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397 Cards in this Set

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-state of dynamic constancy

-at all levels of organization

-functional activities directed at maintaining "Milieu Interieur"

-failure to maintain disrupts normal function

Homeostatically Controlled Factors

-concentration of nutrient molecules

-concentration of O2/CO2

-concentration of waste

-concentration of electrolytes





-most abundant single constituent in body (45-75%)

-universal solvent where metabolic reactions take place

Body Water %

-skin: 70%

-muscle: 75%

-heart, liver, brain, kidney: 70-80%

-bone: 25%

-fat (adipose tissue): 10%

^main factor in determining variation in water content between individuals

-body water % varies with age, gender, weight

-body water remains in dynamic steady state (healthy)

Water Balance

-oral fluid (~1.2L)

-oral intake as food (~1.1L)

-oxidative water from metabolism (~0.4L)

total = ~2.7L


-lungs (~0.4L)

-skin (~0.5L)

-kidneys (~0.5-1.2L)

-stool (~0.1L)

total = ~2.7L

Obligatory Losses

~1.5L of water/day

-insensible: ~1.0L

-urine + stool: ~0.5L

Facultative Losses

-vary with intake

-urine (kidney is major homeostatic organ)

Insensible Perspiration

1. Pure water

2. Passive evaporation (ambient temp/relative humidity)

3. Entire skin surface (present even in those lacking sweat glands)

4. Cotinuous


1. Electrolyte solution

2. Active secretion

3. Sweat glands

4. Activated by heavy work/high temp

Water Turnover

~3-4% in adults

-in infants: much higher % of their total body weight

-body water helps maintaining normal solute concentrations

-helps maintain normal blood volume/pressure

Reasons for Negative Water Balance

1. Reduced intake

2. Excessive loss from gut (ex. vomiting)

3. Excessive sweating

4. Excessive loss in expired air (ex. dry air/high altitudes)

5. Excessive loss in urine

Reasons for Water "Intoxication"

1. Excessive intake

2. Renal system failure

Intracellular Body Fluid

-2/3 body fluids are intracellular

-make up 40% of body mass (~28L)

-high in K+/Mg2+, low in Na+/Cl-

Extracellular Body Fluid

-make up 20% of body mass (~14L)

-low in K+/Mg2+, high in Na+/Cl-



-interstitial fluid



-transcellular fluid


-fluid media in which white blood cells are suspended

~5% of ECF

Hematocrit (Ht)

-% of blood volume occupied by RBCs

= height of erythrocyte column/height of whole blood column


Interstitial Fluid (ISF)

-fluid which percolates between individual cells

~15% of ECF

Lymphatic System

-network of blind ended terminal tubules that coalesce to form larger lymphatic vessels

-merge to form ducts

-drain into large veins in chest

~1.2% of ECF

Transcellular Fluid

-aggregate of small fluid volumes

-secreted by specific cells into various cavities

-ex. intraocular, cerebro-spinal, synoidal, etc

<1.2% of ECF

Indicator Dilution

-measuring body fluids

Need to Know:

-total quantity of test substance

-concentration of substance/units of volume after dispersion


1. Introduce quantity (Q) of indicator into vein

2. Allow equilibrium

3. Remove volume of blood (V) and centrifuge

4. Measure concentration (C) in unit volume of plasma

Indicator Choice for Indicator Dilution


-diffuses readily

-even distribution

-induces no changes in water distribution

-easy to measure

-ex. antipyrne, D2O, T2O

Plasma Measurements

-indicator must be restricted within blood

-unable to cross capillary wall

Cell Membrane

-phospholipid bilayer

-supports distinct compositions of ICF and ISF

-selectively permeable:

-highly permeable to H2O, lipid-soluble substances, dissolved gases, small uncharged molecules

-less permeable to large molecules, charged particles

Bimolecular Phospholipid Bilayer

-fluid-mosaic model:

-polar heads (hydrophilic)

-non polar tails (hydrophobic)

-polar region faces outwards, non polar inwards to cytoplasm/extracellular fluid

-cholesterol inserted to provide stability/rigidity

-differently charged ends (antipathic) help maintain fluidity

-integral/peripheral proteins


Peripheral Proteins (Plasma Membrane)

-loosely associated with phospholipid bilayer

-mostly on cytoplasmic side

Integral Proteins (Plasma Membrane)

-closely associated with phospholipids

-mostly antipathic


-comprised of carbohydrates and glycoproteins on outer side of plasma membrane

Functions of Membrane Proteins

-ion channels and transporters

-catalyze membrane reactions

-serve as receptors for receiving/transducing chemical signals from cell

-cell surface identity markers

-cell-cell adhesion

-attachment to cytoskeleton

Passive Transport


-carrier-mediated facilitated diffusion


Active Transport

-energy dependent

-carrier-mediated active transport (primary/secondary)




-movement of solute particles from region of high concentration to low

Fick's Law of Diffusion

J = PA (Co - Ci)

J = net flux

P = permeability coefficient

A = surface area of membrane

Co - Ci = concentration gradient

Ion Channels

-transport particles through plasma membrane

-may consist of a single protein or cluster of proteins

-show selectivity based on their diameter as well as the distribution of charges lining the channel

Electrochemical gradient

-simultaneous existence of electrical and concentration gradient for particular ion

-affects movement of ions

Ligand-gated channels

-open when molecules bind to receptor

Voltage-gated channels

-controlled by voltage difference across cell membrane (ex. Na+, K+, Ca+, Cl-)

-total number of ions that flow through these channels generating ionic current depend on:

1. channel conductance

2. how often the channel is open

3. how long the channel stays open

Mechanically-gated channels

-susceptible to changes in permeability as they are stressed

Carrier-Mediated Transport

-specificity: system usually transports one type of molecule

-saturation: rate of transport reaches maximum when all binding sites on transporters are occupied

-competition: occurs when structurally similar substances compete for the same binding site on membrane

Facilitated Diffusion

-involves presence of carrier molecule that enables solute to penetrate more readily

1. solute binds to carrier

2. carrier undergoes change in configuration

3. solute is delivered to other side of membrane

4. carrier resumes original configuration

Active Transport

-carrier mediated

-uses energy (usually derived from hydrolysis of ATP)

-susceptible to metabolic inhibitors

-transports against concentration gradient

-primary and secondary

Primary Active Transport

-in which energy is transferred directly from ATP to transporter

-phosphorylation of transporter changes conformation and affinity of binding site

-changes in bind site affinity for transported solute are produced by dephosphorylation of carrier

Na+/K+ Pump Mechanism

-carrier binds to Na+ on cytoplasmic surface of membrane

-activates ATPase that hydrolyzes ATP and releases required energy

-carrier changes conformation and delivers Na+ to outer surface

-permits exposure of binding site for K+ on outer surface

-attachment of K+ to its binding site is accompanied by return of carrier to original configuration

-K+ released inside cell

-Na+ binding sites open again

Secondary Active Transport

-energy released during transmembrane movement of solute from higher to lower concentration is transferred to simultaneous movement of another solute against concentration gradient

-uses electrochemical gradient for Na+ to move both Na+ and second solute across plasma membrane

Secondary Active Transport of Na+

1. Na+ binds to carrier outside cell (high concentration of Na+)

2. Glucose/amino acids are allowed to bind to same carrier

3. Carrier changes configuration

4. Delivers Na+ and glucose/amino acid into cell

5. Carrier reverts to original configuration and Na+ is extruded from cell via sodium-potassium pump


-Na+ moves in same direction as solute X


-Na+ moves in opposite direction as solute X

Secondary Active Transport Mechanisms


-Na+/H+ exchanger




-Na+/glucose cotransporter

-Na+/amino acid


-intaking particles into cell

-cell membrane invaginates

-forms channel

-end of channel pinches off to form vesicle


-output of particles into ECF

-intracellular vesicle fuses with cell membrane

-contents released


-fluid endocytosis

-ingestion of dissolved materials via endocytosis

-cell membrane invaginates

-pinches off small droplets of fluid in pinocytotic vesicle

-liquid contents slowly transfer to cytosol


-ingestion of solid particles via endocytosis

-cell membrane invaginates

-pinches off

-places particle in phagosome

-phagosome fuses with lysosomes

-material is digested by enzymes

Receptor-mediated Endocytosis

1. Clathrin-dependent:

-involves pinching off of clathrin-coated vesicles

-fuse with endosomes where contents are sorted

2. Potocytosis:


-pinching off of tiny vesicles called caveolae

-deliver contents to cell cytoplasm via channels/carriers

Diffusion of Water

-water diffuses freely across most cell membranes

-facilitated by groups of proteins (aquaporins) that form water permeable channels


-net movement of H2O across a semi-permeable membrane

Osmotic Pressure

-pressure required to prevent movement of water across semi-permeable membrane


-total solute concentration of solution

-1 osmol = 1 mol of solute particles

-Osm = osmol/L

-osmotic pressure is equal to osmolarity (Osm)


-solutions with same number of osmotically active particles as normal extracellular solutions


-solutions with lower number of osmotically active particles than normal extracellular solutions


-solutions with higher number of osmotically active particles than normal extracellular solutions

