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Verbs, with definitions
account for
объяснить причину чего-то
How can you account for your absence at the meeting?
account to
отчитываться перед кем-то за денежные траты
You will account to the financial director for the money you spend.
accuse of
обвинить кого-то в (в преступлении, совершении проступка)
He was accused of murder. They accused him of murder. He was accused of stealing money. She accused him of lying.
act on
действовать согласно какому-то совету или информации
He acted on the tip received from an insider and made a lot of money.
act out
изображать, иллюстрировать путем разыгрывания сцены
Let's act out the second episode of the play. He acted out his meeting with the boss in a very funny way.
act up
"вести себя плохо, странно; капризничать"
Her little son often acts up in public. I can't go to your party because my back is acting up again. The coffee machine is acting up again.
add to
добавить, прибавить что-то к чему-то
She added a little milk to coffee. Add two to three. How much do you get?
add up
складываться, сходиться в логичный результат
"It doesn't make sense; the facts don't add up. These figures don't add up. "
agree about / on
соглашаться друг с другом по каким-то вопросам
They agree about everything. They don't always agree on the way children should be raised.
agree on
договориться о чем-то
They agreed on selling the house. They agreed on a plan how to make Mr. Smith pay right away.
agree to
согласиться на что-то
She will never agree to your plan.
agree with
"1. соглашаться с кем-то, чем-то; 2. соответствовать, быть согласным чему-то"
1. I don't agree with you about it. I don't agree with your plan. 2. Your report doesn't agree with these facts. Fried meat doesn't agree with my stomach.
answer for
"1. отвечать вместо, от имени кого-то; 2. отвечать за, нести ответственность за свои или чьи-то действия"
1. I'll answer for my mother. 2. He will have to answer for what he has done. Parents answer for their children's behavior.
answer to
"1. отвечать перед, отчитываться перед кем-то; 2. откликаться на (имя)"
1. You will answer to the financial director for the money you spend. 2. The dog answers to the name Spotty.
apply for
подать заявление с просьбой о чем-то (например, о приеме на работу)
He applied for the position of tour guide. I would like to apply for a job in engineering.
apply to
"1. обратиться к кому-то с заявлением, просьбой; 2. быть применимым к чему-то; 3. наложить что-то на что-то"
1. Apply to the boss and ask for a pay raise. 2. Does this rule apply to all cases? 3. Apply this ointment to the swollen knee three times a day.
approve of
одобрять кого-то, что-то
Her father doesn't approve of her boyfriend. Her mother doesn't approve of smoking.
argue about
спорить, ссориться о чем-то
What are they arguing about? He is always arguing about something.
argue with
спорить, ссориться с кем-то
Stop arguing with me!
arrive at
"1. прибыть в какое-то место в городе; 2. прийти к какому-то решению, выводу"
1. He arrived at the airport two hours before the flight. 2. I arrived at a different conclusion. How did she arrive at this strange decision?
arrive in
"прибыть в какой-то город; достичь пункта назначения"
They arrived in London yesterday. We arrive in Rome at 6:30 in the morning.
ask about
спросить о ком-то, чем-то
He asked me about my relatives. He asked me about my future plans.
ask for
попросить о чем-то
He asked for a cup of coffee. He asked for help.
ask for it
напрашиваться на неприятности
If you come to work late every day, you're asking for it / you're asking for trouble.
ask out
пригласить на свидание
John asked Liz out yesterday. They went to a French restaurant.
assist in / with
помочь кому-то в чем-то, с чем-то
He assisted me in my work. He assisted me with my report.
back down
уступить, отступить
He never backs down in an argument.
back into
въезжать, входить, врезаться задом
The car backed into a driveway. A truck backed into John's new car.
back off
"1. отступить, отодвинуться назад; 2. отступить, уступить"
1. The dog barked, and we backed off in a hurry. Back off, we need space! 2. Back off, Tom, it's my job!
back out
"1. выехать задом; 2. уклониться от выполнения обещания"
1. There was not enough space to turn the car around, so I backed out. 2. It is too late to back out now. If you back out, you'll have to pay a fine.
