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28 Cards in this Set

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Alpha 1 Receptor: Associated Word/Phrases
1) Adrenergic Receptor
2) Works with Norepinephrine/Epinephrine (catecholamines)
3) Contraction of smooth muscle during flight/flight response (aka Sympathetic response)
Alpha 1 Receptor: Major Function
1) Increase Vasoconstriction = increase blood pressure.
2) Mydriasis: Contraction iris dilator muscle
3) GI and GU contraction = decreased flow
Alpha 1 Receptor:
1) Function of Alpha 1 Antagonist Specific Drugs
2) Name ending.
1) Blocks vasoconstriction = decrease blood pressure and/or relaxes GI and GU muscles
2) "Zosins"
Alpha 2 Receptors: Associated Words/Phrases
1) Inhibits Norepinephrine release via Negative Feedback.
2) Sedate, Relax, Analgesia (vet meds)
Alpha 2 Receptors: Major Function
1) Decrease blood pressure via vasodilation
2) Decrease GI smooth muscle contraction
3) Decrease Insulin release
1) What receptor does Mirtazapine Act On?
2) Type of Drug? Key Centrally Acting Alpha 2 Specific Antagonist
2) Function of Mirtazapine?
3) Use of Mirtazapine
1) Receptor: Centrally Acting Alpha 2 Antagonist.
1) Type: Tetracyclic antidepressant
2) Function: Block inhibition of Norepinephrine release, thereby increase Norepinephrine
3) Used in Depression where Norepinephrine is low.
Clonidine and Methyldopa
1) Drug Receptor Type
2) Function
3) Key Use
4) Key Special Feature
1) Type: Alpha 2 Sympathoplegic (blocks actions of sympathetic nervous system)
2) Function: Decrease central release of norepinephrine
3) Use: Hypertension
4) Key Feature: No decrease in renal blood flow - Good for renal patients. Methyldopa - pregnancy
1) Key Words,
2) Use
3) Toxicity
1) Key Words: Non-selective Alpha Antagonist, Irreversible, Noncompetitive
2)Use: Block high release of catecholamines during Pheochromocytoma tumor removal.
3) Toxicity: Reflex Tachycardia, Orthostatic Hypertension
1) Key Words,
2) Use
3) Toxicity
1) Key Words: Non-selective Alpha Antagonist, Reversible, Competitive.

2) Use: Hypertensive Emergency (esp Pheochromocytoma)

3) Toxicity: Reflex Tachycardia, Orthostatic Hypertension
1) Selectivity
2) Application
1) Selective Alpha 1> alpha 2
2) Pupillary Dilation, Vasoconstriction, nasal decongestant (stops nose bleeds)
Beta 1 Receptor: Main Functions
Increase Heart Rate
Increase Contractility
Increase Lipolysis
Increase Renin Release
Beta 1 Receptor:
1) Blocker Function
2) Use
1) Blocker Function: Reduce cardiac work (consequently pressure) and fluid load.
2) Use: Hypertension, Angina Pectoris, CHF
Beta 1 Receptor:
1) Beta1-Blocker Drug Name Category
2) Major Use
2) Drug Examples. (A-BEAM of B1-Blockers) with alternative uses)
1) Drug Name Category: A --> M "olols"
2) Major Use: Hypertension
2) Drug Examples: (A-BEAM of B1-Blockers)
A - Acebutolol (angina, irregular heartbeat)
B - Betaxolol (glaucoma)
E - Esmolol (heart rate reducer)
A - Atenolol (angina, lowers risk of repeated heart attacks)
M - Metoprolol (lowers risk of repeated heart attack, treats heart failure)
Beta 2 Receptor:
Function: Relax but Compensate + Other
1) Relax but 2) Compensate + 3) Other
1) Relax: Vasodilation, Bronchodilation, Uterine Tone (prevents delivery)
2) Compensation: Vasodilation = Increased Heart Rate, Increased Contractility)
3) Increased Lipolysis, Insulin Release
Mneumonic: MAST
1) Selectivity of MAST DRUGS
2) List Drugs and Function
2) Selectivity of MAST DRUGS
1) Beta 2 > B1 Agonist
2) *Metaproternol (Acute Asthma)
*Albuterol (Acute Asthma)
*Salmeterol (Long Term Asthma Treatment)
*Terbutaline (Reduce Premature Uterine Contractions)
1) Selectivitiy
2) Application
1) Beta 2 Agonist
2) Reduces premature uterine contractions
Non-Specific Beta Blockers:
1) Beta Blocker Name Category
2) Examples (with use) "NaTi Pin Pro"
1) Name Category: N --> Z "olols"
2) Examples: NaTi Pin Pro
Nadolol: Reduces esophageal bleeding
Timolol: Treats Glaucoma (reduces aqueous humor secretion)
Pindolol: Treats High Blood Pressure
Propranolol: Treats Thyroids Storm
1) List of Direct sympathomimetics "PENIDD" (Selectivity)
Phenylephrine: (Selective Alpha 1> alpha 2)