Hypertonic solution

-greater concentration of solute outside cell

-net movement out of water out

-cell shrivels

Hypotonic solution

-greater concentration of solute inside cell

-net movement of water in

-cell lyses (bursts)

Isotonic solution

-equal concentrations of solute inside and outside cell

-no net movement of water

Capillary Wall

-single layer of flattened endothelial cells and supporting basement membrane

Transport Across Capillary Wall

1. Diffusion

-through water-filled channels and across cell membranes

-most important

2. Pinocytosis/Exocytosis

-endocytosis and vesicle formation on luminal side

-exocytosis and vesicle release on interstitial side

3. Bulk Flow

-flow of molecules subjected to pressure difference

-causes redistribution of extracellular solution

-inversely proportional to hydrostatic pressure differences

-COP of plasma determines how much water will flow in/out capillaries

Starling Forces:

-filtration tends to push out fluid from capillaries

-osmotic flow tends to pull fluid into capillaries

-determine distribution of ECF volume between plasma and ISF

Blood pH Range



-supporter of life

-carrier of diseases



-comprised of ECF (plasma) and ICF (inside blood cells)


-normal blood volume


-lower blood volume


-higher blood volume

Composition of Plasma

>90% water

-Na+, K+, Ca++, Mg++

-Cl-, HCO3-, PO4--

-glucose, amino acids, lipids, urea, lactic acid

-O2, CO2

-proteins (colloids):




Separating Plasma Proteins

1. Differential precipitation by salts

2. Sedimentation in ultracentrifuge

3. Electrophoretic mobility

4. Immunological characteristics


-fractionation method based on movement of charged particles along voltage gradient

-rate of migration is influenced by number of particles and MW of each protein

Origin of Plasma Proteins

-lymphoid tissue to gamma-Globulin

Role of Plasma Proteins

-major role in determining distribution of fluid between plasma and ISF compartments by controlling transcapillary dynamics

-contribute to viscosity of plasma

-contribute to buffering power

-fibrinogen and globulins essential to clotting

-immunoglobulins provide specific resistance to infection

-albumin/globulins act as carriers for lipids, minerals and hormones

Capillary Bed

-site where exchanges take place between plasma and ISF

-diffusion responsible for exchange of nutrients, gases and wastes across capillary wall

-Starling forces determine distribution of ECF volume between plasma and ISF

Starling's Transcapillary Dynamics

1. Exchanges (filtration/absorption) take place along whole length of capillary

2. Only 90% of fluid filtered out is reabsorbed back into capillary (10% is drained by lympathic vessels)

Lymphatic Vessels

-walls are made up of single endothelial layer

-highly permeable to all ISF constituents (including proteins)

Factors in Transcapillary Dynamics

1. Hydrostatic pressure

2. COP

3. Capillary Permeability

4. Lymphatic Drainage


-accumulation of excess fluid in interstitial spaces

-high hydrostatic pressure

-low COP

-low capillary permeability

-no lymphatic drainage


-increased capillary permeability

-plasma proteins escape into ISF

-exert oncotic effect

-obstruction of lymphatic drainage

Colloidal Osmotic Pressure

-colloidal osmotic pressure (COP) = 25mmHg

-if COP increases, net flow into plasma

-COP decreases, net flow into ISF

-COP of plasma determines how much water will flow in/out of capillaries


-production of blood cells

-all blood cells derived from common, multipotential hematopoietic stem cells

-occurs in flat bones of skull, shoulder blades, vertebrae, pelvis, sternum, ribs, promial epiphysis of long bones

-injection of bone marrow stem cells can reconstitute ALL hematopoietic cell types


-production of red blood cells


-production of platelets

-pluripotent stem cell to commited stem cell

-thrombopoietin from liver


-bone marrow to blood stream


-production of white blood cells


-substances (proteins/peptides) released by cell

-affect growth, development and activity of another cell

Hematopoietic Growth Factors

-cytokines influencing the proliferation and differentiation of blood cell precursors


-red blood cells

-facilitate transport of respiratory gases between lungs/cells


-biconcave disk

-maximal surface area/minimal diffusion distance

-high degree of flexibility

Glycolytic Enzymes

-generate energy

Carbonic anhydrase

-CO2 transport


-transport of O2/CO2

-acts as buffer

-low solubility in plasma

-1.34mL O2/g Hb

Affected by:


-ionic composition



-intracellular enzyme concentration


1. RBC precursor differentiation:

-decrease in size

-loss of nucleus

-accumulation of Hb

2. Reticulocyte to RBC (24 hours)

3. O2 requirements/availability determine number of RBCs


-glycoprotein hormone/cytokine produced by kidney

-stimulates proliferation of committed stem cells

-accelerates differentiation of stem cells into reticulocytes

-release stimulated by hypoxia (decreased RBC count, decreased availability of O2 to blood, increased tissue demand for O2)

Hormonal Effects on EPO


-increases release of EPO

-increases sensitivity of RBC precursors to EPO


-opposite effects

RBC Life Span

-120 days

-nothing prolongs life span

-recognized as old and removed from circulation by system of macrophages

-old RBC "eaten"

-membrane digested, contents released


-excessive hemolysis

-hepatic damage

-bile duct obstruction


-production of RBCs greater than destruction

-increases blood viscosity

-blood clots!


-production of RBCs less than destruction

-decrease in oxygen carrying capacity of blood

-RBC count/Hb content decreased

Physiological Polycythemia

-secondary to high O2 needs or O2 availability

-high altitudes

-increased activity

-chronic lung disease

-heavy smoking

Pathological Polycythemia

-tumours of cells producing EPO

-unregulated production by bone marrow

Diminished Production Anemia

-abnormal site

-abnormal stimulus

-inadequate raw materials

-ex. Iron Deficiency (most common):

-increased requirements

-inadequate supplies



Ineffective Maturation Anemia

-deficiencies of Vitamin B12 and folic acid (required for normal synthesis of DNA)



Increased Destruction Anemia

-congenital or acquired

-abnormal membrane structure

-abnormal enzyme systems

-abnormal metabolism

-abnormal Hb structure (ex. sickle cell)


-loss of blood



-accumulation of blood in tissues


-arrest of bleeding


-platelet plug

-blood clot


-nervous reflex

-myogenic response

-smooth muscle cells in vessel wall respond to injury by contracting

-chemical vasoconstrictors

Platelet Structure

-2-4 micrometres in diameter

-no nucleus

-many granules

-many filaments, microtubules, mitochondria, sER, etc

-lifespan: 7-10 days

Platelet Plug Formation

1. Vascular injury, damaged endothelial cell

2. Collagen exposure (binds and activates platelets)

3. Adhesion (facilitated by Von Willebrand factor (wWf)

4. Activation/release of cytokines

-ADP/TXA2 (aggregation/TXA2 promotes vasoconstriction)

-serotonin (promotes vasoconstriction)

-PF3 (source of phospholipid activity that participates in coagulation)

5. Aggregation

6. Consolidation

7. Platelet factors released to attract more platelets

Platelet Functions

-release vasoconstricting agents

-form platelet plug

-release clotting factors

-participate in clot retraction

-promote maintenance of endothelial integrity

Abnormal Primary Hemostatic Response (Prolonged Bleeding)

1. Failure of blood vessel to contract

2. Platelet deficiencies


-function of plasma

1. Initiated by injury to blood vessel wall

2. Platelet adhesion

-platelets bind to exposed collagen on endothelial cell surfaces mediated by vWf

3. Platelet Activation

-linking of platelet glycoprotein to collagen activates platelets' integrin

-tight binding of platelets to ECM

-release stored granule contents into blood plasma (ADP, vWf, throboxane, PF3, serotonin)

-platelets aggregate

4. Activation of protein kinase

-calcium activates protein kinase C

-leads to activation of specific phospholipase

-phospholipase modifies integrin membrane glycoprotein making it attracted to fibrinogen

-cross linking between fibrinogen and glycoprotein help platelets aggregate

5. Kalikrien to kinin

-conversion system is a complex of proteins that leads to formation of vasoactive kinins

-kinins released as result of activation of tissue kallikrein or plasma kallikrein

6. Blood coagulation cascade

-process of fibrin formation takes place in intrinsic and extrinsic pathways

7. Prothrombin to thrombin

-Ca2+/prothrombinase catalyze

8. Control of thrombin

-small amounts of thrombin generated rapidly by extrinsic scheme

-trigger strong positive feedback effects on intrinsic scheme to generate larger quantities of thrombin

9. Activation of fibrinogen to fibrin

-catalyzed by thrombin formation

10. Clot Retraction/Lysis

-clotting kept in check by inhibitors (plate adhesion) and anticoagulants

-heparin/antithrombin II work together to block IX, X, XI, XII

-protein C inhibits Factors V and VIII

Clotting Factors



-protein plasma factors

Clotting Factor Deficiences


-hereditary deficiencies of (usually) a single factor

-ex. VIII (hemophilia)


-multifactor deficiencies

-ex. liver disease, vitamin K deficiency

Clot Retraction

-depends on presence of contractile protein (thrombosthenin) released by platelets

Clot Lysis (Fibrinolysis)