back out of
"1. выехать из чего-то задом; 2. уклониться от выполнения обещания"
1. The car backed out of the driveway. 2. It is too late to back out of the agreement now.
back up
"1. устраивать затор; 2. поддерживать кого-то, что-то"
1. That accident backed up the traffic for hours. 2. She always backs him up. I have a lot of facts to back up my theory.
be above
быть выше чего-то, кого-то (букв. и в переносн. смысле)
1. The painting is above the mantelpiece. 2. The financial director is above the financial manager. The weight of this box is above 100 kilograms. He is above suspicion. He is above such trifles.
be after
"1. быть позже какого-то часа; 2. пытаться получить что-то; 3. приставать к кому-то, чтобы сделал что-то"
1. It was after eleven at night. It is ten minutes after five. 2. He doesn't love her. He is after her money. 3. His mother is after him to get a haircut.
be against
быть против чего-то
I am against your plan.
be ahead of
быть впереди, обогнать других (букв. и в переносн. смысле)
The leader of the car race is two miles ahead of the other cars. He is ahead of everyone in his math class. Her thinking was ahead of her time in many ways.
be around
"1. быть поблизости; 2. все еще здравствовать, быть активным, популярным"
1. Let's find her. She is around somewhere. 2. Is his old Uncle Peter still around? This singer has been around since I was a schoolgirl.
be away
быть в отъезде
Tom is away on vacation.
be back
He'll be back in two hours.
be behind
"1. быть позади кого-то, чего-то; 2. отставать от; 3. переносн.: стоять за, скрываться за"
1. The yard is behind the house. 2. He is behind the other students in his group. 3. I wonder who is behind this plan. I wonder what is behind his suggestion.
be in
"1. быть на месте, присутствовать; 2. быть в моде"
1. Tom isn't in. Can you call back later? 2. High heels are in again.
be in for
ожидать неприятностей, наказания
If you come to work late every day, you are in for trouble.
be into
интересоваться, увлекаться чем-то
He is into computers. She is into jazz.
be off
"1. отключить (воду, электричество); 2. отправляться, уходить"
1. Yesterday electricity was off, and water was off too. 2. I must be off now.
be on
"1. быть включенным; 2. показывать в кино, по ТВ"
1. The light is on. She must be at home. 2. Let's watch TV. What's on?
be out
"1. отсутствовать; 2. быть не в моде"
1. He is out right now. He'll be back soon. 2. Miniskirts are out this year.
be out of
"1. не иметь в наличии, закончиться; "
1. We are out of time. We are out of sugar.
be out of town
2. быть в отъезде
2. He is out of town now. He'll be back in three days.
be over
The day is not over yet. The war is over.
be through
No more food, thank you. I'm through.
be through
пережить, пройти через что-то
She's been through a lot of suffering.
be through with
закончить с чем-то
I'm through with this work. I'm through with this book.
be up
"1. подниматься; 2. закончиться (о времени)"
1. She is not up yet. The prices are up again. 2. Your time is up. Hand in your papers, please.
be up against
столкнуться с проблемой, с серьезными трудностями
Our company is up against serious attempts of hostile takeover.
be up to someone
быть на чье-то усмотрение, под чью-то ответственность
Would you like to go to the park or to the zoo? - It's up to you. I have to ask my father. It's up to him to decide. It's up to you to close the office every day at six.
be up to something
"1. достичь уровня, степени; 2. быть в состоянии выполнить что-то; 3. задумать что-то хитрое; заниматься чем-то интересным"
1. I'm up to my ears in work right now. Your report is not up to your usual standard. 2. I'm not up to doing this work right now. 3. What are you up to? What have you been up to lately?
be with
"1. быть на чьей-то стороне; 2. слушать и понимать объясняемое кем-то"
1. We are with you. We will help you. 2. Are you still with me? I'm afraid I'm not with you. Can you explain it again?
be within
быть в пределах чего-то
This park is within city limits. I'll help you if it is within my power.
