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66 Cards in this Set

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rapid miolosis after delivery of lens in cataract surgery
not broken down by AchE, strong muscarinic , tx for acute post op and post partum urenary retention, neurogenic atony of bladder with retention , SE- muscarinic (sweating, salivation, flushing low bp, nausea, abd pain, diarrhea, bronchospasm)
muscarinic and nicotinic agonist, poor AchE substrate , miosis during surgery, reduces intracular pressure after cataract surgery
muscarinic agonist, dx of bronchial airway hyperactibvity w/o clinically apparent asthma
msucarinic agonsit , alkoid
muscarinic and nicotinic agonist, alkoid
muscarinic agonoist, alpaloid, sialogue and miotic, tertiary aline, partial muscarinic agonist , second line agent for open agent glaucoma, management of acute alogne closure glaucoma
low dose- gangion stim by depolziation, discharge of bath SANS and PANS, CV- sympathomimentic- increased HR and BP due to cathecolime release, GI and urinary- nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, urine, secretions0 simtuaitons of bronchila and salfivary, high dose- ganglionic blockage and neuromuscular blockade, poisoning- nausea, salivaiton, abd pain, comiting, diarrhea, cold sweat, mental confusion, weak pulse, blood pressure, death due to paralsysi of respitaotyry muscles, used for smoking cessation
binds reversiblu yo enzyme, short lives, MG dx , quaternary ammonium, reverse neueromusuclar block by non depolarzing muscular blockers
tertiary amine, can enter and simtunate CNS, tx of anticholnergic drugs, not given to pt taking TCA because it can aggravate depression of cardiac conduciton
quarternary ammonium, doesn’t enter CNS, to stimulate bladder and GI tract, antidote for compeitive blockers of NMJ, tx for MG
quterary ammonium, tx for MG
used for glaucoma
if given before ageing, will split phosphorous nezyme bond. Pralidoxime can be used as cholinerstase regeneratory for organophosphate insecticide poisoning
binds compeitively to muscarinic receptors preventing acetylcholine from binding, tertiary amine- both central and peripheral muscarinic blocker , eye- mydriasis, cycloplegia, GI- antispasmodic reduces molitility, urinary system- decreases hypermotility of urinary bladder, low dose- bradycardia, blcks M2 and inhibits Ach release, molderate to high does- tachycardia, cutanous vasodialtion, atropine flus, secretions blocked, inhibition of sweat glands may cuase high temp, used for antidote for hcolinergic agonist, antidote for mushroom posuing, to block respirary secretions prior to surgery, adverse- dry mouth, blurred vision, sandy eyes, tachycardia, consitpation, CNS effects- restlecessness, condusion, hallucinatiions, delirium, depression, collpase of circulatory and respiratry system and death
prevents motion sickeness, short term memory block
asthma and COPD , quaternary ammonium muscarinic antagonists
used for COPD
Homatropine, Cyclopentolate, Tropicamide
tertiary amine muscarinic antagonist, products mydriasis with cycloplegeia, shorter duration so preferred to atropine
benztropine and trihexyphenidyl
tx for parkinsonism and extraphyrimidal effects of antipshycotic drugs
used orally to inibit GI motiliy , used parenterally to prevent bradycardia during surgical procedures
overactive bladder
compeitive antagonist of neuromusuclar blocker, used in anesthesia to relax muscles during srugery, non depolarizing
binds to nicotinic receptor and depoized the juction, receptor desensitizes, flaccid paralsyis , useful for endotracheal intumabiotn, adverse- malginant hyperthermia due to excess rlease of SR tx with dantrolene
tx for malignant hyperthermia due to depolarizing nuuermomuscualr junction
blocks CHT, prevents uptake of choline reuqires for Ach synthesis, sued for research
blocks Ach-H antiporter used to transport Ach into vesicles preventing storage of Ach, research tool
botulinum toxin
inhibits Ach release, injcted locally into muscles for treatment of muscle spasms and facial wrinckels, also used for blepharospasm
low doses B effects(vasoldiation), alpha effects(vasoconstriction) , large doseases- increased contraction, increased HR, vasoconstriction, low dose to CVS via IV- increase in systolic pressure due to increased cardiac contracitle force, diastolic falls B2 more senstive than alpha 1, mean blood pressures fall, no increase in mean bp, bronchodilation due to B2 , anaphylactic shock, asthmatic attacks, cardiac arrest, local anesthetics, glaucoma
CVS- vasoconstriction via alpha 1, systolic and diastolic, CO unchanged or decreased , induces baroreceptor reflex, treat shock because increases vascular resistance and increases blood pressure
increased blood pressure by stimulatating hrt B1 and increased perfusion in kidney D1
B adrenergic agonist, stimliates B1 and B2 , increases heart rate and force of contraction(B1 effect), dilates arterioles of skeletal muscle(B2 effect)- decreases peripheral resistnace, bronchodilation(B2) , stimulates hrt in emergency situations
selective B1 agonist, acute management of CHF increases CO, does not increase O2 demands on the myocardium
long acting B2 agonist, prolonged duration- 12 h, slow onset
