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43 Cards in this Set

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Great Chain of Being
live life according to your place, farmer king etc
Three Shocks to end the middle ages
1. Europeans find new world not mentioned in Bible
2. New cosmic center (sun) explains mars pattern
3. New relation with God
Martin Luther
Humanism positive and negative
Pos: Freedom to think , pico, erasmus
Neg: Chaos in the streets, machivelli
Pico della Mirandolla
Revised Great Chain of Being, we get to choose our own place in chain
Satirist, didn't think church should focus on stupid things but rather on love, st socrates, greeks with primitive christianity (simplicity, no authorities) Humanism: human reason can find truth
not evil
How to find peace and order in chaotic Italy
need on super mean leader
peace requires brutality
must lie cheat kill and appear to be a good christian
short nasty brutish, need leviathan, physical human and political bodies
modern period philosopher
god is king, god is constantly invovled
Mechanistic Materialism
everything is matter and everything follows mechanical laws
State of nature
killing each other, zombie apocalypse, short nasty brutish, pessismism and egoism
appetite and aversion
Social contract
renounce freedoms for security
Unstoppable state or common wealth,
has monopoly on violence
author of all laws
philosophy to get out of depression, systematic doubt, dualism, rationalist
Systematic doubt
doubt everything! till certainty
Ball of Wax
senses don't engage world, senses change as ball gets closer to fire, know the world through intuition
Cartesian Dualism
Mind outside world, how does mind fit world
we can't know the world through senses, we can only know it through logic and reason
We can only know the world through our senses.
David Hume
build a science of humman nature, accept limits of human thought
Bundle Theory of Mind
No unified self, mind is a bunch of perceptions good happpy sad
Impressions and Ideas
all perceptions, we get impressions from the world as experiences, then we later translate them into ideas
Hume's fork
Only eat good things, those that are analytic and those that are synthetic
True within the statement: the chair is furniture
tells us about world, the chair is brown
a priori
things we can know prior to experiencing it
a posteriori
things we can only know after we experience it
problem of induction
Just because it happens every time, doesn't mean it's going to happen all the time. The turkey whose farmer feeds him will one day kill him.
We know that it exists, but what are the conditions for us to perceive it?
Copernican revolution
Meaning is not in object, but in mind. mind constructs object
Synthetic a priori
transcendental analysis
What are the conditions for the possibility of perception? SPAACE AND TTTTTIIIIME
Phenomena and Noumena
nou - intell pheno- sense
outer, sense orders all external perceptions, blank CD
inner, more fundamental than space, inner format of intuition, inner sense that orders all experience
Real and in your head, time is relative
Categorical Imperative
If everyone did it, is that cool? Act only on the maxim that you could will to become eternal law
Jeremy Bentham
pleasure vs pain, governments to serve on happiness
happiness and freedom, greatest good for greatest number
Happiness Principal
greatest happiness for greatest number empirical and democratic, equal and how much pain and pleasure
Felicific Calculus
science of happiness
Intensity, duration, certainty, proximity, fecundity, purity, extent
John Stuart Mill
Quality of happiness, people usually choose the wrong kind, you need to know both kinds, even with hardships, do you want to do it
Mary Wollstonecraft
Men and Women arre equal
marrying as noble, not legal prostitution
Will 2 Power
striving to get the highest position in life
der Ubermensche
super person, super creative and has will2power