beat at / on
колотить в (дверь)
Why are you beating on the door?
beat out
выстукивать, выбивать
The drummer beat out the rhythm of the song. I'm beating my brains out over this problem!
beat into
вбить что-то во что-то
Beat the eggs into the mixture. You can't beat anything good into his head.
beat to
опередить кого-то в чем-то
I wanted to say it, but he beat me to it. He beat me to the finish line.
beat up
"взбить; избить"
Beat up the eggs. Those guys beat him up, and he is in the hospital now.
become of
произойти, стать с кем-то, чем-то
What will become of him?
beg for
молить о чем-то
He was begging for money / for mercy.
begin with
начать с чего-то, чем-то
Let me begin our party with a drink to Tom's health. Begin with Chapter 3.
believe in
верить в кого-то, что-то
He believes in you. She believes in justice for all.
belong to
принадлежать кому-то
This house belongs to his son. This bag belongs to me.
bend down / over
She bent down to pick up a penny.
bend over backwards
стараться изо всех сил сделать что-то
She bends over backwards to please him in everything, but he doesn't appreciate it.
benefit from / by
получить пользу, преимущество, выгоду от чего-то
You will benefit from a good rest at the seaside resort. As a future doctor, she benefited a lot from her hospital experience. He benefited greatly from his move to Rome.
bet on
поспорить, поставить на что-то
Don't bet on this horse. He will do it, you can bet on it. No, I won't bet on it.
bet with
поспорить с кем-то
I won't bet with you. You always win.
beware of
остерегаться кого-то, чего-то
Beware of the dog! Beware of what you wish.
bite into
начать есть
She bit into the sandwich hungrily.
bite off
He bit off a piece of bread and began to chew. The boss will bite my head off if I don't finish this report today.
bite on
укусить за
The dog bit him on the leg.
black out
"1. затемнять (окна); выключать (свет); вымарывать (текст); 2. потерять сознание"
1. The lights and windows were blacked out before the air raids. He blacked out all names in that text. 2. She blacked out, fell down, and hurt her knee.
blame for
винить кого-то в чем-то
She blamed him for the loss of her bag. She blamed him for losing her bag. Who is to blame for this terrible mistake?
blame on
возлагать вину за что-то на кого-то
She blamed everything on him. He blames it on her, of course. The police blamed the accident on him.
blast off
"1. взорвать; 2. стартовать (о космическом корабле)"
1. The explosion blasted off several houses. 2. The spaceship blasted off early in the morning.
bleed for
сочувствовать кому-то
My heart bleeds for her.
bleed to death
истекать кровью до смерти
He almost bled to death.
blow away
унести ветром
I dropped the newspaper, and the wind blew it away.
blow off
выпустить пар (букв., фигур.)
Open the lid a little to let the steam blow off. He is quite hot-tempered and needs to blow off steam.
blow out
задуть (огонь, свечу)
She blew out the candles one by one.
blow over
утихнуть, прекратиться
When will this snowstorm blow over? Wait till his anger blows over, then talk to him. The rumors, the scandal, and your troubles will blow over soon.
blow up
The gas pipe blew up, and several people were hurt. The criminals threatened to blow up the building. When her father learned that she had dropped out of school, he blew up.
boast of / about
хвастаться, хвалиться чем-то
He boasted of owning the largest collection of jazz records in town.
borrow from
одолжить что-то у кого-то
I borrowed fifty dollars from Tom. I borrowed a bicycle from Kate.
bounce off / from
отскочить от чего-то
The ball bounced off the wall.
break away (from)
вырваться, убежать (от кого-то)
They caught him, but he managed to break away. He broke away from the police and escaped.
break down
"1. сломаться (о приборе, машине); 2. сильно расстроиться"
1. My car broke down yesterday. 2. When she heard the news, she broke down and cried.
break in
"1. ворваться внутрь силой; взломать дверь; 2. вмешиваться в разговор, перебивать; 3. приучать, обкатывать, разнашивать"
1. The robbers broke in at night. They broke in the door. 2. Please don't break in when I'm speaking with another person. 3. He is breaking in his new horse. I'm breaking in my new shoes.
