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120 Cards in this Set

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The middle layer of the heart muscle is called the:
The function of the left ventricle is to deliver:
Oxygentated blood into the aortic arch.
How many chambers are in the human heart?
The medical term for a heart attack is:
Myocardial infarction.
The receiving chambers of the heart are the:
The heart is surrounded by a thin, fluid-filled sac called the:
The lower chamber of the heart are called:
the right atrioventricular valve is also called the:
Tricuspid valve.
The structure dividing the right and left halves of the heart is called:
The heart receives blood to supply its own needs via the:
Coronary arteries.
The relaxing phase of the cardiac cycle is called:
The heart's "pacemaker" is the:
Sinoatrial Node.
A cardiac cycle lasts approximately:
0.8 seconds.
The abbreviation for a test that monitors electrical impulses of the heart is:
Electrocardiogram. (ECG)
On an electrocardiogram (ECG) tracing, atrial activity is represented by the:
P wave.
On an electrocardiogram (ECG) tracing, which wave represents the activity of the ventricles?
QRS and T.
Abnormal heart sounds are called:
Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart are called:
A person's pulse is created by a wave of pressure caused by:
Ventricular contraction.
What keeps the blood moving through the venous system?
Skeletal muscle movement and the opening and closing of valves within the veins.
An abnormally fast heart rate is called:
What is a normal blood pressure reading?
120/80 mm Hg
An infection of the lining of the heart is called:
What is an abbreviation for cardiac enzyme tests?
Creatine Kinase. (CK) and Lactate Dehydrgenase. (LDH)
Systolic pressure measures pressure in the arteries during:
Ventricular contration.
The pulmonary circulation:
Carries deoxygentated blood to the lungs and returns oxygentated blood to the heart.
What represents the proper direction of blood flow in the circulatory system?
Arterioles, capillaries, and venules.
The right ventricle delivers blood to the:
Pulmonary artery.
Normal systemic arterial blood is:
Bright cherry red.
The largest artery inthe body is the:
The pulmonary vein carries:
Oxygen-rich blood.
A sphygmomanometer is a(n):
Blood pressure cuff.
The smallest branches of veins are called:
What blood vessels are part of the systemic circulation:
Brachial artery, cephalic vein, and vena cava.
Tiny one-cell thick blood vessels are called:
What blood vessels carries oxygenated blood?
Pulmonary vein.
The outer layer of a blood vessel is called the tunica:
The internal space of a blood vessel is called the:
The layers of arteries differ from the layers of veins in that the:
Muscle layer is thick in arteries.
The inner layer of a blood vessel is called the:
What is the proper order of vein selection for venipuncture?
Median cubital, cephalic, and basilic.
Oxygen and nutrients diffuse through the walls of the:
The antecubital fossa is located:
Anterior to and distal to the elbow.
A blood clot circulating in the blood stream is called a(n):
The basilic vein is the third choice for venipuncture because it is:
More painful when punctured, near a major nerve, and near the brachial artery.
A phlebotomist is allowed to perform a venipuncture on an akle vein when:
The patient's physician has given permission to do so.
The longest vein in the body is the:
Great Saphenous.
A vein found on the lateral side of the ankle is the:
Lessor Saphenous.
What is normally found in the plasma portion of the blood?
What is the medical term for vein inflammation?
What is the name or abbreviation for a vascular system test?
Disseminated Intravascular Coagualtion. (DIC)
Lipid accumulation on the intima of an artery is called:
A localized dilation or bulging of an artery is called:
An aneurysm.
Inflammation of a vein in conjunction with formation of a blood clot is called:
Normal adult blood volume is approximately:
5 L.
The normal composition of blood is approximately:
55% plasma, 45% formed elements.
Normal plasma is a:
Clear or slightly hazy, pale yellow fluid that is 90% water.
When the hand is prone, the cephalic vein in the antecubital area is located in line with the:
Little finger.
What is the most numerous cell in the blood.
Red blood cell.
What blood cell contains a nucleus?
A reticulocyte count measures immature :
Red blood cells.
