodatioin
what's assimulatioin
the process by which new information is placed into categories that already exist
what's a accommodation
a change brought about because of new information
what's the sensorimotor stage
infants begin to understand that there is a relationship between their physical movements and the results they sense and perceive
what's object permanence
the understanding that objects exist even when they cannot be seen or touched
what's the preoperational stage
one dimensional; children can only see one aspect of situation at a time
what does egocentrism mean
the inability to see another persons point of veiw
what's the concrete-operational stage
starts about age seven; children begin to show signs of adult thinking
what's the formal operational stage
began to think abstractly. begin to think ahead and understands a certain aspect of a situation
what was the criticism that piaget got about his theories
many beleived that his methods caused him to underestimate the abilities of children
what did psychologist lawrence kohlberg do
devised a cognitive theory about the development of childrens moral reasoning
what's the preconventional level according to kohlberg
through the age of nine most children base their judgements on the consequences of behavior
what's the conventional level according to kohlberg
people make judgements in terms of whether an act is right or wrong
what is the postconventional level accordcing to kohlberg
When one bases a reasoning off of their own moral standards of goodness