break into
"1. разломить на части; 2. ворваться внутрь силой; 3. вмешиваться в разговор, перебивать; 4. неожиданно начать какое-то действие"
1. She broke the chocolate into four pieces. 2. They broke into the house at night. 3. Why did you break into their conversation? 4. He broke into laughter. She broke into a run.
break off
"отломить(ся); разорвать отношения, дружбу"
She broke off a piece of chocolate. Their relationship broke off soon.
break out
разразиться, вспыхнуть
The war broke out two years ago. The fire broke out in the kitchen. The flu epidemic broke out suddenly.
break through
сделать прорыв, добиться успеха
The question was very difficult to solve, but finally we broke through.
break through something
пробиться сквозь что-то
They broke through the wall at last.
break up
рассориться, разойтись
Tom and Liz broke up last week.
break up with
рассориться, разойтись с кем-то
Tom broke up with Liz up last week.
bring about / on
вызвать появление
The new reform will bring about a lot of changes. His actions brought on a crisis in the company finances. Rainy weather brought on her backache again.
bring along
принести, привести с собой
There is a nice lake there, so bring along your swimsuit. You can bring a friend along, if you want.
bring back
"1. принести обратно; 2. воскресить в памяти"
1. Please bring back my book. 2. This music brings back old memories.
bring in
приносить (урожай, деньги, прибыль, доход)
His job doesn't bring in much money, but it's a good place to start, and he likes it.
bring into
привести кого-то в какое-то состояние или действие
The seriousness of the situation brought him into action.
bring off
достичь успеха в чем-то трудном, справиться с чем-то
Nobody thought that he would be able to bring off his plan, but he managed to do it.
bring out
"1. выявить; 2. выпустить в свет, опубликовать"
1. Her presence brings out the best in him. This light brings out the beauty of this gemstone. 2. He brought out a new book last year.
bring over
привести с собой кого-то к кому-то в гости
You can bring over a couple of friends to the party on Friday.
bring up
"1. воспитать детей; 2. поднять новую тему"
1. They brought up their children in Italy. 2. Max brought up this question, not I.
brush aside / brush off
отмахнуться от (замечаний, вопросов, человека)
I told him about that problem, but he brushed aside my warnings. They just brushed me off, that's all.
brush up on
освежать, улучшать знания по какой-то теме путем изучения
She made quite a few mistakes on her test, so she needs to brush up on her spelling. Brush up on irregular verbs.
buckle up
пристегнуть (ремень в автомобиле)
Many people get hurt in a car accident because they forget to buckle up.
build up
наращивать, увеличивать, усиливать постепенно
"This huge field has been built up with new houses. Her hopes to cure the child were building up. His savings are building up. He needs to build up his English vocabulary. Take your umbrella; the clouds are building up. Every morning a traffic jam builds up on this street. "
bump into
случайно встретить, столкнуться с кем-то
I bumped into an old friend today.
bundle off
спровадить, отослать кого-то быстро и без церемоний
His relatives unceremoniously bundled him off back to his hometown because he was not good enough for them.
bundle up
закутываться, надевать больше одежды для тепла
"Bundle up; it's freezing outside. The child was bundled up in warm clothes. "
burn down
догореть, сгореть полностью
The camp fire was burning down, so we put more wood into it. Several houses were burned down by the fire.
burn out
"1. выгореть, сгореть полностью; 2. перегореть"
1. Several houses were burned out by the fire. 2. The light bulb in the kitchen is burned out. Please replace it. After years of hard work he burned himself out.
burn up
"1. разгореться, гореть ярким пламенем; 2. сгореть полностью; 3. сильно разозлиться"
1. We added a couple of dry logs, and soon the fire burned up. 2. The paper burned up in a second. 3. He gets burned up every time someone mentions his daughter's divorce.
burn with
гореть желанием
He's burning with the desire to get rich.