-intrinsic/extrinsic proactivators/endothelial cell factors to plasminogen activator

-plasminogen to plasmin

-fibrin to fibrin fragments

1. Inhibitors of platelet adhesion (ex. aspirin)

2. Anticoagulant drugs interfere w/ clot formation

3. Thrombolytic drugs (promote clot lysis)


-anticoagulant drug

-blocks synthesis of functional prothrombin, VII, IX, X


-promotes inhibition of thrombin activation/action

Tissue Plasminogen Activator (t-Pa)

-thrombolytic drug

-promotes clot lysis


-thrombolytic drug

-promotes clot lysis


-severe combined immunodeficiency

-bubble boy

-lead to discovery that thymus, lymph nodes and bone marrow were important in immune system

Primary Organs of Immune System

-stem cells from yolk sac

-to fetal liver

-bone marrow

-thymus gland

-formed in utero

Secondary Organs of Immune System

-lymph nodes


-mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT)

-formed in utero




-hapten (+ carrier = immunogen)




3 Lines of Defenses

1. Coverings of body (skin/mucous membranes)

2. Innate Immune Response

3. Acquired Immune Response

Humoral vs Cellular Immunity


-antibodies produced by lymphocytes

-circulating freely in body fluids

-bind temporarily to target cell

-mark for destruction by phagocytes or complement

Cellular Immunity:

-lymphocytes act against target cells

-directly: killing infected cells

-indirectly: releasing chemicals to enhance inflammatory response

-cellular targets

Skin and Mucous Membranes

-unpleasant for microorganisms

Fixed Tissue Macrophages

-first cell to be activated when first line of defence is breached

-toll like receptors (TLR)

-sees PAMPs (pathogen associated molecular patterns) on bacteria

-binds to PAMPs

-sends out MDNCF signals to neutrophils


-pathogen associated molecular patterns

-particular to bacteria

-foreign to body

Innate Immune Response

-second line of defense

-early in evolution

-acts quickly


-no memory

-results in inflammation

Cellular Factors of Innate Immunity

-phagocytic cells:

-neutrophils, macrophages, dendritic cells

-cells w/ inflammatory mediators:

-basophils, mast cells, eosinophils

Humoral Factors of Innate Immunity

-acute phase reactants (ex. C-Reactive Protein, Complement, Interleukin, etc)


Myeloid cells

-white cells

-polymorphs (neutrophils)

-monocytes (macrophages and dendritic cells)

-lymphoid system (lymphocytes)

Person Steps on Broken Glass!

-macrophage sends out MDNCF signal to neutrophils

-neutrophils kill bacteria

-neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs)

-dendritic cell arrives

-picks up bacteria on surface

-digests some

-dendritic cell returns to lymph node


-neutrophil slips capillary wall

Neutrophil Extracellular Traps (NETs)

-net of cytotoxic material that tries to trap bacteria and prevent it from developing sepsis

Neutrophil Action

-reacts to MDNCF signal sent by macrophage

-rolls around capillary

-changes molecular structure with capillary wall

-adhesion to capillary wall


-makes way through tissue via chemotaxis

-kills bacteria via phagocytosis

-commits suicide

-produces pus and NETs

Natural Killer Cell

-has to be turned on

-all normal cells have natural killer cell activating ligands

-MHC Class I molecules turn off natural killer cells

-altered/absent MHC Class I cannot stimulate negative control

-once NK is triggered it induces apoptosis in target cell

Classical Pathway

1. Antigen/antibody complexes

2. Complement Activation

3. Recruitment of Inflammatory cells (neutrophils)

MB-Lectin Pathway

1. Lectin binding to pathogen surfaces

2. Complement Activation

3. Oponisation of pathogens (coats them and makes them tasty!)

Alternative Pathway

1. Pathogen surfaces

2. Complement activation

3. Killing of Pathogens (blow hole in them!)


-rubor (redness)

-calor (heat)

-dulor (pain)

-tumor (sweling)

Acquired Immune Response

-humoral (immunoglobulin/antibody mediated)

-cell-mediated (T cell/lymphocyte effector)

-specific with memory

-Tc, Th, ILs, Ig, B-cilia, etc

Processes of Immune Response

Early Processes:

-events that initiate immune response

-interaction between innate and acquired

-Th (CD4+)

-cellular and humoral processes

Late Processes:

-"killing" aspect of immunity

-humoral response: antibodies

-cellular response: Tc cells (CD8+)

Major Compatibility Complex

-H2 (mouse)

-HLA complex (human)

-rejects foreign tissues (transplants do not occur naturally)

-involved in immune responses

-two molecular classes:







-large alpha chain

-small beta chain

-all cells have HLA MHC Class 1 molecule action





-alpha and beta chains roughly the same size

-only in dendritic, macrophage, B lymphocyte cells

-presents antigens

-groove for antigenic fragment

Dendritic Cells

-link between adaptive and innate immune systems

-"picks up" remainder of bacteria after neutrophils

-travels back to lymph nodes in groin

-phagocytosis/digestion takes place

-antigen presentation: MHC II molecules

-brings antigen fragments from phagosome to peptide-binding groove in MHC II molecule

-specific interaction between MHC peptide and T cell receptor

-B7 links to CD28 on T cell

B cells

-production of antidbodies

-each can only make one antibody

-educated in bone marrow

-make way to regional lymph nodes:

-live in superficial cortex

T cells


-Th2 (CD4+)

-cytotoxic T cell (CD8+)

-regulatory T cell (CTLA4)





-95% die in thymus

-make way to regional lymph nodes:

-live in deep cortex/medulla area

Checkpoint Inhibition

1. All bio activities have shut off controls

2. Immunogenic response involves displacement of CD28 from B7 by:

a. CTLA4

b. PD-1

Peripheral Tolerance

-occurs at same time as initiation of immune response

-dendritic cell has taken up peptide

-T helper cell binds to MHC Class II and B7

-regulatory T cell downregulates immune response

Regulatory T cell


-downregulates immune response

-prevents you from becoming autoimmune

Initiation of Acquired Immune Response

1. B Cell binds to dendrite (surface antigen/specific immunoglublin) and T helper cell (CD40L)

2. Th2 cell produces IL 4, 5 and 6

3. Interleukins expand B cell family

-produce clones programmed for specific antibody

4. Shut off takes place by displacement of B7 by CTLA4 or PD-1



-monomeric structure:

-four chains (tetrapeptide)

-two light chains determine type (Kappa/Lambda)

-two heavy chains determine class (Delta, Mu, Epsilon, Gamma, Alpha)

-bound by disulfide bonds (inter/intrachain)

-Fab sites = antigen binding fragment (at hypervariable regions)

-Fc sites = crystallizable fragment determines biological activity of molecule (IgM, IgG, IgA, IgE)



-first antibody class to be produced

-good at complement binding



-placental transfer

-complement binding


-secretory properties (MALT)


-mastocytophilic properties

Complement Cascade

1. First molecule to bind to Fc sites between Ig heavy chains is C1q

2. Second molecule is C4

3. Followed by C2, C3, C5...

4. C3 breaks down to C3a/C3b and coats bacteria

5. C5 breaks down to C5a/C5b and signal neutrophils (chemotactic) with C3

6. C9 punches hole on bacteria surface

Paul Ehrlich

-Pauling was wrong

-all cells live through receptors on surface

-side-chain theory for antibody production

-cell recognizes small amount of antigens

-produces lots of antibodies

-antibodies circulate in blood

B cell series

1. Pro-B


-from thymus/bone marrow

2. Pre-B

-surface immunoglobulin marker

-expresses RAG1/2

3. Mature B cell

-mature immunoglobulin marker (specific)

-returns to bone marrow

-expresses RAG1/2 (?)

4. Plasma Cell

-produces antibodies

-loses immunoglobulin marker

5. death


-lots of antibodies not a lot of genes

-random creation of molecules (body doesn't know what its going to need yet)

-95% are killed, 5% become specific to antigens

-class switching (ex. between IgG and IgM)

Immune Response Memory

-used antibodies undergo apoptosis

-memory cells stored in apical light zone of lymph nodes

-rapid antibody production after secondary exposure to antigen

-eventually production of antibodies declines


-T helper cell 1

-produces INF and IL 2

-acts with CD8+ killer cell


-produces IL 4, 5, 6


-upregulates immune response


-involved in mucosal immunity

-protects mucosal surface in gut from nonpathogenic non-self antigens

-inhibits Th1/Th2

Viral Infection

1. Virus invades

-goes to tissue from where it was made in nature

2. Taken up by dendritic cell

-may or may not get stuck on surface

-chopped up

-dendritic cell presents MHC Class I molecule w/ antigenic peptide and B7

3. Th1 cell binds

-produces INF and IL2 cytokines

-expand cytotoxic T cell population

4. Humoral antibody made against antigenic fragment


-used cells are put through proteasome in order to reuse materials

-virus goes to surface of dendritic cell in MHC Class I molecule using proteasome mechanism

-bypasses T cell help

-shown directly to CD8+ cell


-95% of cells in thymus are destroyed

-T cells that don't recognize MHC Class II molecules are destroyed

-T cells that recognize MHC Class II self-peptide complexes are negatively selected

