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93 Cards in this Set

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what are the three names for drugs

clinical, generic, trade

It is known as benadryl/ Allerdry/ Sleep Eze


what is acetaminophen

mild to moderate medication for pain. Tyelnol/acephen/abenol

it is known to help juvenile arthritis also called aleve


what is fexofenadine

allegra sesonal allergic rhinitis

Is equal to side effect. Undesirable, potentially harmful, can occur at therapeutic or normal doses. All prescriptions OTCs herbal supplements have potential

Adverse Effects

some drugs can cause blood dyscrasias this is condition in which there is a decreased production of what?

Erythrocytes, Leukocytes, Platelets

predictable/anticipated, distinguished from adverse effects to predict.

side effect

what is the most common side effect of Demerol


what is sometime giving as a sleep aid because ofdrowsiness is a common side effect?


what type of reaction does paradoxical reaction do

have to opposite of the intended effects

_____ are uncommon drug reaction often caused by genetic differences.

Idiosyncratic reaction

what does hypersensitivity allergic reaction do ?

they are do to the stimulation of the immune system by the drug (severe reaction penicillin very severe allergic reaction )

TRUE OR FALSE: toxic reaction occurs when the pt is under dose with the drug ?


The body recognizes the drug as a foreign invader. Histamine and cellular mediators responded and released by the body. Reactions occurs such as hives/ rashes/ swelling of the body/ dangerous when it happens to the throat. LOC change.

Allergy/ Hypersensitivity reactions

what is toxicity

a drug that is acting as a poison or toxin

what organ does nephrotoxic effect?


what organ does cardio toxic effect

heart/cardiac muscles

TRUE OR FALSE: neurotoxic effect the neuron


True or False: hepatotoxic effect the liver


what does ototoxic effect?


the use of a number of different drugs having conflicting effects. Normally patient may have one or several health issues. Those drugs are prescribed by different doctors and filled in different pharmacies.


True or False: drugs can often interact with other drugs in safe ways.

False: drugs can often interact with other drugs in DANGEROUS ways (direct chemical reaction when mixing drugs together)

What are the 5 rights of medication administration

RIGHT... PT, drug, dose,time, route

Nurse reviews a client record for drug allergies, current medications, and disease status. Which phase of nursing process?


➢_________ – combined effect is greater than the sum of individual agents (1+1>2)

Synergistic ( Too much) (1+2=3)

____combined effect equal to the sum of individual agents (1+1=2) (two drugs sum together)

Additive (Just Enough 1+1=2)

➢______________ – one drug inhibits the ability of another drug to act(1+1<1)

Reducing/ Antagonist 1-1=0 (not enough)

what drug induces birth structural defects in the unborn fetus?


what is a mutagen ?

drug induces changes in the genetic composition of living organisms (mutation)

True or False: carcinogen is the drug that causes weight gain?

False: it causes cancer (DNA mutated part of the reason)

what is acute therapeutics ?

needs immediate attention (hypertension)

Maintenance Therapeutics?

prevents progression

Supplemental therapeutics?

needs supplies/substance

Palliative therapeutics?

gives comfort

supportive therapeutics?

maintains body integrity

Prophylactic therapeutics?


➢Treat the person, not the disease

➢Treatment differs based on ages, physiological and pathological conditions, the genetic makeup.

➢Same illness, different persons, different treatment.

Ideal drug

True or False: ➢Physiological changes during pregnancy can alter normal pharmacological responses, (PREGNANCY)


True or False: Children are little adults


False: ➢Children ARE NOT little adults!

True or False:all organs and tissue are immune and highly sensitive (vulnerable) (PEDS)


True or False: Some drug therapy must consider growth and development (PEDS)

False:•All drug therapy must consider growth and development,

•Drugs are always prescribed by _____________


Exact body weight

______ drug reaction are more common and deadly (PEDS)

Adverse drug reaction

➢Pharmaco = ???

➢Kinetics = ???

~ Medicines

~ Movement

What is pharmacokinetics?

related to the movement of a drug through the body

What are the 4 stages of pharmacokinetics?

➢Metabolism (Biotransformation)
➢Excretion (Elimination)

(oral meds most complete route)

➢Movement of a drug from site of administration to blood
➢Process differs with route of administration

Absorption step 1

➢Most drugs must be absorbed, except:

•Intravenous or intra-arterial
•Some GI antinfectants
•Some radiologic contrast medias

what are the absorption routes?

