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16 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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Socrates "Unexamined life not worth living"
Outward arrow to definitions
Inward to the Soul
Know Thyself
Cyclops, polythimus which means round eye
Boat in foreground is Ulysses
Man without reason is inhuman monster
Socrates continuing to pursue Philosophy in Hades
Socrates on trial before the Assembly
Critias using belief of false gods to ensure ruler remains in power
Presocrates and Sophist leading to break down in the belief of gods
Thrasymachus- Might is Right
Justice in interest of Stronger
Crime Pays
Death of Socrates
Sophist goes to several City States to teach rhetoric, sneaky.
Protagoras- sophist "Man is the measure"
Merchants tearing down the Homeric Values of Courage, Loyalty, and Honor. Replaced with Success and Power
Gadfly, Socrates said he was stinging the sluggish horses (people of Athens) into improvement.
Ideal Dog
Alfred Whiteheads' idea that no new ideas have been added to philosophy since the Greeks.
Three parts of the soul at war with one another.