burst in
быстро войти, влететь
"He never just enters the room; he always bursts in. "
burst into
"1. стремительно войти; 2. неожиданно начать делать что-то"
1. He burst into the room. 2. She burst into tears. He burst into singing.
burst out
"1. стремительно выйти; 2. неожиданно начать делать что-то"
1. She jumped to her feet and burst out (of the room). 2. He burst out laughing. She burst out crying.
burst with
быть переполненным чем-то
She was bursting with the desire to tell everyone about her success. He is bursting with pride. The room was bursting with people.
butt in
встревать в разговор
I hate it when he butts in with remarks about everything.
buy off
откупиться, дать взятку, чтобы не делали что-то
He tried to buy off a journalist who was going to expose his illegal activity.
buy out
"1. стать собственником, выкупив целиком (акции, бизнес, партнерскую долю, права на что-то); "
1. He bought out his partner's share and became the sole owner of the company.
buy out of
2. откупиться, чтобы освободить от чего-то
2. He faced serious criminal charges, but his father bought him out of prison. He also bought him out of military duty.
call at
позвонить по какому-то номеру телефона
Call me at 555-3246.
call back
I called him at six, but he wasn't in. He called me back at seven.
call for
"1. зайти за кем-то, чем-то; 2. позвать, вызвать, попросить; 3. требовать чего-то"
1. I'll call for you at seven. 2. He called for a waiter. He called for help. 3. This situation calls for quick action. This happy event calls for a celebration.
call in
вызвать специалиста для консультации и помощи
We called in an interior designer to help us with redecorating.
call off
отменить, отозвать
He called off his dogs and let me in. The open-air concert was called off because of rain. The police decided to call off the search for the missing man.
call on / upon
"1. навестить кого-то; 2. обратиться к кому-то (за ответом, советом, помощью)"
1. He calls on her when he is in Rome. 2. He called on a technical specialist. He called on God for help.
call up
позвонить кому-то
I called up a friend, and we went to a movie. He called me up at six o'clock.
calm down
Calm down! Everything will be all right.
camp out
жить в палатках под открытым небом
They like to camp out in the woods in summer.
care about
"1. любить кого-то; 2. интересоваться чем-то"
1. He cares about his little sister. 2. I don't care about your opinion.
care for
"1. любить кого-то; 2. хотеть чего-то; 3. присмотреть за, позаботиться о ком-то"
1. He cares for his little sister. 2. Do you care for a drink? 3. Will you care for my cat while I'm away?
carp at
придираться к кому-то, чему-то
Stop carping at me! The teacher always carps at my translation from French.
carry away
"1. унести; 2. (обычно passive) сильно, чрезмерно увлечь чем-то"
1. The hurricane carried away the boats. 2. He was carried away by the music and didn't hear the doorbell.
carry on
"1. продолжать (упорно, без остановки) делать что-то; 2. вести себя возбужденно, глупо"
1. The lifeguards carried on their search for the missing child in spite of the wind and huge waves. Carry on with your work. 2. I hate it when she carries on like this.
carry out
выполнить, довести до конца
He needs to do a lot of things to carry out his plan.
carry through
"1. выполнить, довести до конца (несмотря на трудности); 2. помочь кому-то пережить трудное время"
1. Despite all obstacles and difficulties, he carried his plan through. 2. His will and his wife's support carried him through in his struggle with cancer.
cast away
"1. выбрасывать; бросать; 2. (passive) потерпеть кораблекрушение"
1. He casts away his mother's money. She cast away her old friends when she became rich. 2. Several passengers of the sinking ship were cast away on a desert island.
cast down
(passive) повергнуть в печаль, уныние
She was really cast down when she learned that he got married.
cast out
"выбрасывать; выгнать"
Several disloyal employees were cast out (of the company).
catch on
"1. стать популярным; 2. быстро схватывать, улавливать суть"
1. The tune is very catchy. The song caught on quickly. 2. She is a quick learner. She catches on very fast.
catch up on
восполнить, наверстать упущенное
I need to catch up on my reading. I need to catch up on sleep.
