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88 Cards in this Set

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how languages build words and indicate relationships between words
how words are organized into phrases, and phrases into sentences
how words and sentences convey meaning
how context affects meaning
how to produce and perceive the sounds of the language
how the sounds of the language work together as a system
what do you know when you know a language?
- vast amount of systematic knowledge
- little conscious access to it
- explicit vs. implicit knowledge
explicit knowledge
- found in books, manuals, easy to access
- can be articulated with words and numbers
- can be readily transmitted to others
- things you know that you know
implicit knowledge
- learned in an unstructured, formal way
- knowledge you are not necessarily conscious of
- hard to articulate with formal language (though not impossible)
- skills often captured with the term "know how"
linguistic knowledge
- implicit
- automatic = you can produce word forms, sentences without giving it much thought
- untaught = not explicitly taught to children
- learned = need to learn a lot about the properties of your ambient language; acquired without instruction, through immersion
levels of linguistic sound structure
- concrete...abstract
- continuous...discrete
- signal...code
- physical...mental
what is the relation between the mental representation of speech sounds and their physical realization?
mental processes
phonetics (study of:)
- articulation & physiology of speech production
- acoustic characteristics of speech
- processes by which speech is perceived
- studied by phoneticians, linguists, psychologists, engineers, speech language pathologists
knowledge about sound structure that allows you to legally combine sounds in a language
the speech chain
linguistic level - physiological level - acoustic level - physiological level - linguistic level
generation of speech sounds
- planned
- represented as a complex of abstract phonetic features
- instantiated as neural commands to articulators
- movements of articulators shape vocal tract
- shape of vocal tract determines sound output
production of all speech sounds is the result of...
modulation of the airflow from the lungs
3 systems of speech production
- supralaryngeal system/vocal tract (nasal cavity, oral cavity, pharynx)
- laryngeal system/larynx (and the glottis)
- respiratory system/subglottal (trachea, bronchi, lungs)
3 phases of speech production
- subglottal/respiratory = respiration
- laryngeal/larynx = phonation
- supralaryngeal = articulation
egressive speech sounds
- produced with exhaling
- most speech sounds are this
inhalation in quiet breathing (process)
- medulla oblongata sends commands to resp. muscles
- diaphragm contracts (thoracic cavity expands vertically downward)
- external intercostals, interchondral portions of internal intercostals, contract (thoracic cavity expands up and out)
- lung volume increases b/c of pleural linkage
- pressure decreases
- air flows in through nose and mouth
passive expiration in quite breathing
- relaxation of resp. muscles with air in the lungs:
- allows lungs and rib cage to recoil
- resp. system collapses
- pressure increases
- air flows out
- lungs return to resting volume
active expiration (speech & singing)
- muscles counteract passive collapse of resp. system
- inspiratory muscles maintain lungs in expanded state
- slow expiration early during exhalation phase
- muscles force resp. system into compressed state
- expiratory muscles compress thorax and abdomen
- maintain expiration longer
speech breathing & phrasing
- inspirations usually occur at major linguistic boundaries (phrases, sentences)
- long utterances require muscle control to maintain pressures throughout
- utterance requirements affect both inspiratory and expiratory muscle use
- airstream needed to set vocal folds in motion
- airflow manipulated for sound production
- the vibration of vocal folds provides the voice source
- creation of voice source converting air supply from lungs into audible vibrations for speech
- larynx "voice box," trachea, vocal folds
space in between vocal folds
vocal folds
- abducted (open) during normal breathing
- evolved to close off trachea when swallowing (epiglottis also involved)
- evolved to trap air in the lungs for greater upper body strength
- adducted (closed) for certain sounds
- adducted with less resistance to airflow for voicing
- partial abduction: whisper
fundamental frequency (phonation)
- basic rate of vocal fold vibration
- physical property
- measured in Hz
- perceived as pitch
fundamental frequency depends on...
- age, sex, language, paralinguistic reasons (mood, excitement..)
what controls changes in F0?
