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63 Cards in this Set

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what is photosynthesis
converting solar energy into chemical energy
what is a oxidation reduction reaction
transferring of electrons from one molecule to the next
exergonic reaction
when energy is released
(cellular respiration)
endergonic reaction
energy is absorbed( photosynthesis)
electron taxis, transfer energy of electrons from one molecule to another
Adenosine Triphosphate
ATP- temporary energy storage in the body
1- Structure-
- Adeninde- nitrogen
- Sugar
- 3 phosphates
stored in bonds between phosphate groups
proton pumped across a membrane low to high....when gradient breaks protons rush down the concentration gradient and across ATP synthase, providing energy for the addition of a phosphate group make ADP become APT
photosynthesis chemical equation
6CO2+ 6H2O+ sunlight--> 6C6H12O6 + 6O2

carbon dioxide + water+ sunlight with the presence of enzymes and chlorophyl yields glucose + oxygen
where photosynthesis occurs
green membrane sacks
liquid matrix that fills the thylakoids like cytoplasm fills the cell
stacks of thyalkoids
chlorophyll A
main pigment
chlorophyll B
secondary pigment reflects green
accessory/ antenna pigments (not green) orange, red, yellow, brown( FALL)
function of pigment in photosynthesis?
collect energy
photon- a unit of light energy
how are pigments arranged
in groups called photosystems in the thylakoid membrane
light reaction
occurs in the thylakoid membranes
photosystem 2
solar energy from the sun is absorbed by chlorophyll A
what happens when the sun is absorbed in light reaction
the electrons get super excited and leave and go to a higher energy level
what happens when the excited electrons go to a higher energy level in a light reaction in photosystem 2
The electrons leave chlorophyll A and are passed along an electron transport chain which provides energy to pump protons into the thylakoid for chemiosmosis

The excited electrons also provide energy for the splitting of a water molecule( Hill reaction)
what is
2H2O--> 4H + 4e+ O2 mean
it means that water was split by the excited electrons and gas is released as a product
what happens when to the electrons lost in phosotsytem 2
they are replaced by electrons in water
what happens to the protons released in the splitting of water in photosystem 2
they are used for chemiosmosis
photosystem 1
solar energy absorbed by chlorophyll
what happens in photosystem 1?
excited electrons enter an electron transport chain, where they then join with a proton and picked up by NADP and then formed into NADPH
how are electrons replaced in phosotystem 1
by photosystem 2
products of light reactions
NADPH and ATP....used in calvin cycle
what happens when the excited electrons go to a higher energy level in a light reaction
The electrons leave chlorophyll A and are passed along an electron transport chain which provides energy to pump protons into the thylakoid for chemiosmosis

The excited electrons also provide energy for the splitting of a water molecule( Hill reaction)
what is
2H2O--> 4H + 4e+ O2 mean
it means that water was split by the excited electrons and gas is released as a product
what happens when to the electrons lost in phosotsytem 2
they are replaced by electrons in water
what happens to the protons released in the splitting of water in photosystem 2
they are used for chemiosmosis
photosystem 1
solar energy absorbed by chlorophyll
what happens in photosystem 1?
excited electrons enter an electron transport chain, where they then join with a proton and picked up by NADP and then formed into NADPH
how are electrons replaced in phosotystem 1
by photosystem 2
products of light reactions
NADPH and ATP....used in calvin cycle
what happens to the carbon that diffuses into the stoma
its is picked up by 5 other carbon called RUBP by action of enzyme called RUBISCO and is then split into 2 3-carbon comopund
what is it called when ATP and NADPH and these 3- carbon compounds form glucose
carbon fixation
another name for calvin cycle?
dark reaction
why cant all 6 molecules be released into glucose?
5 must be remade into RUBP
alternate pathways live where?
in hot or dry areas
how do alternate pathway plants conserve water?
they close their stoma for the hottest part of the day
why can a plant closing their stoma be a bad thing?
CO2 cant get in and O2 cant get out causing enzymes to change shape and stop photosynthesis
what are the differences in C3, C4, and CAM
entail products of calvin cycle
how long will intensity in photosynthesis increase?
as long as light energy increase so will the rate of photosynthesis, until reaches 99 degrease F then photosynthesis will stop
what happens to the carbon that diffuses into the stoma
its is picked up by 5 other carbon called RUBP by action of enzyme called RUBISCO and is then split into 2 3-carbon comopund
what is it called when ATP and NADPH and these 3- carbon compounds form glucose
carbon fixation
another name for calvin cycle?
dark reaction
why cant all 6 molecules be released into glucose?
5 must be remade into RUBP
alternate pathways live where?
in hot or dry areas
how do alternate pathway plants conserve water?
they close their stoma for the hottest part of the day
why can a plant closing their stoma be a bad thing?
CO2 cant get in and O2 cant get out causing enzymes to change shape and stop photosynthesis
what are the differences in C3, C4, and CAM
entail products of calvin cycle
how long will intensity in photosynthesis increase?
as long as light energy increase so will the rate of photosynthesis, until reaches 99 degrease F then photosynthesis will stop
what happens to the carbon that diffuses into the stoma
its is picked up by 5 other carbon called RUBP by action of enzyme called RUBISCO and is then split into 2 3-carbon comopund
what is it called when ATP and NADPH and these 3- carbon compounds form glucose
carbon fixation
another name for calvin cycle?
dark reaction
why cant all 6 molecules be released into glucose?
5 must be remade into RUBP
alternate pathways live where?
in hot or dry areas
how do alternate pathway plants conserve water?
they close their stoma for the hottest part of the day
why can a plant closing their stoma be a bad thing?
CO2 cant get in and O2 cant get out causing enzymes to change shape and stop photosynthesis
what are the differences in C3, C4, and CAM
entail products of calvin cycle
how long will intensity in photosynthesis increase?
as long as light energy increase so will the rate of photosynthesis, until reaches 99 degrease F then photosynthesis will stop