➢Enteral (Oral and sublingual)
➢Parental (IV, IM, SubQ)
➢Other (Inhalation, Intranasal, Intrathecal/Intraventricular, Topical/Transdermal, Rectal)

True or false: Oral formulations is order fastest to slowest


Capsules, Tablets, Coated tablets, Enteric coated tablets are ?

Slow-release formulations

what is the absorption transport from GI ?

➢Passive diffusion (concentration directed)
➢Active transport (against concentration, energy required)
➢Endocytosis-organelle go to cell membrane

What are the factors affecting absorption?

➢Blood flow to absorption
➢Total surface area for absorption
➢Contact time (dissolution, motility and food interaction),

➢Acids better absorbed in acid (_________)

~Factor affecting absorption~


➢Alkalines better absorbed in base (___________)

~Factors affecting absorption~

Small Intestine

What is distribution

➢The transportation from site of absorption (GI or bloodstream) to site of action (body tissues)

•Blood flow to tissues (perfusion)
•Tissue storage (tissue specific storage)
•Obesity (lipophilic drugs) and edema (hydrophilic drugs)
•Drug protein binding (albumin)
•Barriers (Blood brain barrier, Placenta)

➢Factors affecting distribution

True or False: Drug protein complexes can cross capillary membrane,

False: Drug protein complexes cannot cross capillary membrane,

True or false: Free unbound drugs reach target tissues


True or False: Competition of protein bind sites


True or False: One drug has protein binding percentage

False: Each drug has protein binding percentage

➢__________ (diazepam) distributed into and accumulated in adipose tissue (Obesity)

Lipophilic drug

➢Less active drug at site of action but slowly released from _________

Fatty tissue

➢____________ distributed and remain in interstitial solution (Edema)

Hydrophilic drug

Affinity to specific tissues (_________ to bone and teeth) hard to remove


______ is the amount of drug that reaches to site of actions


What are the factors affecting bioavailability

•First pass hepatic metabolism (Oral)
•Solubility of the drug
•Chemical stability

(oral meds always use higher dose than IV meds)

➢Metabolism or biotransformation is a process to change activity of a drug and makes it more likely to be excreted (________)


➢Primarily in ______, kidneys and cells of intestinal tract (metabolism)


True or False: Chemical structure, function/activity and toxicity changed &
Prodrug has no pharmacological activities.


______ is the process by which drugs and their metabolites are removed from the body


Primary site for elimination is the ____


The process includes glomerular filtration, tubular secretion, and ______

partial reabsorption

True or False: Be careful with patients with renal impairment (drugs staying in body longer may result in toxicity, reduced dose given)


Other Routes of Excretion: Fecal & Biliary Excretion are ?

clinically significant in patients with hepatic insufficiency

Other Routes of Execration: Respiratory

Important in elimination of anesthetic gases.

Other routes of Excretion: Breast Milk

Effects on nursing infant with some drugs

True or False: (Routes of Excretion) Perspiration, saliva, tears, hair, skin – generally clinically significant

False: Perspiration, saliva, tears, hair, skin – generally not clinically significant


Therapeutic response most likely depends on concentration in the plasma. Minimum effective concentration – amount of drug required to produce a therapeutic effect. Therapeutic range – The range where drug produces its desired effect (goal of drug administration). Toxic concentration – level of drug results in serious adverse effects. Plasma half life (t1/2) – the length of time required for plasma concentration to decrease by one half after administration

What is a steady state/ Repeated dose

A drug has a stable concentration or a drug is administrated at the same rate at which it is eliminated

____ provide plateau plasma level

Repeated dosing

What is pharmacodynamics?

what the drug does to the body

Pharmaco = ??????

????? = change

➢Pharmaco = medicines
➢dynamics = change

1._______ – activates receptors to cause a response
2.________ – binds to receptors to block a response

1. Agonist (positive)

2. Antagonist (negative)

True or false: Certain type of chemicals click into certain receptors to trigger a downstream molecular reactions.


_____ is the maximal response a drug can produce. (EXAMPLE) The drug morphine can make pt pain level drop 3/10 if you use a higher dose of other drug (opioids)


_____ addresses how much drug (concentration or dose) to administrate for eliciting a desired response (EXAMPlE) How much you give to pt. How much they use the drug. Admin of drug.


______ affect many different tissues or organs


_____ affect a small group of tissues or organs


_____ only act on certain specialized cells

Highly selective

_____ degree of attraction or binding between drug and receptor


_____ ability to produce an effect

Intrinsic Activity