- vocal folds can be altered in three ways, changing vibrating frequency:
- thyroid cartilage can be tilted forward stretching the vocal folds
- position of the arytenoid cartilages can be moved, changing the length and tension of the vocal folds
- vocal folds themselves are part muscle and can be tensed
- voice source created by phonation further manipulated by articulation and resonance
- = shapes of the vocal tract
supralaryngeal tract includes
- lips, teeth, alveolar ridge, alveolpalatal region, hard palate, soft palate/velum, uvula
- tongue: tip, blade, body (front, center, back), root
orbicularis oris
muscle involved in rounding the lips
phonetic transcription
- complete and structured list of the sounds of a language
- allows trained people to use it to transcribe the sounds of any language
- listen to sounds "objectively" - minimize influence of native language/dialect
- accurate transcription should allow any practiced reader to produce native sounding speech in any language/dialect
International phonetic alphabet
- guiding principle: one sound = one symbol
- International Phonetic Association founded in 1886 in France, mostly by language teachers
- different symbol for each distinctive sound
- same symbol should be used for that sound in every language which uses it
- "core" of a syllable
- produced with an unobstructed flow of air from the lungs
- number of vowels in a language determined by minimal pairs
parameters of vowel articulation
- position of tongue body: tongue height (high or low relative to the palate), tongue backness (front or back relative to lips & pharynx)
- advanced or retracted tongue body
- lips (rounded, spread, neutral)
- nasality (air passes/does not pass through nose as well as mouth)
AE front vowels
i, ɪ, ɛ, æ
AE back vowels
u, ʊ, a
vowel space
- area in oral cavity within which the tongue can move without creating friction
- defined by position of two extreme vowels - i (front, high) & a (back, low)
vowels that have the same quality throughout their production
vowels that change quality during their production
tense vowels
- i, e, o , u
- involve more extreme articulations
- have longer durations
- can occur in open syllables (ex. CV)
- may be diphthongized
lax vowels
- ɪ, ɛ, ʌ, ʊ
- are shorter in duration
- occur only in closed syllables
- vowels that are produced with an r-coloring quality
- can be achieved in two ways: with tongue tip raised (and curled) as in a retroflex consonant, with tongue tip down but tongue body bunched up
nasalized vowels
- produced with soft palate lowered to allow part of airstream to go through nasal cavity
two visual representations for speech
- waveforms (time by amplitude/air pressure change)
- spectrograms (time by frequency (+amplitude))
- variation in pressure over time
- set of movements, disturbances
- vibration of air molecules that can cause the ear drum to vibrate, producing an auditory sensation
- air pressure fluctuation
simplest form of vibration
simple harmonic motion (simple movement - back & forth)
sine wave
- simplest kind of wave
- periodic wave that has a smooth and symmetrical curve connecting maximum and minimum pressure points
- pure tone
- maximum amount of displacement of a particle on the medium from its rest position
- magnitude of the pressure variation in the wave
- in a sound wave - diff. between peak pressure & average atmospheric pressure
- usually measured in decibels (indicates intensity or power of sound wave)
- perceived as loudness (greater amplitude = louder)
complete round trip in a wave
- amount of time require to complete one full cycle
- usually measured in sec or msec
- determined by physical properties of vibrating system (length of pendulum string, size, stiffness of tuning fork)
- p = 1/F
- when an event occurs repeatedly
- wave is periodic when the same pattern of air pressure variation is repeated exactly
- number of times a wave repeats (cycles) per unit of time
- f = 1/T
- perceived as pitch (higher frequency = higher pitch)
a sound with a frequency below the audible range of hearing
a sound with a frequency above the audible range of hearing
complex waves
- any wave that isn't a sine wave
- speech sounds are complex (made up of several frequencies)
- periodic
Fourier analysis
- all sounds can be analyzed by breaking them down in sinusoids which constitute the signal
Fourier synthesis
all sounds can be synthesized by adding sinusoids
to superimpose/add two waves...
add together the pressure/amplitude of each wave at each point in time (each sum is the pressure of the complex wave at that point)
representation of complex sounds
- complex periodic sounds can only have sinusoids that are multiples of its fundamental frequency
- pure tone components of periodic sounds
fundamental frequency (acoustics)
- lowest frequency component
- represented in a spectrum (horizontal axis = frequency, vertical axis = amplitude)
- first harmonic of complex wave (frequency at which the whole wave repeats)
- frequency of simple wave produced by second mode is twice the F0, third mode is 3x F0...
waveform vs. frequency spectrum
- waveform: time on x-axis, amp. on y-axis
- spectrum: frequency on x-axis, amp. on y-axis
- waveform shows overall amp. of complex wave; spectrum shows amp. of each harmonic
- waveform: individual harmonics not represented
- spectrum: shows single time slice only, obtained by Fourier analysis
aperiodic waves
- complex, but not harmonically related
- do not have repeating cycles
- do not have harmonically related component waves
- something set into forced vibration by another vibration
- acoustic resonator contains air
- resonating frequency of a physical body is a freq. at which the body vibrates more efficiently than other freq.