-T cells that recognize MHC Class II non-self-peptide complexes are positively selected and peripheralized to secondary lymphoid organs

Maintenance of Tolerance

1. Inactivation of co-stimulatory signals (B7/CD80 and 86)

2. Regulatory T cell inhibits Th activation

3. Clonal Anergy


-iron-storing/releasing protein


-product that occurs in breakdown of heme

-gives bile distinct brownish-yellow color

Pernicious anemia

-Vitamin B12 deficiency

Intrinsic Pathway (Clotting)

1. Activation of Factor XII

2. Release of platelet phospholipids (containing PF3)

3. Activated Factor XII activates XI

-requires kininogen

-accelerated by prekallikrein

4. Factor XIa enzymatically activates Factor IX to IXa

-with Ca++

3. Factor IXa + VIIIa + platelet phospholipids form prothrombin activator

4. Prothrombin activator initiates cleavage of prothrombin to form thrombin

-takes longer than extrinsic

Extrinsic Pathway (Clotting)

1. Release of Tissue Factor

2. Activation of Factor X

-tissue factor complexes with Factor VII in presence of Ca+

3. Factor Xa forms prothrombin activator

-in presence of Ca+

-combines with tissue/platelet phospholipids/Factor V

Skeletal Muscle

-striated, long thin multinucleated cells

-composed of long bundles of muscle fibers (myofilbrils)

-generated during development by fusion of myoblasts

-most abundant type of muscle in body

-used for posture/locomotion

-enables arms/legs to contract voluntarily

Cardiac Muscle


-responsible for rhythmic contractions of heart

-involuntary contractions

Smooth Muscle


-causes involuntary contraction in blood vessels, gut, bronchi and uterus

-involves thick filaments pulling on thin filaments (similar to skeletal)

-actin/myosin lack highly ordered structure (sarcomeres)


-bundle of muscle fibers


-I bands: light stripes

-A bands: dark stripes

-Z-line: dark line in the middle of I band

-H-zone: lighter zone within A band

-M-line: middle of H zone

-thick and thin filaments

Myosin thick filaments

-extend from A band to A band

-myosin: fibrous protein

-head groups

-1 thick filament consists of 2 myosin bundles w/ head groups orientated in opposite directions

-M line is where myosin bundles are attached

Actin thin filaments

-attached to Z lines and extend across I band partway into A band

-each actin filament forms from two chains of globular actin subunits

-twisted into helix

A band

-dark stripes

-lattice of thick/thin filaments

-each thin filament surrounded by three thick filaments

H zone

-lighter zone within A band

-only thick filaments, no overlapping thin filaments

Length Tension Relation

-reflects degree of overlap between thick/thin filaments

-muscle contraction: maximal tension rises

Sliding Filament Model

-head groups reach out and grab, pull and release thin filaments repeatedly

-pulls thin filaments over thick filaments

-Z lines closer together

-driven by ATP hydrolysis


-where thick filaments interact w/ thin filaments

Cross-bridge Cycle

1. Myosin head group binds ATP

2. Head group releases actin thin filament

3. Hydrolyzes ATP, releases energy

4. Energy used to push back head group (stretched, energy stored)

5. Binds to actin filament again

6. Undergoes conformational change

7. ADP/phosphate released as myosin head pulls thin filament forwards

Rigor Mortis

-animal dies

-ATP supplies decrease

-myosin head groups cannot release thin filaments

-stuck in pulled position (stiff muscle)

Motor Unit

-motor neuron and group of muscle fibers it innervates

-motor neurons in ventral part of spinal cord

-axons exit from dorsal side

-each motor neuron goes to specific muscle

-axons can branch to multiple fibers

-multiple muscle fibers are innervated by a single motor neuron

Neuromuscular Junction Structure

-very large synapse

-neurotransmitter released: Acetylcholine (ACh)

-nACh receptors found in post-synaptic membrane (end plate)

-end plate is small specialized region w/ junctional folds

Neuromuscular Transmission

1. Action potential in motor neuron

2. ACh released at presynaptic terminal

3. Binds to nACh receptors

4. Ion channel opens

5. Influx of sodium, generates depolarization

6. Action potential propagates from end plate down to ends of muscle fibers.

7. Muscle fiber is coated w/ voltage gated channels, contracts as single unit.

-resting potential of end plate is very large, always large enough to push past action potential

Sarcoplasmic Reticulum

-intracellular compartment that stores calcium ions


-where membrane extends down into muscle fibers

-holes in membrane, continuous w/ external environment

-allows outside of cell to communicate w/ inner

Excitation-Contraction Coupling

1. Action potential propagates down muscle fiber membrane

2. Reaches t-tubule

3. Depolarizes membrane of t-tubule

4. Activates voltage gated DHP receptor (calcium ion channel). Conformational change.

5. Influx of calcium into cell (from sarcoplasmic reticulum--not t-tubule).

6. Increase in intracellular calcium concentration gives signal to contract. Direct physical coupling w/ Ryanodine receptor.

7. Calcium released from SR binds to troponin on thin filaments.

8. Conformational change in troponin.

9. Associated tropomyosin (wrapped around thick filament) is moved away from myosin binding site on actin.

10. Myosin binding site on actin can now bind to heads of thick filaments.

11. Myosin head group cycling proceeds.


-contraction of a muscle fiber in response to a single action potential

-very quick

-action potential is finished before contraction even begins (delay due to excitation-contraction coupling)

-duration of contraction reflects time it takes for [Ca++] to return to baseline

Generation of Muscle Tension

-force generated by muscle = tension

-tension exerted by whole muscle is controlled by recruitment and summation

-skeletal muscle is adapted for large force generation over narrow operating range

-summation: additive effects of several closely spaced twitches

-recruitment: additional motor units, increasing muscle tension

Skeletal Muscle Energy Metabolism

-not a lot of premade ATP

-can transfer P from creatine phosphate by creatine kinase to ADP to create ATP for a few seconds of muscle activity

-levels of ATP are sustained during prolonged muscle activity by glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation

-glycogen in muscle and glucose/fatty acid from blood provide fuel


-polysaccharide comprising of long chains of glucose molecules

-stored energy in muscle fibers


-glucose (blood)/glycogen (muscle fiber) to ATP

-waste product: lactic acid

Oxidative Phosphorylation

-oxygen/fatty acids from blood to ATP

-glycogen/glucose can undergo glycolysis and then oxidative phosphorylation to produce ATP

Fast Glycolytic Muscle Fibers

-myosin with high ATPase activity

-no myoglobin ("white muscle")

-energy mainly comes from creatine phosphate and glycogen (glycolysis step only)

-generation of large force over short periods of time

-not energy efficient (rapid lactic acid buildup)

Slow Oxidative Muscle Fibers

-myosin with low ATPase activity

-myoglobulin to facilitate O2 transport from blood ("red muscle")

-generate ATP through glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation

-generation of low force over prolonged time period

-more energy efficient

Fast Oxidative Muscle Fibers

-intermediate properties

-fast myosin and oxidative metabolism

Muscle Fatigue

-protects from damage

-in fast glycolytic fibers: due to lactic acid an changes in ion gradients (increase in extracellular K+) that affect action potentials

-in slow oxidative fibers: depletion of glycogen?

Anaerobic Muscle Response

-anaerobic activity: high intensity, short duration

-muscles increase in diameter (fast glycolytic fibers)


-ex. bodybuilders

Aerobic Muscle Response

-aerobic activity: low intensity, long duration

-increase in fiber mitochondria

-increased vascularization

-increased ability of muscle fibers to extract ATP via oxidative metabolism

-muscles do not become stronger or bigger

Smooth Muscle Contraction

1. Activated by Ca++ released from SR or flowing into cell via membrane Ca channels

2. Ca++ binds to calmodulin

3. Activates myosin light chain kinase

4. Kinase phosphorylates, activating SM myosin.

-smooth muscle activity is regulated by extracellular signals (ex. hormones, neurotransmitters of ANS)


-communication sites between neurons

-human nervous systems contain a LOT of synapses

Soma (Neuron)

-cell body

-keeps neuron alive

-can chop off dendrites/extensions and neuron can still survive

Dendrites (Neuron)

-branching off soma

-channel input/output

-dendritic spines increase surface area of dendrites

-often ribosomes present that allow spine to remodel shape in response to varying synaptic activity (learning/memory?)

