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49 Cards in this Set

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Character traits that ALL humans posses.
Human Nature
Character traits that I (maybe some other people) have.
Individual Nature
Belief in some sort of higher power
Denies that there are Gods
You just don't know when it comes to belief.
Which ARGUMENT is this?: everything around us has a cause. The universe therefor must have a cause. We call that cause "God"
1st Cause Argument
which ARGUMENT is this? Where everything you see has a pattern or design , or purpose we conclude that there must be a designer, the world has beautiful complexity therefor there MUST be a designer of the universe.
The Intelligence design Argument
Which Argument is this? How can a loving God, let bad things happened? There cant be such a god, if God is loving then God cant exist.
The argument from Evil (atheist argument)
Character traits that ALL humans posses.
Human Nature
Character traits that I (maybe some other people) have.
Individual Nature
Belief in some sort of higher power
Simply loving others. Distributing the goodies for one another.
Distributive Property
Eye for an Eye
Retributive Justice
The idea the way we decide what treatment is based on merit. That we act with other people in a way we act with other people. (Chairmen ammision College, will send out acceptance or rejection.)
Meritocratic Justice
What are the three ways Christians ground their beliefs?
1. Rational Argumentation
2. Empirical evidence (physical evidence)
3. Faith (Just believing that Gods exists)
Faith is a _____ belief
Who says this? "you might as well believe in Jesus and practice his requirements because if you are right then you have everything to gain and if you are wrong youve lost very little. If you are wrong and dont believe then you got everything to lose, then you got nothing to gain."
Pascals Wager
A person opt to do what best promotes her/his own individual well being. What type of person is this?
Ethical Egoism
We ought not to sacrifice for others nor should we except others to sacrifice for us.
Social Principle
Helping someone hoping for equal value in return
Egoistic Helping.
Humans Vs Animals. In the Islamic view..
Humans have abstract desires, moral behavorial desires, seeks values and aspires to virtues and ideals. they have more Scientific Knowledge... Humans are Not scientific.
In islam what is acceptable...?
Reason and Faith. Science is acceptable.
In islam what does the forbidden tree of the adam and eve story represent....
In christianity what does the forbidden tree represent?
Platos Famous Tri Part mind
Desires (appetites)

Intellect (Thinking)

Passions (states of mind that push us into action)
Unselfish behavor and attitude towards the welfare of others.

Intentional behaviors that benefit another person.

Behaviors which has no obvious gain for the provide.
Behaviors which have obvious costs for the provider.
Which Religion does this saying come from "use of reason to pursue knowledge and faith"
____ Believes Absolute knowledge of reality
Reason will clarify things. Reason will help you get to reality. Reason is the light that cuts through. ( thinks there are absolutes) WHOS VIEW IS THIS?
Interact with one another if we are trying to be fair with one another... what type of justice is this?
What exactly is pascals wager? (not the definition)
A rational argument to believe in the Christian God.
(chapter 5)
Which type of person hates welfare recipients, and are all cheaters, they are against foreign aid and income taxes. The overall saying is "MAY THE BETTER PERSON WIN, BE SELFISH"
(chapter 5) Me first should come LAST. They criticize a over competitive spirit. Which type of person is this?
Have a preference for aristocratic ways for INDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCE, each individual pushing to ones limits and reaping the rewards that life offers for ones accomplishments.
Greeks and Romans
They are todays altuist- helping their neighbors, giving to the poor, sacrificing always giving the other person the benefit of the doubt. Loving and caring for others.
The Christianity way.
What is the Egoists Argument? dealing with mother nature part of the chapter in chapter five?
-Looking out for ourselves is part of our human nature.
-People who are not acting to protect and enhance their individual survival and welfare are acting against nature. instead they ought to be acting selfishly because that is the way people are by nature.
Altruism Argument in chapter 5 dealing with the mother nature part.
Just because all other animals by nature have concern for survival and welfare as their primary concern, that does not mean that we too are that way by nature or that we ought to be that way. We have the power of REASONING. Even if we were egoists by nature, the power of reasoning would make it possible for us to be another way.
Each of us should treat ourselves as though we were of highest value in the world... Which type of person would say this? (chapter 5)
When it comes to productive work who has this as their to PRIMARY value: - The individual who lives as productive a life as possible, who is as creative as possible and who lives up to ones fullest potential is the individual who is living rationally.
Egoist Primary Value
Only care about short term concerns and bodily pleasures ect.....Which type of person is this?
What does it mean to be a Moral Person? (Chapter 6)
To value others before oneself, or at least value others on a par with oneself.
A primary concern involves unselfish value in doing things for others. Which type of person is this? (Chapter 6)
People are people who fully value at least one other person more highly than themselves. Which type of caring is this? (chapter 6)
"PURE caring"
People value another more than themselves in the main, but expect something of value in return. What type of caring is this? (chapter 6)
"Ordinary caring"
True or false.
Pure Egoist and pure altruists are hard to come by. Most people fall in between the spectrum.
Which the baseball example specifically look at in chapter 6?
People who act out of pure care for others might always feel good after they do something for others. That does not mean that getting the good feeling was their reason for doing the act. BOOOOYA
What does it say in the community part of chapter 6? Why would anyone be motivated toward pure altruism?
Perhaps it casually promotes in a person a heightened sense of community.
Concluding chapter 6...
People cannot really feel good about themselves until they learn to love another.
Altruistic way
True or false. As college students are are told to do just one of these acts from the day of birth. Are culture is pretty straight forward...

As college students we are told to do both of these acts. We live in a culture of MIXED MESSAGES.