terbutaline and albuterol (salbutamol)
used in asthma, short acting
long acting B2 similar to slametorl
alpha 1 selective, vasoconstrciter, nasal decongestant, mydiratic, reflex bradycarida via IV, given orally or topically, increases blood pressure, terminate supraventricualr tachycardia
partial alpha 2 agonist, activates central alpha 2 adrenoceptors, reduces sympathetic outflow, reduces blood pressure
taken up by noradrenergic neurons, converted alpha methylnorpehrine which activates centrla alpha 2 adrenoceptors , decreases blood pressure, drug of choice for tx of hypertension during pregnancy
selevtive alpha 2 agonist, given to lower intracular pressure in glacumoa, also reduces aquenous humor proeuctio nand increases outflow
stimulatory centraction action , releasing agents, indrect acting adrenergic agonist, increase BP by alpha agonist on cascular as well as B effects on hrt
releasing agents, indrect acting adrenergic agonist, analogue of amphetatime, childten with ADHD
releasing agents, indrect acting adrenergic agonist, found in cheese and wine, normally oxidized by MAO, precipitate serious vasopressor episodes
induces release of NE, activate adrenergic receptors , mixed action, stimulates alpha and B and release NE, poor substrate for COMT and MAO, absoprtion orally and penetrates CNS , increases systolic and diastolic bp, bronchodilation, increases alterness, decreases fatogue and prevents sleep, improves atheletic performance , used to tx asthma, nasal decongestant, raise BP
one of the ephedrine enantioments, over the counter of decongestants, combo with H1 histamine antagonist
non selective alpha adrenergic blockers, irreversible, used for pheochromocytoma prior to removal of surgery or chornic management of inoperable suerfgy
non selective alpha adrenergic blockers, reversible blocks alpha 1 and alpha 2 receptors
alpha 1 selective blocker, CV- lowers arterioal blood presure and relaxes both arterial and venous smooth muscle, first dose- exagerrated hypotnesive response, syncope, first does must be 1/3 or 1/4 the nromal dose, HTN- tx but not drug of choice, used for BPH is DOC, relaxes smooth msucles in bladder neck, prostate, capsule and prostatic urethra improving urinary flow
alpha 2 selective blocker, prazosin analog, longer half life, HTN and BPH
alpha 2 selective blocker, prazosin analog, longer half life, HTN and BPH
alpha 2 selective blocker, approved for BPH, less effect on blood pressure, less likely to cause orthostatic hypotension
used in past to treat erectile dysfunction, alpha 2 selective adrenergic blocker
non selective B blocker prototype, slow heart rate and decrease myocardial contractility, blcok B2 in lungs and precipiate crisist in pts with COPD or ashtma, DO NOT give to asthma pts, decreases glycogenolysis and glucagon secretion, lowers BP in HTN by decreasing cardiac output, prophylaix for migraine, due to blockage of catecholaime induced vasodilation of brain vasculature
non selective B blockers, long duration of action, management of angina pectoris, management of hypertension
tx of hypertension, prophylaxis of migraine head aches, tx for intraocular hypertension and open angle glaucoma,
B2 selective adrenergic antagonist, useful in hypertnesive pt with impaired pul function, useful in diabetic hyerpteive receiving insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents, management of HTN, long term management of angina pectoris, management of MI to reduce CV mortality
B2 selective adrenergic antagonist, useful in hypertnesive pt with impaired pul function, useful in diabetic hyerpteive receiving insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents, management of HTN, long term management of angina pectoris, management of MI to reduce CV mortality
B1 selective adrenergic antagonists, ultra short acting B 1 selective adrenergic atnagonist, half life of 10 minutes, IV , used for supraventricular arrythmia, arryhtmia associated with thyritoxicosis, perioperative hypertension, myocaridal ischmeia in acutely ill pts
compeoitive antagonist at B and alpha 1 receptors, substainially more potent as B antagonist than as alpha antagonist, management of hypertension
more potent as B antagonist than as alpha antagonist, antioxidant properties, used in hyperteniosn and CHF
partial B agonist, sympathomimetic activity, preferssed as antihypertensives with diminisehd cardiac reserve or propensity for bradycarida
uptake inhibtior, blocks monoamine reuplate, monoamine accumiate in synpatic space, proteitniaon and prolognation of central and peripheral actions
selectibe inhibitor of norepinephrine reuptake transpoerter, tx for ADHD
alpha methyltryrosine
inbhtor of NE synthesis, competitive inhbitior of tyrosine hydroxilase, used to managem malignant pheochromocytoma, used in preoperative preperation of pts for resection of pheochromocytoma
ihnibots of NE storage or release(presynaptic), irreverinble damage to VMAT, vessel cant store NE or dompaimne, depletion of NE, decrease in BP slows cardiac rate, used to control HTN in past
ihnibots of NE storage or release(presynaptic), displaces NE rom transmitter vesincles, depleiton of NE, inibitis release of NE, antihypertensinve, causes gradual decrease n BP and heart rate, used in 1970s