Axon (Neuron)

-region of axon that arises from cell body is the initial segment/axon hillock (trigger zone)

-axons may have branches (collateral)

-greater degree of branching = greater influence

-branches end in presynaptic termianls

-many axons are covered in myelin

Presynaptic Terminals (Neuron)

-axon branches end in presynaptic terminals

-become dendrites of another neuron

-responsible for releasing neurotransmitters from axon


-myelin-forming cells in brain/spinal cord

-type of glial cell

Schwann cells

-form myelin sheaths at regular segments around axons in PNS

-type of glial cell

Glial Cells

-surround soma, axon and dendrites of neurons

-provide physical and metabolic support

-no information processing function

-retain capacity to divide throughout life


-type of glial cell

-regulate composition of ECF in CNS by removing K+ and neurotransmitters (ex. glutamate) around synapses

-support for capillaries

-also stimulate formation of tight junctions in blood-brain barrier


-type of glial cell


-perform immune functions in CNS

-may contribute to synapse remodeling/plasticity

Ependymal Cells

-type of glial cell

-line fluid-filled cavities within brain/spinal cord

-regenerate production and flow of cerebrospinal fluid

Neural Growth

1. Begins in embryo with division of stem cells

2. Neuronal daughter cells migrate to final location.

3. Send out processes that become axons/dendrites

4. Growth cones form the tip of extending axons.

5. As axon grows it is guided by other cells (usually glial cells)

6. Once target of growth cone is reached synapses form.

-synapses are active before final maturation

Plasticity (Nervous System)

-ability of brain to modify its structure/function in response to stimulus/injury

-involves generation of new neurons/remodeling of synaptic connections

-highly active excitatory synapses can become stronger

-stimulated by exercise/engaging in cognitively challenging activities

-varies w/ age (younger = more plasticity)

Resting Membrane Potential

-inside of neuron is slightly more negative than outside (-60/-70mV)

-membrane is selectively permeable to K+ at rest

-high concentration of K+ inside cell/Na+ outside

-concentration gradient pulls K+ outside cell (more positive outside)

-accumulation of unpaired electrons inside creates electrical gradient

-K+ pulled back inside cell

-at equilibrium the concentration gradient = electrical gradient

Graded Potentials

-charges in membrane potential confined to small regions of plasma membrane

-usually produced when specific change in cell environment acts on specialized region of membrane

-magnitude is graded

-no threshold or refractory period

Action Potential

-transient depolarizing spike that moves down axon

-propagates down length of axon to presynaptic terminals

-action potential initiated when membrane is depolarized past threshold level

-threshold is usually 20mV greater than resting potential

-all or none phenomenon

Synaptic Potential

-graded potential change produced in postsynaptic neuron in response to release of neurotransmitter by presynaptic

-depolarizing or hyperpolarizing

Receptor Potential

-graded potential at peripheral endings of afferent neurons in response to stimuli

Threshold Potential

-membrane potential at which action potential is initiated

Voltage Gated Sodium Channels

-closed at resting potential

-delayed activation contribute to falling phase of action potential

-repolarization occurs faster

Absolute Refractory Period

-brief period after action potential when membrane is un-excitable

Relative Refractory Period

-over longer time period during which voltage gated K+ channels are open, membrane potential overshoots resting level

-axons are less excitable and unlikely to fire action potentials


-poision (ex. puffer fish)

-extremely potent inhibitor of sodium channels

-binds to outer opening of sodium channel, blocking it

-neurons can't propagate action potential

-also blocks sodium channels responsible for skeletal muscles (mainly diaphragm)

-high potency


-ex. Phyllobates frogs

-sodium channel activator

-irreversibly opens Na+ channels

-constant propagation of axon potentials

-massive seizures

-less potent (doesn't need to be)

Effect of Therapeutic Drugs On Sodium Channels

-block sodium channels, inhibit axons from firing action potentials

-much less potent than tetrodotoxin


-myelin wrapped around axons

-acts as an electrical insulator

-enables higher conduction velocity

-periodic gaps in myelin (nodes of Ranvier)

Nodes of Ranvier

-periodic gaps in myelin

-contain high concentration of voltage-gated Na+ channels

-enables signal to be regenerated at periodic intervals

-spreads down farther and faster since there are no Na+ channels in myelin covered areas

Multiple Sclerosis

-lesions in cerebral cortex

-degraded myelin during episodes

-myelin can recover initially but over the years it gradually worsens

White Matter

-corresponds to regions of brain that contain mostly myelinated axons

-axons run in clearly defined tracts

Gray Matter

-comprises cell bodies, dendrites and synapses

Axodendritic Synapses

-presynaptic makes connection with spine synapses

-shaft synapses are often inhibitory

-axodendritic synapses are abundant

Axosomatic Synapses

-presynaptic makes connection on cell body

-often inhibitory

Axoaxonic Synapses

-presynaptic terminal of one axon makes synapse onto presynaptic terminal of another axons

-modulates activity of presynaptic terminal

-can inhibit/facilitate neurotransmitter release

ex. inhibition of pain signals in spinal cord

1. Stimulus cause pain afferents to fire into synapses, traveling up spinal cord to brain stem

2. Descending regulation of neurotransmitters at spinal cord.

3. Axoaxonic endorphin neurons release endorphins onto presynaptic terminals. Inhibts release of neurotransmitters signalling pain.

Structure of Synapse

-postsynaptic and presynaptic terminals separated by synaptic cleft

-presynaptic vesicles within presynaptic terminals

-vesicles in active zone are lined up facting synaptic cleft

-high postsynaptic density in postsynaptic spine directly across from active zone


-ex. dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, endorphins

-usually modify postsynaptic cell's response to specific neurotransmitters

-modulate global neural states (alterness, attention, mood)

-receptors of neuromodulators are often metabotrophic

-neurons that release neuromodulators often originate in brainstem/midbrain nuclei

-axons project diffusely throughout brain

Acetylcholine (ACh)

-major neurotransmitter in PNS

-neurons that release ACh are cholinergic

-ACh is synthesized from choline and acetyl coenzyme A

-stored in synaptic vesicles

-after release it activates receptors on postsynaptic membrane

-acetylcholinesterase rapidly destroys ACh at postsynaptic membrane (releases choline and acetate)

-choline can be sent back to presynaptic terminal for recycling


-ex. dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine

-broken down at ECF and axon terminal by monoamine oxidase (MAO)

-drugs used to treat mood disorders are usually MAO inhibitors


-produced from tryptophan

-slow onset of effects (neuromodulator)

-in general: excitatory effect on pathways involved in muscle control

-inhibitory effect on pathways that mediate sensations


-common excitatory amino acid

-primary neurotransmitter at 50% of excitatory synapses in CNS

-AMPA and NMDA receptors


-major inhibitory neurotransmitter in brain


-major neurotransmitter released from inhibitory interneurons in spinal cord/brainstem

-binds to ionotrophic receptors, allows Cl- to enter postsynaptic cells


Chemical Synaptic Transmission

1. Action potential invades presynaptic terminal

2. Ca++ channels open. Influx of Ca++ into terminal

3. Synaptic vesicles in active zone fuse w/ presynaptic membrane.

4. Neurotransmitter released into synaptic cleft.

5. Neurotransmitters diffuse across synaptic cleft and activate postsynaptic ligand gated ion channels

6. Ion channels open, influx of ions into cell.

7. Change in electrical properties of post synaptic cell.

Effect of Neurotoxins on Synaptic Transmission

-change in [Ca++] in presynaptic terminal is detected by protein complex binding vesicles to active zone

-ex. botox, tetanus contain proteases

-toxins taken up by presynaptic terminals of motor neurons

-proteases digest protein complex and prevent vesicles from fusing w/ presynaptic terminal

-synapses are non functional (no muscle contraction)

Excitatory Synapses

-mostly on spines of dendrites

-neurotransmitter released is usually glutamate

-two main kinds of ionotropic glutamate receptors (AMPA/NMDA)

-postsynaptic response is an excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP)

-postsynaptic membrane is depolarized

AMPA receptors

-ionotrophic glutamate receptor on postsynaptic cell

1. Glutamate binds to receptor

2. Pore on receptor is permeable to Na+. Influx of Na+ into postsynaptic cell

3. Small transient depolarization of postsynaptic spine. Too small to depolarize intial segment to threshold

4. 50 to 100 EPSPs must sum at initial segment to generate action potential.

NMDA receptors

-ionotrophic glutamate receptors on postsynaptic cell

1. Glycine and glutamate bound to receptor blocked by Mg++ at resting membrane potential.

2. Depolarization expels Mg++, enabling pore to conduct.

3. Open pore is permeable to Ca++ and monovalent cations

4. Glycine is no longer bound to receptor

-act as coincidence detector (glutamate as bound to receptor and postsynaptic terminal has been depolarized)

Long-Term Potentiation

-model of synaptic plasticity

1. Stimulus pulse to presynaptic cell generates action potential. Ca++ released. Neurotransmitter released.

2. AMPA receptors open. Influx of Ca++ into postsynaptic cell.

3. Postsynaptic spine is depolarized.

4. Removal of Mg++ blocking NMDA receptors. Larger Ca++ influx into postsynaptic spine.

-EPSPs are larger after single action potential hours after induction of LTP

-synapse is stronger



-high concentrations of glutamate are toxic to neurons

-[Ca++] too high in postsynaptic cell

-cell commits suicide

-ex. during a stroke, blood supply to portion of brain is lost

-neurons die

-glutamate released, surrounding neurons die due to excitotoxicity

Inhibitory Synapses

-main neurotransmittor is GABA

-post synaptic receptor responsible for IPSP: GABA-alpha receptor

GABA-alpha receptor

-ionotropic GABA receptor

-activation causes influx of Cl-

-hyperpolarizes postsynaptic membrane

-potentiated by variety of drugs (ex. benzodiazepines, barbiturates, ethanol)

-enhance inhibitory activity of synapses, make you sleepy!