- bigger the object, lower its resonant freq.
source-filter theory of speech production
- source in a sound is what sets air vibrating (in speech, vocal fold vibration & turbulence)
- voice source & its spectrum (airflow through vibrating larynx is sound source - opening & closing of vf "chops up" flow of air from lungs, creating complex wave)
harmonics in the voice
- vocal fold vibration is rich in harmonics with F0 ranges from 100-300 Hz
- most speakers produce harmonics that have significant acoustic energy up to 4000-5000
- with lower F0, harmonics get closer together in the spectrum and cycles get further apart in the waveform
filter - vocal tract
- supralaryngeal vocal tract can be characterized by a filter function, which specifies (for each freq.) the relative amount of energy that is passed through filter & out the mouth (reinforces some frequencies & dampens others)
- reinforced frequencies = formant frequencies
formant frequencies
- peaks in the filter function of the vocal tract
- resonances of the vocal tract when it is in a particular configuration
- act as frequency "windows" - allow specific freq. to pass through & bock transmission of others
source-filter theory process
- source wave produced by vocal cord vibration - vocal tract filters source wave (allows some of component frequencies to pass through more strongly than others) - output spectrum has a harmonic energy distribution (but the amp. characteristics of harmonics have been shaped by formants)
source and filter characteristics can be changed...
vowels & formants
- vowels produced with no significant constriction of oral tract
- articulations change resonances of vocal tract, which changes formant frequencies
- formants give individual character to different vowels
- frequency ranges (groups of harmonics) that emerge from mouth & nose with greatest relative amp. = resonant freq. of vocal tract
- how the frequency spectrum changes over time
- time x frequency x amplitude
types of speech noise visible in spectrograms
- phonation: vertical black striations at more or less regular time intervals; each striation reflects the noise made during a single glottal pulse
- fricative noise: messy stuff showing no regularities in the time domain; varies in darkness (amp.) from very black (high amp) to faint grey (low amp)
- silence: white space
- stop bursts: sharp line (transient) represents abrupt release of high-pressure air as articulators rapidly open at end of closure of an oral stop
wide band spectrogram
- analyses over short time windows (averages over frequencies)
- better time resolution; more info in time domain
- show formant structure but smearing harmonics
narrow band spectrogram
- analyses over long time windows (more detail visible with respect to frequency dimension)
- bad time resolution
- reveal harmonic structure
- hard to find formants
- inversely correlated with tongue height
- high vowels: low F1 (large pharyngeal cavity)
- low vowels: high F1 (small pharyngeal cavity)
- correlated with tongue backness
- front vowels: high F2 (small oral cavity)
- back vowels: low F2 (large oral cavity)
- lip rounding lowers F2
things that change formant frequencies
- overall length of vocal tract (longer VT - larger resonants - lower frequencies)
- location of constriction (narrowing along length of vocal tract; back tongue constriction lowers F2)
- degree of constriction (tighter constriction lower F1)
sources of vowel variation
- information conveyed by vowels (vowel quality - vowel ID)
- across-talker variation (language, dialect, gender, historical change)
- within-talker variation (speaking style, social group, contextual variation)
vowels in different languages
- most common vowel systems include just 5-7 vowels (Spanish, Greek, Hawaiian)
- smallest known vowel inventory has just 3 vowels (Arabic)
- English has 10+
- German: large vowel inventory
what features can "add" vowels to a a vowel space?
- front/back (all languages have this)
- height (all languages have high vs. low; adding mid gets you from 3 to 5 vowel system)
- most common low vowel in world's languages
- if a language has just one low vowel it is likely to be [a]
- for most English speakers, it occurs in a diphthong
- common in other languages as simple monophthong
lip rouding
- in many languages isn't distinctive (ex. English)
- it is often predictable from vowel backness (back vowels are rounded)
- rounding is distinctive in a language like French
- less common, back vowels can be unrounded (Vietnamese)
why are front vowels almost always unrounded, while back vowels are almost always rounded?
- features front & unrounded both conspire to increase frequency of F2
- highest F2 found in vowels is in /i/
- conversely, back & round conspire to lower F2, so lowest F2 found in /u/
- lip rounding involves lip protrusion, which lengthens vocal tract, which lowers all formants