catch up with
"1. догнать, сравняться с кем-то; 2. восполнить, наверстать упущенное"
"1. She was too fast; I couldn't catch up with her. She is always trying to catch up with the richer neighbors. He has to study harder to catch up with the other students. 2. I need to catch up with my studies. "
cave in
просесть, провалиться внутрь
The roof caved in during the fire.
change for
обменять что-то на что-то
Can I change this bag for that one? Could I change these dollars for euros, please?
change into
"1. переодеться в другую одежду; 2. превратить во что-то другое"
1. I need to change into warmer clothes. 2. The little boy in the fairy tale was changed into a monster. I'd like to change these dollars into pounds, please.
change to
заменить, менять на что-то другое
She changed her name to her husband's name when they got married. Autumn changed to winter. I'd like to change these dollars to pounds, please.
charge at
нападать на кого-то
The bull charged at him.
charge for
просить цену за услуги или товары
How much do you charge for a single room?
charge with
предъявить обвинение в чем-то
He was charged with murder.
cheat into
обманным путем уговорить кого-то сделать что-то
He cheated her into giving him a large sum of money.
cheat on
изменять жене (мужу)
He's been cheating on his wife for years.
cheat out of
выманить у кого-то что-то обманным путем
He cheated her out of her money.
check in
регистрироваться (в гостинице при вселении, на рейс в аэропорту)
He reserved a room in advance and checked in quickly. She went to the airport, checked in (for her flight), and went to a cafe for a cup of coffee and a sandwich.
check into
"1. регистрироваться при размещении (в гостинице, больнице); 2. анализировать, исследовать что-то"
1. We checked into the River Hotel at night. She checked into a hospital two days ago. 2. He checked into the matter and discovered several interesting things.
check (new words) in / with a dictionary or reference book
проверить (новые слова и др.) в словаре, справочнике
Check this word in the dictionary. You'd better check this information with an encyclopedia.
check off
отметить пункт в списке (обычно птичкой)
Check my name off the list.
check on / check up on
проверять, выяснять, внимательно изучать кого-то, что-то
We need to check on her work regularly. The detective is checking up on her former connections. They checked up on him and decided against hiring him.
check out
"1. оплатить счет и выписаться (из гостиницы); 2. выверить, подтвердить правильность"
1. He checked out at noon. 2. The information that he gave us checks out fully.
check out of
оплатить счет и выписаться (из гостиницы)
I checked out of the hotel at noon.
chew on
"1. жевать что-то; 2. долго обдумывать что-то"
1. My dog likes to chew on my shoes. 2. He chewed on this issue for a week.
chew over
долго обдумывать что-то
He chewed over this issue for a week.
choke on
подавиться чем-то и поэтому задыхаться
She choked on a fish bone. He choked on a cherry pit.
choke with
задыхаться от (эмоций)
He was choking with anger.
chop down
срубить (дерево)
First, they chopped down the tree.
chop off
Then they chopped off the branches.
chop up
порубить на части
Finally, they chopped up the trunk of the tree.
claim from
требовать что-то от кого-то
He claimed $10,000 from her. He claimed damages from the other driver.
clean of
очистить что-то от (пятен, грязи)
I cleaned your shirt of the stains.
clean out
"1. вычистить (чулан, выдвижной ящик); 2. израсходовать весь запас денег"
1. You promised to clean out the closet. 2. The purchase of the new car cleaned out his savings.
clean up
"чистить, мыть(ся), прибраться; избавляться от ненужного"
We need to clean up the apartment before the party. Please wait here. I need just a couple of minutes to clean up. The police are going to clean up the slums.
clear away / off
"1. расчистить, убрать; 2. рассеяться, проясниться (о тумане, дыме); 3. уйти, покинуть какое-то место"
1. After dinner my daughter helped me to clear off the table. 2. The clouds cleared away. The fog is clearing off. 3. The police cleared off the crowds.
clear out
"1. вычистить (чулан, выдвижной ящик); 2. уйти, покинуть какое-то место"
1. You promised to clear out the closet. 2. As soon as her father returned, her boyfriend cleared out. The police cleared out the building.
