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15 Cards in this Set

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What class of drug is Phenytoin
An Anticonvulsant
What is Phenytoin normally used to treat?
Grand Mal and Focal motor seizure activity.
How does Phenytoin work?
It inhibits the spread of seizure activity by promoting sodium efflux from neurons thereby stabilizing the threshold of the neuron against excitabiltiy caused by excess stimulation
What else can you treat with Phenytoin besides seizures?
Digitalis-induced atrial and ventricular dysrhythmias by stabilizing the abnormal ventricular automaticity, and increasin atrioventricular node conduction.
What is the onset and duration?
Onset: 20-30 min for seizure disorder
Duration: Several days.
Why do you give Phenytoin?
Major motor seizures and status eliepticus.
Why wouldn't you give Phenytoin to a seizure pt?
Hypersensitivity, sinus bradycadia, 2nd and 3rd degree heart block, Sinoatrial block.
What adverse reaction may occur when you give Phenytoin
Hypotension with rapid IV push. (greater than 50 mg/min)
Cardiovascular collapse with rapid IV use.
Bradycardia, Res. Depression.,
CNS Dep.
Nystagmus, Thrombophlebitis.
How is it supplied?
50 mg/mL in 2 and 5mL: ampules, 2mL prefilled syringes
May be diluted in NS (1-10 mg/mL, per protocol) use in line filter.
IV line should be flushed with .9% NS before and after administration.
What is your dosages for adult seizures?
Adult: 1000mg or 15-20mg/kg usual loading dose. SLOW IV
Not to exceed 1 g or rate of 50mg/min followed by 100-150 mg/dose at 30 min intervals (max of 1500 mg/24hrs)
What is your max dose for a pedi?
10-20 mg/kg slow IV (<0.5 mg/kg/min) loading dose
What should you consider?
Pregnancy Safety: D
Slight yellow color.
Monitor Vitals.
Venous irritation can occur.
Large stable vein for injection.
** use w/caution in pt with pulmonary, cadio, hepatic or renal insufficiency.
What may this drug interact with?
Anticoagulants, cimetidine, sulfonamides, and salicylates.
Chronic Alcohol consumption induces metabolism of the drug
What may increase cardiac depressant effects?
Lidocaine propranolol, and other beta blocking agents.
What may occur when mixed with D5W?