Metabotrophic Receptors

-G-protein coupled receptors

-glutamate synapses have both ionotrophic and metabotrophic glutamate receptors

1. When glutamate binds to metabotrophic receptors it changes their conformation

2. Receptor is activated. Generates chemical signal (second messenger) in postsynaptic cell.

3. 2nd Messengers activate range of cellular proteins. 2nd messengers diffuse around cell, change biochemistry.

4. Long term changes in postsynaptic cell

-at inhibitory synapses there are also metabotrophic GABA-beta receptors

Autonomic Nervous System

-sensory and motor system

-made up of two neurons connecting CNS and effector cells

-innervates visceral tissues and organs (not skeletal muscle)

-divided into sympathetic, parasympathetic and enteric systems

-sympathetic and parasympathetic innervate cardiac, smooth muscle and glandular tissue

-work in opposition to regulate

Sympathetic ANS

-form thoracic and lumbar regions of spinal cord

-fight or flight

-increased breathing, raised heart rate, sweating, etc

-most sympathetic ganglia lie close to spinal cord and form sympathetic trunks (2 chains of ganglia) which increase activity to occur body wide

Parasympathetic ANS

-brainstem/sacral portion of spinal cord


-slows heart and breathing, increases metabolic function

-tend to activate specific organs in finely tailored pattern given the physiological situation

-includes Vagus nerve

Enteric System

-controls digestive tract where autonomic neurons innervate nerve network of intestinal wall

-includes sensory neurons and interneurons

Preganglionic Neurons

-in ANS

-neurons passing between CNS and autonomic ganglion

-neurotransmitter released between pre and post ganglionic neurons is ACh

Postganglionic Neurons

-in ANS

-connect ganglia and effector cells

-in parasympathetic: neurotransmitter released between postganglionic neuron and effector cell is ACh

-in sympathetic: norepinephrine

Effects of Nicotine

-stimulation and desensitization of nicotinic ACh receptors at autonomic ganglia

-low doses: nicotine activates autonomic ganglia and stimulates release of catecholamines from adrenal medulla

-sympathetic effects dominate control of cardiovascular system:

-heart rate/b.p. increases

-parasympathetic effects dominate control of GI tract:

-activation of smooth muscle motor activity

-higher doses: brainstem control centers that regulate GI functions can overactivate (vomiting/diarrhea)

Central Nervous System

-brain/spinal cord

Peripheral Nervous System

-transmit signals between CNS and receptors/effectors in all other parts of body

-somatic and autonomic parts (somatic innervates skeletal muscle cells)


-sensory input

-cell bodies outside CNS


-motor output

-cell bodies in CNS

Divisions of Spinal Cord

Cervical Nerves

-8 pairs

-neck, shoulders, arms and hands

Thoracic Nerves

-12 pairs

-shoulders, chest, upper abdominal wall

Lumbar Nerves

-5 pairs

-lower abdominal wall, hips and legs

Sacral Nerves

-5 pairs

-genitals and lower digestive tract

Coccygeal Nerves

-1 pair

Spinal Cord Anatomy

-31 spinal segments

-each segment has pair of nerves on each side

-dorsal horns: afferents

-ventral horns: efferents

-dorsal roots: afferent (dorsal root ganglion)

-ventral root: efferent (motor axons)

Early Development of Nervous System

-fertilized egg (ovum)

-ball of cells


-week one: inner cell mass

-week three: embryonic disk w/ neural plate

-embryonic disk has 3 layers:

-ectoderm (develops into CNS)

-mesoderm (muscle/other tissues)

-endoderm (digestive tract)

Neural Tube Development

-forms in between week 3 and 4

-neural tube becomes CNS and part of PNS

-neural crest becomes part of PNS

-specialized during week 4

-vesicles develop (forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain)

-forebrain develops into cerebral hemispheres and thalamus

-hindbrain develops into cerebellum, medulla and pons

-remainder of neural tube stretches to form spinal cord

Ventricles (Brain)

-contain cerebral spinal fluid

-third ventricle sits between large, lateral ventricles

-fourth ventricle sits behind cerebellum

-lined by choroid plexus

Choroid Plexus

-lines ventricles

-secretes CSF

-rate: 500mL/day, replenishes 3x/day

Cerebrospinal Fluid

-produced by choroid plexus in ventricles (mainly lateral)

-sterile, colourless acellular fluid containing glucose

-supports/cushions CNS (floating brain)

-provides nourishment to brain

-removes metabolic waste (arachnoid villi)

-passive flow through ventricles

CSF Circulation

-produced by ventricles

-flows into third ventricle through Foramen of Monro

-through cerebral aqueduct to fourth ventricle

-enters central canal

-enters subarachnoid space

-flows through foramens of Lushka/Magendie into subarachnoid space

-arachnoid villi absorb CSF and take it out of brain

Subarachnoid space

-space surrounding CNS, brain and spinal cord

-between arachnoid membrane and pia mater

-comprised of trabeculae structures

-filled with CSF


-outflow of CSF is blocked

-pressure builds up

-compression of brain blood vessels leads to inadequate blood flow to neurons

-can lead to neuronal damage, cognitive dysfunction

-communicating: arachnoid villi are not absorbing or a block in subarachnoid space

-non-communicating: block between ventricles, CSF buildup in ventricles

3 Meninges of CNS

-membranes that cover brain/spinal cord

-include subarachnoid space

First Layer: dura mater

-thick, leathery covering below bone

Second Layer: arachnoid membrane


Third: Pia Mater

-stuck to brain tissue itself (gray matter)

at top of midline dura forms sinus

Dural (Venous) Sinus

-CSF returns to blood at dural sinus

-CSF enters dural sinus via arachnoid villi

Blood Supply to Brain

-glucose is only substrate metabolized by brain (little glycogen)

-brain requires continuous supply of glucose and oxygen

-brain receives 15% of total blood

-few seconds of blood supply interruption can lead to loss of consciousness and later neuronal death

-body will protect glucose supply to brain by breaking down other tissues during starvation

1. Blood pumped from heart.

2. Aorta

3. Common carotid artery

4. Diverges into external carotid (outside of head) and internal carotid (base of brain)

5. Vertebral arteries merge to form basilar artery

5. All arteries form circle of Willis (safety factor, blood can be shunted across)

Blood-Brain Barrier

-capillary wall lined w/ endothelial cells

-tight junctions

-molecules must diffuse across membrane (lipid soluble)

-glucose and amino acids are actively transported across

-plasma proteins/large molecules can not cross

-ions have difficulty

-ex. lipid soluble drugs (caffeine, alcohol, nicotine)

Blood-CSF Barrier

-in choroid plexus

-brain can regulate what enters ECF

Law of Specific Nerve Energies

-regardless of how a sensory receptor is activated the sensation felt corresponds to that of which the receptor is specialized

ex. rubbing eyes in dark room and seeing flashes of light

Law of Projection

-regardless of where in the brain you stimulate a sensory pathway the sensation is always felt at the sensory receptors location

ex. stimulating somatic sensory cortex and perceiving a somatic sensation in body

ex. phantom limb pain


-opening/closing of ion channels to percieve stimulus energy

Slowly Adapting Afferent Response

-stimulus is constant

-frequency of action potentials change

-encodes stimulus intensity and moderate stimulus changes

Rapidly Adapting Afferent Response

-encodes fast stimulus changes

Non-Adapting Afferent Response

-afferents fire at constant rate


-encodes stimulus intensity and slow changes

Receptive Field

-region in space that activates sensory receptor/neuron (afferent)

-graded afferent response across RF

-overlapping RFs produce a population code (brain can pinpoint stimulus)


-ability to differentiate one stimulus from another

-varies depending on RF size (small RF = higher acuity, large RF = lower acuity)

Lateral Inhibition

-sharpens sensory acuity

-afferents stimulate secondary interneurons that inhibit "next-door" neurons

Presynaptic Inhibition

-sensory information coming from brain is regulated

-ex. pain tolerance

Meissner's Corpuscle

-superficial layer somatic receptor

-fluid-filled structure enclosing nerve terminal

-rapidly adapting, light stroking/fluttering

Merkel Disk

-small epithelial cells around nerve terminal

-superficial layer somatic receptor

-slowly adapting, pressure and texture

Pacinian Corpuscle

-deep layer receptors (require larger stimulus)

-large concentric capsules and CT surrounding nerve terminals

-rapidly adapting, strong vibrations

Ruffini Endings

-deep layer receptor

-nerve endings wrap around spindle-like structure

-slowly adapting, stretching/bending of skin


-nerve terminals surrounding afferents

-cytoskeletal strands pull open ion channels


Nociceptors (Pain Receptors)

-free nerve endings containing ion channels that open in response to intense mechanical deformation, excess temperature/chemicals

-pain highly modulated (enhanced and supressed)