clear up
"1. проясниться (о погоде); 2. прибрать, привести в порядок; 3. выяснить, прояснить"
1. The weather is clearing up. 2. We need to clear up the living room. 3. I really want to clear up this mystery. Let me clear it up.
click with
нравиться, иметь успех у кого-то
This song clicked with me right away.
close down
закрыть предприятие (прекратить работу)
The plant was closed down recently, and the workers lost their jobs.
close in on
приближаться к кому-то, чтобы напасть, захватить
He has a feeling that his enemies are closing in on him. The criminals closed in on him.
close up
полностью закрыть что-то
This road is closed up because of the flood. The summer camp closes up in September.
clutch at
ухватиться за что-то
The little girl clutched at her mother's arm. He clutched at the opportunity.
come about
возникнуть, случиться
How did this question come about?
come across
быть понятным, дойти до кого-то
The meaning of his message doesn't come across. Did her poem come across to you?
come across something
наткнуться на (информацию, статью)
Yesterday I came across an interesting article on vegetarian cooking.
come along
присоединиться к кому-то
I'm going to the park. Would you like to come along?
come back
We were away on vacation. We came back yesterday.
come by
заглянуть в гости
Come by one of these days.
come down
"1. спуститься вниз; 2. упасть"
1. She came down the stairs. 2. The tree came down with a loud crash.
come down to
"1. сводиться к (сути чего-то); 2. докатиться, опуститься до чего-то"
1. It all comes down to the question of money. 2. I can't believe he came down to stealing!
come down with
заболеть чем-то, слечь в постель
I can't come to your party. I'm coming down with a cold.
come from
быть родом из какого-то места
He comes from a small town in France.
come in
Please come in and take a seat.
come into
войти в (какое-то место, положение, состояние)
Mary came into the room. He came into fortune when his aunt died. The military came into power in 1978. The law came into effect last month.
come off
"1. отвалиться, оторваться; 2. сойти (о пятнах); 3. закончиться удачно, удаться"
1. Two buttons came off my coat in a crowded subway car. 2. I don't think these coffee stains will come off. 3. His plan didn't come off. Our dinner party came off nicely.
come off it
(сленг) прекратить разыгрывать, придуриваться, врать
Oh, come off it! Stop telling me tales. Come off it! Give me a break!
come on
"1. просьба поторопиться; 2. для выражения неверия"
1. Come on, let's go. We're already late. 2. Oh, come on! Give me a break!
come out
"1. выйти из; 2. выйти (о книге); 3. стать известным (об информации, секретах); 4. закончиться каким-то результатом"
1. The door opened, and Jim came out. 2. His new book came out last month. 3. The truth will come out one day. 4. I was serious, but my words came out as a joke. His plan didn't come out well.
come out of
"1. выйти из (какого-то места); 2. закончиться каким-то результатом"
1. The door opened, and Jim came out of the room. 2. I don't know what will come out of this.
come out with
признаться, открыть правду
A year ago he came out with the truth about his role in that scandal.
come over
зайти, заглянуть к кому-то
Can you come over for dinner on Friday?
come through
"1. проявиться; 2. успешно завершить, пережить что-то; 3. сделать ожидаемое или желаемое"
1. His ignorance of these facts came through at the interview. 2. He was between life and death for some time, but he came through. 3. He always comes through for us. Her father came through with a nice check.
come through something
"1. проявиться сквозь что-то; 2. успешно завершить, пережить что-то"
1. The sun came through the clouds. 2. He was between life and death for some time, but he came through the operation successfully.
come to
прийти к (месту, результату, положению, состоянию)
She came to Moscow yesterday. The bill comes to $150. The struggle came to an end in July. The military came to power in 1978. He fainted, but he came to himself quickly. I came to the conclusion that I wanted a different job. It came to me that I had seen him before.
come up
"1. повышаться; 2. возникнуть, появиться"
1. The prices are coming up again. 2. This information came up during the meeting. His name came up during our conversation. I'll tell you if anything good comes up.
