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58 Cards in this Set

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using light to make food


self-feeders: producers of the biosphere

examples of producers of the biosphere

forest plants, wheat field, kelp, cyanobacteria-photosynthetic bacteria

chloroplasts are structurally adapted for...


chloroplasts have a ________ membrane


thylakoids are the

sight of light dependent reactions, membrane-bound compartment,


group of thylakoid

evidence of photosynthesis:

oxygen bubbles on leaves of aquatic plant

What happens in photosynthesis?

Uphill reaction. Light energy converted to chemical energy.

Photosynthesis chemical equation

6CO2 + 6H20 ------> C6H12O6 + 6O2

photosynthesis occurs in ____ staged, linked by _____ and ________

2 stages linked by ATP and NADPH

Why do chloroplasts look green?

The electromagnetic spectrum and the wave lengths of visiblelight. The interaction of light with a chloroplast: visible light drives the light reactions. green is absorbed the most by photosynthetic pigments.

ATP and NADPH power ______________ in the __________ (in the ________)

Sugar synthesis in the Calvin Cycle in the stroma.

Factors affecting photosynthesis

1.) Temperature: temps above or below 0-35 degrees celcius slow down enzyme activity

2.) Light: high light intensity increases rate of photosynthesis... to a point

3.) Water: key component needed for light reactions

What is the difference between an autotroph and a heterotroph?

Autotrophs produce their own food from the substances available in their surroundings using light (photosynthesis). Heterotrophs cannot synthesize their own food and rely on other organisms, both plants and animals, for nutrition

In what part of the plant does photosynthesis occur?


In what cellular organelle does photosynthesis occur?


What are the two stages of photosynthesis?

Light dependent reactions and dark dependent reactions

Light dependent reactions

light energy is captured by pigments and converted to the chemical energy of ATP and NADPH

Dark dependent reactions

energy of ATP and the electrons of NADPH are used to make glucose from CO2

What two molecules link both stages? (may be incorrect)

Carbon dioxide and oxygen

Why are chlorophyll important in photosynthesis

it makes it possible for plants to convert carbon dioxide and water, in the presence of sunlight, into glucose and oxygen. Chlorophyll produces energy in the form of sugary carbohydrates, which will power all of the plant's essential growth and development. It also gives plants it's green color.

Where do light reactions occur in the chloroplasts?


molecules that collect light energy are called


chlorophyll a and b absorb ____________ and ________ wavelengths of light best.

blue-violet, red

_______________ is the main light absorbing pigment found in green plants


plants look green because chlorophyll _______ green light


The gel-filled space inside the chloroplast surrounding the thylakoid stacks is called the


light dependent reactions are found in the _______, while the calvin cycle happens in the ________

thylakoid membrane, stroma

carbon and oxygen from ______________ end up as part of a ___________ molecule following the calvin cycle

carbon dioxide, gluclose

_______ and ___________ are made during the ________ dependent reactions and carry energy and high energy electrons that are used during the calvin cycle to produce ________, like glucose

ATP and NADPH, light, sugars

the O in H2O is given off as __________ gas to the atmosphere during the light dependent reactions


proteins in living things that help chemical reaxtions happen are called


____________, _____________, and ____________ intensity all are factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis

temperature, water, light

which molecule stores more than 90 times the energy in an ATP molecule?


all organisms get the energy they need to regenerate atp from


adp forms when

atp loses a phosphate and releases energy

atp consists of

ribose sugar, adenine, and 3 phohphate groups

atp provides energy for _________ in cells

active transport

the ultimate source of energy that autotrophs use to produce their own food


what molecule acts as a carrier for high energy electrons during photoynthesis


oxygen produced during the light dependent reaction is

used in the calvin cycle to make sugar

the light dependent reaction produces

atp, nadph, and oxygen

what type of cells contain chloroplasts

plant cells and some algae

what simple sugar is produced during photosynthesis?


the outer membrane of a chloroplast is


the _________ connects the grana



the powerhouses of the cell because they "burn" or break the chemical bonds of glucose to release energy to do work in a cell

_________ and __________ are made by plants during photosynthesis and are broken down by the process of _______________

glucose and carbohydrates, aerobic cellular respiration

aerobic cellular respiration

requires oxygen. process that breaks down glucose and carbohydrates made by plants

the more active the cell, the more __________ it will have



folds on the inner membrane of chloroplast. they are there to increase the surface area

why are mitochondria called the power house of the cell?

they break the chemical bonds of glucose to release energy to do work in a cell

what cell process occurs in the mitochondria

aerobic respiration

where does the energy from glucose come from originally

the sun

2 other organelles that contain a double membrane besides mithochondria?

nucleus and chloroplasts

what does atp stand for

adenisine triphosphate

raw materials of photosynthesis

carbon dioxide, oxygen, sugar