-visceral pain receptors: activated by inflammation


-increased enhancement of sensitivity that lasts for days

Dorsal Column Pathway

-carries ipsilateral touch and proprioception information

-collection of axons going up spinal cord in dorsal portion of white matter

1. Stimulus applied. Afferent propagates through axon.

2. Reaches spinal cord and goes through dorsal root.

3. Does U turn in dorsal column towards brain

4. Synapses on second order neuron in medulla.

5. Axons sent across midline up to medial lemniscus.

6. Axons travel from medulla to thalamus to somatosensory cortex

Medulla Lemniscus Pathway

-carries contralateral touch and proprioception

Anterolateral Pathway

-carries controlateral temperature and pain

-axon tract in white matter

1. Nociceptors are activated. Afferents sent.

2. To dorsal horn in gray matter.

3. Contralateral pain/temperature sent up anterloateral column to reticular formation

4. Relays to thalamus and then to somatosensory cortex.

Somatosensory Cortex

-receives all somatosensory information

-sits behind central sulcus

Referred Pain

-visceral and somatic afferents commonly synapse on same neurons in spinal cord

-afferents carrying pain information from two different regions (inside/outside body) share secondary neuron

-brain assigns location of pain (usually to somatic sensory region)

-ex. heart attack causes pain in left arm


selective suppression of pain without effects on consciousness or other sensations

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation

-painful site/nerves leading from it are stimulated by electrodes on surface of skin

-stimulation of non-pain low threshold afferent fibers leads to inhibition of neurons in pain pathways

-low tech: rub head at site of painful bump

Myopic Eyesight


-eyeball is too long

-too much light refracted in cornea/lens

-cannot see far objects

-correction: concave lens glasses

Hyperopic Eyesight


-eyeball is too short

-not enough light is refracted in cornea/lens

-cannot focus near objects

-correction: convex lens glasses


-lens or cornea is not spherical


-lens becomes stiff

-unable to accommodate for near vision


-changes in lens colour (more opaque)


-major cause of irreversible blindness

-aqueous humour forms faster than it can be drained

-retinal cells are damaged due to increased pressure within eye


1. Light causes photoreceptors to hyperpolarize

2. Activation of opsin molecule (ex. rhodopsin)

3. G-protein cascade

4. cGMP to GMP

5. Channels close


-high sensitivity, night vision

-more rhodopsin (captures more light)

-high amplification (one photon closes many Na+ channels)

-slow response time

-more sensitivity to scattered light


-low acuity

-not present in central fovea



-low sensitivity, day vision

-less opsin

-lower amplification

-faster response time

-most sensitive to direct axial rays


-high acuity

-concentrated in fovea


Dark Adaptation

-bright light to dark

-rods are saturated, cones active in bright light

-temporary blindness until rods take over

-10-15 minutes

-rods inactivated by bright light (no opsin-chromophore molecules in bright light--photons break them apart)

-takes time for opsin and chromophore to reattach

Light Adaptation

-dark to bright light

-cones are inactive, rods active

-temporary blindness until cones take over

-when rods are active all opsin-chromophore molecules are intact

-cones become saturated very quickly in bright light

-temporary blindness is very brief

Retinal Ganglion Cells

-axons of retina ganglion cells make up optic nerve

-report relative intensity of light

-intensity of light is perceived as relative to surrounding objects' brightness

-retinal ganglion cells have centre-surround receptive fields

-ganglion cells tell brain how much light is in centre of RF and how much is outside the centre

-some have excitatory centres and inhibitory surround and vice versa

-the more the ganglion cell is firing the more the visual input matches the ganglion cell's preference

Colour Vision

-photoreceptors sensitive to wavelengths

-opsin molecule determines sensitivity of photoreceptor

-perception of colour is context dependent

-colour vision begins w/ activation of photopigments in cone cells

-L/red cones

-M/green cones

-S/blue cones

Colour Blindness

-one or more cones are not functioning properly

-genetic defect in opsin molecules

-predominant in males

Flow of Visual Information in Brain

-visual info leaves retina via optic nerve to brain

-contralateral system

-one retina sees both sides of visual field

-optic chiasm: where two optic nerves come together (some axons cross midline)

-optic tract: contains info from both eyes w/ contralateral field vision

-lateral geniculate nucleus: info travels from optic tract where retinal ganglion axons synapse in thalamus

-optic radiation: info travels from lateral geniculate nerves

-info synapses in visual cortex in occipital lob (both eyes w/ contralateral visual field)

Anatomy of Visual Field Deficits

1. Lesion in optic nerve: loss of vision in ipsilateral eye

2. Lesion in optic tract: bilateral loss of vision in contralateral visual field

3. Lesion in optic chiasm: bilateral loss of temporal visual hemifields

4. Lesion in primary visual cortex: loss of vision in contralateral visual field

Primary Visual Cortex

-not sure how recognition process/cortical representation of visual world works exactly

-small RFs

-simple image features

Parietal Visual Stream

-"where" pathway

-large RFs (spatial features and motion)

-neurons respond to complex information

-info travels to polymodal region of parietal cortex (sensory/visual modalities combine)

Temporal Visual Stream

-"what" pathway

-large RFs

-complex image features

-optic recognition located in temporal visual cortex

Damage Threshold (Hearing)

-transection processes in ear can be damaged by loud sounds

-damage threhold less than pain threshold

Anatomy of Ear

-pinna: specific shape reflects certain frequencies of sound coming from certain locations into external auditory canal

-tympanic membrane at end of external auditory canal

-middle ear: cavity behind tympanic membrane (malleus, incus, stapes: smallest bones in body)

-middle ear connected to back of throat via eustachian tube

-inside bone of skull is inner ear

Anatomy of Inner Ear

-cochlea: coiled structure where auditory transduction occurs (sensory epithelia)

-semicircular canals are part of vestibular system

Flow of Sound Energy

1. Pressure waves activate transduction process

2. Pressure waves push/pull ear drum back and forth

3. Tympanic membrane attached to malleus, incus and stapes which couple the ear drum to the oval window.

4. Pressure waves travel through oval window down cochlea around helicotrema and back to round window via scala tympani

5. Flexible basilar membrane that surrounds cochlear duct vibrates up and down as pressure waves travel down duct

Motion of Basilar Membrane

-frequency dependent

-low frequency: vibrations near helicotrema

-high frequency: vibrations closer to oval/round window

-motion converted into neuronal activity at organ of Corti (w/ inner hair cells/stereocilia)

Auditory Transduction

1. Tip links connecting each short stereocilia to long sterocilia have mechanically gated channels behind them.

2. During motion the tip links are stretched, opening the mechanoreceptors.

3. K+ enters mechanically gated ion channels

4. Cochlea has lots of extracellular K+

5. Hair cells release neurotransmitter to afferent neurons

6. Stereocilia are pushed closer together and ion channels close. Cell hyperpolarizes and neurotransmission stops.

Central Auditory Pathways

-8th cranial nerve carries vestibular and auditory information

-up through medulla, diverges as it travels to midbrain/thalamus to two primary auditory cortexes

-information from one ear is represented in both auditory cortexes on either side of midbrain (bilateral representation)

Cochlear Implant

-implanted through round window

-electrode in scala tympani

-electrodes placed along cochlear spiral to stimulate groups of afferent fibers to respond to different frequencies

Vestibular Organs

-part of inner ear

-semicircular canals

-utricle: linear ho. acceleration

-saccule: linear vert. acceleration

-mediated by hair cells

Vestibular Ocular Reflex

-sense of gravity, acceleration, rotational acceleration

-compensates for motion of head

-eyes rotate in opposite direction of head (gaze does not change)


-bleed inside brain

-brain becomes squished due to intracranial pressure

-brainstem containing vestibular ocular reflexes and reflexes for pupils is squished first

-pupils will not dilate

Organization of Semicircular Canals

-ampula: bulge containing hair cells

-hair cells stick stereocilia into cupula

-semicircular canals are fluid-filled

-rotation of head bends stereocilia due to inertia of fluid inside canals

-triggers transduction

Utricle and Saccule

-sense of ho./vert. acceleration

-hair cells embedded w/in basal portion of organs

-fluid on top

-stereocilia inserted into mass of jello above

-otoliths: little "rocks" floating above hair cells

-during motion otoliths lag behind (inertia)

-stereocilia bend


Gustatory System



-taste buds line papillae

Taste Transduction

-salty: Na+ flows through ion channels, activating afferents

-sour: highly acidic concentration, blocks/interferes w/ channels

-bitter: block ion channels or can activate chemoreceptors that trigger G-protein cascades

-sugars: glucose activates chemoreceptors, G-protein cascade

-umami: glutamate receptors, G-protein cascade

Central Taste Pathways

-cranial nerves lead from taste buds carrying afferents to medulla

-run through thalamus to ipsilateral gustatory

Olfactory System

-sense of smell

-chemical stimulus/chemoreceptors

-lining of nasal cavity: olfactory epithelium w/ cilia and mucus

1. mucus traps/dissolves particles

2. dissolved particles bind to olfactory receptor cells

3. Afferent travels down olfactory nerves

Olfactory Signal Transduction

1. Molecules bind to cilia of receptors

2. Triggers G protein cascade

Central Olfactory Pathways

-info sent from olfactory receptors to olfactory bulb across skull

-sent to brain via olfactory tract

-projects to limbic system (some odours trigger memories)