What blood cell increases in allergic reactions and pinworm infestations?
How lare is a normal erythrocyte?
Where are leukocytes produced?
Bone marrow.
What is the primary function of red blood cells?
Transport oxygen from the lungs to the tissues.
A leukocyte is a:
White blood cell.
What blood cell has the ability to pass through the blood vessel wall?
What type of cell destroys pathogens by phagocytosis?
What is another term for neutrophils?
What formed element is first on the scene when an injury occurs?
What is described as an anuclear, biconcave disc?
What type of cell is sometimes called a macrophage?
What type of cells give rise to plasma cells that produce antibodies?
Neutrophils are sometimes called segs because they have segmented:
Platelets are also called:
A platelet is actually a part of a cell called a:
An individual's body type is determined by the presence or absence of certain types of :
Antigens on the surface of the red blood cells.
To prevent sensitzation, Rh immunoglobulin is given to a(n):
Rh-negative mother on delivery of an Rh-positive baby.
A person who becomes "sensitized" to the Rh factor:
May produce antibodies to the Rh factor.
A person who has A-negative blood as red blood cells that:
Have the A antigen and lack the Rh antigen.
Severe hemolytic disease of the newborn is most often caused by:
Sensitization of an Rh-negative mother from a previous Rh-positive baby.
Incompatible blood given to a patient because of miisidentification by a phlebotomist may result in the patient's:
Renal tubules being overcome by excess hemolysis and becoming totally dysfunctional.
Whole blood is made up of:
Formed elements suspended in plasma.
The liqud portion of a clotted specimen is called:
The clear liquid portion of an anticoagulated specimen that has been centrifuged is called:
How can you visually tell serum from plasma?
You cannot visually tell serum from plasma.
How soon should a blood smear be made from an ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA) specimen? Within:
60 minutes.
The most common anticoagulants prevent clotting by:
Inhibiting thrombin or binding calcium.
It is preferable to perform STAT chemistry tests on plasma rather than serum because plasma:
Is ready for testing sooner than serum.
A test that assesses platelet plug formation is:
Bleeding Time (BT)
What are some things to know regarding serum:
Serum is collected without an anticoagulant, serum is normally clear,pale yellow in color, and serum is suitable for most chemistry determinations.
A person with thrombocytosis has:
Abnormally increased platelets.
A disease characterized by an abnormally decreased red blood cell count is:
The process of coagulation is also called:
What is a test of the formed elements?
Complete Blood Count (CBC)
Hemostasis refers to:
The coagulation process.
An abnormal increase in white blood cells is called:
The ion required in the coagulation process where prothrombin is converted to thrombin is:
The extrinsic pathway of coagulation is initiated by:
Tissue Injury.
The first stage inthe hemostatic process is:
What are the tests that are used to diagnoise blood cell disorders:
Complete blood count, ferritin, and hemoglobin.
What stages of the coagulation process are called primary hemostasis?
Vasoconstriction and platelet plug formation.
Lymph fluid is most likely:
A disease caused most often by the lack of factor VIII is:
Coagulation problems may result from live disease because the liver:
Manufactures coagulation factors.
What stage of the coagulation process involves the action of the enzyme plasmin:
Tests that measure the functioning of primary hemostasis are:
Platelet count and bleeding time.
Obstruction of a blood vessel by an embolus causes:
An embolism.
What is a coagulation test?
When the arm is in the anatomic position, the basilic vein is:
On the same side as the little finger.
Lymp fluid origniates from:
Excess tissue fluid.
A venipuncture site is normally healed by:
Platelet plug formation.
A malignant lymphoid tumor is called:
A test associated with the lymph system is:
Mononucleosis test.
Lymph fluid keeps moving in the right direction because of:
Valves in the lymph vessels.
What are functions of the lymph nodes:
Process lymphocytes,remove impurities, and trap and destroy bacteria.
What veins are antecubital veins:
Basilic,cephalic, and median cubital.
The ability of platelets to stick to surfaces is called platelet:
What test is performed on whole blood?
Complete blood Count. (CBC)
Waht test is performed on plasma?