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64 Cards in this Set

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nonblood specimens should be labeled with
same as blood
nonblood body fluids are?
liquid or semi liquid
found in intracellular and interstital spaces and within various organs/body spaces
std precautions observed
most frequently analyzed nonblood fluid
urine not tested in timely fashion
bilirubin breaks down to?
what else happens?
bacteria multiply
accuracy of urine test results depend on?
method of collection
type of container
timeliness of testing
ideal procedure for collecting a urine specimen
Culture & sensitivity
urniary tract infection
clean catch
sterile container, following midstream
24-hour urine
specimen is collected to allow quantitative analysis of a urine analyte
specimen collected from a sterile catheter inserted through the urethra into the bladder
specimen is collected by inserting a needle directly into the bladder and aspirating into sterile syringe
antigen found in featus and amniotic fluid
abnormal levels indicate problems in fetal development
cerebrospinal fluid
clear colorless liquid that circulates within cavities surrounding brain and spinal cord
primary collection reason..diagnosis meningitis
gastric analysis
examines stomach contents for abnormal substances and measures gastric acid concentration(to evaluate acid production)
nasopharyngeal(nasal cavity and pharynx
Serous fluid
pale yellow watery fluid found between the double-layered membranes that encloses the pleural, pericardial and peritoneal cavities
pleural fluid
aspirated from the pleural cavity surrounding lungs
peritoneal fluid
aspirated from the abdominal cavity
pericardial fluid
aspirated from the pericardial cavity that surrounds the heart
mucus or phlegm that is ejected from the trachea, bronchi and lungs through deep coughing (used to diagnosis lower respiratory tract inffections ie...TB)
sweat chloride test
used to diagnosis of cystic fibrosis
transportation of pilocarpine(sweat stimulating drug)into the skin by means of electriacal stimulation by electrodes
synovial fluid
clear pale yellow vicous fluid that lubricates and decreases friction in movable joints
buccal swab
collection of sample for DNA by special swab inside of cheek
H. Pylori
type of bacteria that secretes substances that damage the lining of the stomach
C-urea breath test
H pylori produce urease, an enzyme that breaks down urea ( not normally present in stomach)
hydrogen breath test
most accurate lactose intolerance test
ova & Parasites
Occult blood
hidden blood (feces)
guaiac test
for presence of occult blood
fecal occult blood testing
stool testing
amniotic fluid
clear almost colorless to pale yellow fluid that fills the membrane (amnion/amniotic sac)that surronds and coushions a fetus in the uterus
2 types of urine specimens
physical analysis of urine
macroscopic exam
volume measurement
specific gravity(SG)/osmolality(these indicate concentration)
chemical analysis of urine
detects bacteria, blood, WBCs, protein, glucose,etc..
microscopic analysis of urine
identifies cells, crystals, microbes from urine sediment
routine UA includes
physical, chemical, and
microscopic analysis of urine
urine cytology studies
used to detect cancer, cystomegalovirus, and other viral and inflammatory diseases of bladder andother structures of U system
human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in urine indicates
first morning/8 hr specimen
1st am void
has a higher specific gravity
tolerance test on urine
GTT glucose tolerance test..collected serially at specific times (correspond to blood testing)
double voided specimen
empty bladder, then wait 30 min to collect specimen
commonly used for glucose and ketones testing
throat and mouth
nose and throat
Np secreations are cultured to detect?
microbes that cause diptheria, meningitis, pertussis(whooping cough) and pneumonia
fluid secreted from glands in mouth
used to monitor homones levels and detect alcohol and drug abuse
seminal fluid
sperm containing thick yellowish white fluid discharged during male ejaculation
analyzed to access fertility or determine effectiveness of vasectomy
ascites (a-si' tez)
accumulation of excess serous fluid in the peritoneal cavity
TB microbe is called?
sputum test is called?
acid fast bacillus (AFB)
AFB culture (1st morning specimens preferred0
cystic fibrosis
disorder of the exocrine glands that affect many body systems primarily the lungs, upper respiratory tract, liver and pancreas
synovial fluid used to identify or differentiate?
other inflammatory conditions
bone marrow is the site of
blood cell production
bone marrow test done on what bones?
sternum (breast)
what are breath samples collected for
hydrogen content(lactose intolerance)
H pylori (bacteria)
helicobacter pylori
H pylori
bacteria that secretes substances that damage lining of stomach
c-urea breath test
used for?
detects presence of?
analyzed for?
used to detect h pylori
detects urease(enzyme)
carbon-13(urease breaks down and releases it)
most accurate lactose tolerance test
Hydrogen breath test
examination of feces is helpful in evaluation of?
gastrointestional disorders
urobilinogen content
pathogenic bacteria
occult blood
hair samples used for ?
trace and heavy metal analysis
drug abuse
why hair sample advantageous for drug testing?
not easily tampered with or altered
shows cronic use (opposed to recent use)
throat swab most often used for
diagnosis of streptococcial infection
tissue specimen handling
check procedure manual
(test are expensive, uncomfortable to PT, not easily repeated)