-state of consciousness: level of arousal measured by brain activity and behaviour

-conscious experience: thoughts, feelings, desires, ideas, etc

Electroencephalograph (EEG)

-measures activity of neurons located near scalp in gray matter of crotex

-frequency is related to levels of responsiveness

-amplitude is related to synchronous neural activity

-alpha rhythms: relaxed w/ eyes closed (low frequency)

-beta rhythms: alert (high frequencies)

Stages of Sleep

Awake: low ampitude, high frequency EEG

NREM (slow wave) sleep: four stages, increasing amplitude decreasing frequency (30-45 minutes)

REM (paradoxical) sleep: low amplitude, high frequency EEG, resembles awake state (dreaming)

-increased eye movement

-sleep paralysis

Sleep Apnea

-sudden reduction in respiration during sleep

Circadian Rhythm

-sleep/wake cycle (~24hrs)

-amount of sleep varies between individual

-regulated by reticular activating system


-increase in norepinephrine/serotonin, aminergic neurons active

-decrease in ACh

-decrease in GABA

-increase in histamine

-increased activation of thalamus/cortex


-decrease in norepinephrine/serotonin

-increase in ACh, cholinergic neurons active

-increase in GABA

-decrease in histamine

-decreased activation of thalamus/cortex

Motivation and Emotion

-motivation: produces goal directed behaiviour

-emotions: accompany conscious experiences, the way you store sensory inputs

Mesolimbic Dopamine Pathway

-reward pathway (motivation)

-locus ceruleus in reticular activating system

-dopamine is primary neurotransmitter

-to midbrain then to prefrontal cortex

Limbic System


-amygdala: where emotional scoring of experiences arises

-sits closet o hippocampus (memory)

-olfactory bulb projects to amygdala and hippocampus

Altered States of Conciousness


-diverse set of problems in basic cognitive processing


-reducing affects on dopamine can improve systems


-decreased activity in anterior limbic system

-treatment: increase levels of serotonin and norepinephrine in extracellular space around synapses


-swings between mania and depression

-treatments: lithium can reduce certain synaptic signaling pathways

Learning and Memory

-declarative memory: conscious experiences that can be put into words

-short term: hippocampus/temporal lobe structures

-long term: various areas of association cortex

procedural memory: skilled behaviour

-short term: widely distributed

-long term: basal nuclei, cerebellum, premotor cortex

consolidation: memories in short term are held and transferred to long term (sleep?)


-Broca's area: articulation

-Wernicke's area: comprehension

-aphasia: language deficit

Sensory Neglect

-damage to association areas of parietal cortex causes injured person to neglect parts of body/parts of visual field as though they do not exist

Coma/Brain Death

coma: extreme decrease in mental functions due to structural, physiological or metabolic impairment of brain

persistent vegetative state: sleep wake cycles are present even though patient is unaware of surroundings

brain death; occurs when brain is no longer functioning/has no possibility of functioning again

Selective Attention

-avoiding distraction of irrelevant stimuli while seeking/focusing on stimuli more important

-voluntary and reflex mechanisms

Preattentive Processing

-directs attention to part of sensory world that is of interest and prepares brain's perceptual processes for it


-repeated stimulus, behaviour response adapts

Motor Behaviour

-purposeful or goal directed

-voluntary and reflexive

Muscle control


-extensor muscle contracts

-flexor muscle relaxes

-increased angle around joint


-flexor muscle contracts

-extensor muscle relaxes

-decreased angle around joint

-limb position maintained by balance of flexor/extensor muscle tension

Motor Neurons

-only excitatory (ACh)

-alpha: innervate skeletal muscles (extrafusal)

-gamma: innervate muscle spindle (intrafusal)

-cell bodies located in ventral horn of spinal cord or brain stem

-most inputs received from interneurons

Polysynaptic Spinal Pathways

-incoming through dorsal root ganglion

-ascending sensory information (touch/proprioception)

-branches in sensory afferent go into spinal cord circuitry

-activate interneurons

-interneurons activate motor neurons to send motor efferent through ventral rootss

Spinal Interneurons

-receives various information (excitatory/inhibitory) and innervates motor neurons

-brain provides a lot of inhibition to spinal cord (ex. inhibition removed, chicken w/ head cut off still runs around)

Withdrawal Reflex


1. Nociceptors activated by tissue damage. Pain afferent sent to spinal cord via dorsal root.

2. Synapses on secondary neuron, crosses midline. Travels to brain via anterolateral column.

3. Branches from nociceptors that synapse w/ interneurons innervate motor neurons. Involuntary movement away from pain stimulus

4. Excitation of motor neurons innervating ipsilator flexor. Inhibition of motor neurons innervating ipsilateral extensor.

Stretch Reflex


-pull muscle, muscle pulls back

-ex. knee jerk

1. Tapping hammer on knee stretches extensor muscle in leg

2. Activation of stretch receptor (touch/proprioception)

3. Afferent travels through dorsal root/dorsal column (ipsilateral)

4. Branches off in gray matter and synapses directly w/ motor neurons.

5. Excitation of motor neurons innervating ipsilateral extensor.

6. muscle contracts to "pull back" muscle and maintain length

7. Inhibition of motor neurons innervating ipsilateral flexor

8. Leg jerks out

Inverse Stretch Reflex

-controls muscle tension

-muscles can exert too much force

-Golgi tendon organ responds to tension in series w/ muscle

-higher action potentials in contracted muscle than passively stretched muscle

Cross Extensor Reflex

-contralateral response to withdrawal reflex

-opposite contraction/inhibition of motor neurons on opposite side

-ex. balancing on one leg after pulling foot off nail

Muscle Spindle

-proprioceptive somatosensory organ

-parallel w/ extrafusal muscle

-stretch receptors that measure muscle length

-intrafusal muscle fibers on either side of stretch receptors (activated by gamma motor neurons)

-reports muscle length

-1a primary afferent detects changes in muscle length and some static length

-II secondary detects static length

-intrafusal fibers maintain muscle spindle sensitivity (alpha-gamma coactivation)

Golgi Tendon Organ

-in series w/ extrafusal muscle

-inside tendons

-feels force extrafusal muscle is generating

-free nerve endings w/ mechanically gated ion receptors

-1b afferents: touch/proprioception

-collagen fibers surround nerve endings

-collagen fibers pinch nerve endings, opening mechanoreceptors during conctraction

Ia and II Afferents

Ia Primary: rapidly adapting

-activated mostly during change in muscle length

-nuclear bag fibers

II Secondary: signals static muscle length

-nuclear chain fibers

Alpha-Gamma Coactivation

-prevents sensitivity loss in muscle spindles

-extrafusal muscle fibers activated by alpha motor neurons (muscle shortens)

-gamma motor neurons activate intrafusal muscle fibers (pull muscle spindle out)

-prevents muscle spindle from collapsing (cuz it gets floppy)

Motor Control Organization

Middle level: executes individual muscle contractions

-corrections based on sensory info

-becomes involuntary over time

Corticospinal Pathway

-from primary motor cortex to brainstem/spinal cord

-axons cross medulla in brainstem

-continue down white matter tract of spinal cord

-innervate appropriate interneurons as well as directly innervate motor neurons

-axons sent to skeletal muscles

-controlateral control

-skilled movments

Extrapyramidal Pathway

-axons travel down white matter of spinal cord (originates in brainstem)

-only innervate interneurons

-ipsilateral and contralateral control


Voluntary Control of Movement

-conscious initiation of movement in frontal cortex

-activity move to premoter cortex

-finally to primary motor cortex

-sends efferents

Muscle Tone

-resistance of skeletal muscle to stretch

-descending pathways (corticospinal/extrapyramidal) produce level of inhibition in spinal cord


-damage to descending motor pathway

-abnormallly high muscle tone


-damage to descending motor pathway

-overactive motor reflexes


-damage to motor neurons

-abnormally low muscle tone


-damage to motor neurons

-loss of muscle mass

Middle Layers of Motor Control

-basal nuclei


-help determine sequence of movements to accomplish desired action without having to think about it

Basal Nuclei


-white matter


-basal nuclei disorder

-reduced dopamine input to basal nuclei

-akinesia: reduced movements

-bradykinesia: slow movements

-muscular rigidity

-resting tremor


-genetic mutation that causes widespread loss of neurons in brain

-manifests later in life

-neurons in basal nuclei are preferentially lost

-hyperkinetic disorder: excessive motor movements

-choreiform movements: involuntary random, jerky movements of limbs/face

Deep Brain Stimulation

-treatment for Parkinson's

-electrodes deep in parts of basal nuclei

-activates them by electrical impulses


-receives sensory information

-contains almost half brain's neurons

-makes corrections (coordination)

-w/out a cerebellum you have poor coordination


-smooth movements are divided into separate components

-have to think about individual contractions


-unable to target movements correctly "past pointing"


incoordination of muscle groups (awkward gate)

Intention Tremor

during voluntary movements

Pain Inhibition

-descending pathways regulate nociceptive information

-periaqueductal gray matter in midbrain

-reticular formation in medulla

-dorsolateral funiculus

-under stress you often don't notice you've been injured until later

-allows you to gtfo