Epinephrine: (Selective for Alpha 1, Alpha 2, Beta 1 (low dose), Beta 2 receptors)

Norepinephrine: (Selectivity: alpha 1, alpha 2 > Beta 1)

Isoproterenol: (Selectivity Beta 1 = Beta 2)

Dopamine: (Selectivity: D1=D2 > Beta>alpha, inotropic and chronotropic)

Dobutamine: (Selectivity: Beta 1 > Beta 2, inotropic and chronotropic (less than dopamine)
1) Selectivity
2) Application
1) Selectivity: Beta 1 = Beta 2
2) AV Block (Atrioventricular block)
1) Selectivity
2) Application
1) Selectivity: Beta 1 > Beta 2, inotropic and chronotropic (less than dopamine)
2) Cardiogenic Shock (inadequate circulation of blood due to ventricles not able to function properly)
Beta 2 Blocker Side Effects
1) Blocking Bronchodilation: Exacerbation of Asthma

2) Blocking Increased Heart Rate and Conduction + Vasodilation: Bradycardia, AV block, CHF

3) Blocking Increased Lipolysis: Diabetic Caution and Hypoglycemia
Labetalol and Carvedilol
1) Type of Drug
2) Function
3) Contraindication of Beta Blockers and why
1) Non-Selective Alpha and Beta Antagonist
2) Hypertension
3) Contraindication and Why: Cocaine Overdose. Cocaine Stimulates Alpha 1 (Vasoconstriction) and Beta 2 (Vasodilation) keeping blood pressure in check. Give Beta Blocker and you will block vasodilation, increasing blood pressure.
1) Selectivity
2) Applications
1) Selective for Alpha 1, Alpha 2, Beta1 (in low doses), Beta 2 receptors
2) Applications: Anaphylaxis, Open Angle Glaucoma, asthma, hypotension (Shock)
1) Selectivity
2) Application
1) Selectivity: alpha 1, alpha 2 > Beta 1
2) Application: Hypotention during Sepsis
Indirect Sympathomimetics:
1) Drugs: "ACE"
1) ACE:
1) Mechanism
2) Application
1) Mechanism: Indirect general agonist; releases stored catecholamines (NAD: Norepinephrine, Epinephrine, Dopamine)
2) Application: Narcolepsy, obesity, attention deficit disorder, major depressive disorder
1) Mechanism
2) Application
1) Mechanism: Indirect general agonist; uptake inhibitor (keeps catecholamines (NAD: Norepinephrine, Epinephrine, Dopamine) in synaptic cleft longer)
2) Vasoconstriction and local anesthesia
1) Mechanism
2) Application
1) Mechanism: Indirect general agonist; releases stored catecholamines (NAD: Norepinephrine, Epinephrine, Dopamine)
2) Nasal decongestant, urinary incontinence, hypotension.