come up to
подойти к кому-то
He came up to me and asked my name.
come up with
придумать и предложить (идею, план)
Tom came up with a brilliant idea.
comment on
комментировать что-то
He commented on the current situation.
compare to
"сравнить, чтобы увидеть сходство; уподобить что-то чему-то"
This writer is often compared to Leo Tolstoy. He compared her paintings to the most interesting paintings of our time.
compare with
сравнить, чтобы увидеть разницу или сходство
Compare this car with that car. This writer is often compared with Leo Tolstoy.
complain about
жаловаться о, на что-то, кого-то
She is always complaining about her job. She complained about her noisy neighbor.
complain to
пожаловаться кому-то
Complain to the manager. Complain to the police about his action.
concentrate in
концентрироваться в каком-то месте
The majority of the population is concentrated in big cities.
concentrate on
концентрировать на чем-то
They concentrated their efforts on getting the contract. I am trying to concentrate on my work.
congratulate on
поздравить с чем-то (с успехом, достижением)
He congratulated me on my new job. She congratulated him on his excellent speech at the conference.
connect to
подсоединить к чему-то, соединять с кем-то, чем-то
I can't connect this wire to the plug. Are you connected to the Internet? Can you connect me to Mr. Cole?
connect with
"1. иметь связь с кем-то, чем-то; 2. соединять с кем-то, чем-то"
1. This bank is connected with several big banks. Her work is connected with music. 2. This bus connects with a train at Maple street. Can you connect me with Mr. Cole?
consent to
дать согласие на что-то
Her father consented to her marriage.
consist of
состоять из (частей, ингредиентов)
Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen. The book consists of five chapters.
contribute to
внести вклад во что-то
He contributed a lot of money, time, and effort to this research.
cool off
"1. остыть; 2. успокоиться"
1. Wait till the engine cools off. 2. Talk to him when hel cools off.
cope with
справиться с чем-то
I hope I can cope with this problem.
correspond to
соответствовать чему-то
Your information corresponds to the facts I have.
correspond with
переписываться с кем-то
He corresponds with many famous people.
count down
считать в обратном порядке до нуля
They are ready to launch the rocket. They have already started to count down.
count in
включить в список
Who wants to go to the lake on Sunday? - I do. Count me in.
count on
рассчитывать на кого-то
You can always count on me for help.
count out
исключить из списка
Tom is sick, so count him out.
count to
считать до какого-то числа
Close your eyes and count to 20.
cover for
заменять, подменять кого-то
Can you cover for me for an hour? Can you cover for Jim while he is away?
cover up
скрыть правду обманом
He tried to cover up his crime. She covered up for him.
crash into
врезаться во что-то
His car crashed into a truck. He crashed into a tree and hurt his head.
cross out / off
вычеркнуть, зачеркнуть (слова)
He crossed out these words. He crossed out her name. He crossed her name off the list.
cut down
"1. срубить (дерево); 2. сокращать, урезать; 3. уничтожить, сразить"
1. Why do they cut down so many trees? 2. We need to cut down our expenses. 3. Many young lives were cut down in the war.
cut down on
сократить, урезать что-то (из-за необходимости)
We spend too much. We really need to cut down on our expenses. The doctor advised her to cut down on chocolate.
cut in
встревать в разговор
I hate it when he cuts in with remarks about everything.
cut into pieces
порезать на кусочки
She cut all vegetables into pieces.
cut off
"1. отрезать, отрубить; 2. прервать, отключить (электричество, воду, телефон)"
1. He cut off the end of the rope. 2. My telephone connection was cut off.
cut out
"1. вырезать из (бумаги); 2. исключить, убрать"
"1. He cuts out newspaper articles and sticks them to the wall. 2. The doctor told her to cut out fat food. Cut out the details. Cut out this paragraph; the report will be better without it. "
cut it out
(сленг) прекратить что-то
I don't want to talk about it! Cut it out!
cut up
порезать на кусочки
Cut up these onions and carrots.