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41 Cards in this Set

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(b.~3,000B.C.) Egyptian priest and advisor to pharaohs; 1st physician known by name. Eventually was named the Egyptian god of medicine
(~400B.C.) Greek physician who promoted the idea of diagnosing illness based on careful observation of the patient's condition. This scientific approach guided Western medicine. He wrote the oath which physicians recited for centuries and still honor today.
ancient Greek god of Medicine
-Aesculapius' daughter -Became the goddess of medicinal herbs -also means "a cure all"
Zeus created her as punishment for Prometheus's theft of fire for mankind. He had her collect "gifts" for man from the gods which were really punishments that included disease and pestilence. They were released upon the world when she opened her box.
medicine (AKA Jesuit's powder-Jesuits sent it back to Europe in the early 1600's) made from the bark of a Peruvian tree, the Cinchona, that treated malaria.
(1884) shown to be the first effective local anesthetic by Carl Koller, a Viennese surgeon.
Emperor Shen Nung
began eating plants (~3,000B.C.) and other natural materials to determine which were poisonous and which were beneficial. -one of the 1st known practitioners of "trial and error"
synthetic drugs
-Developed over the past two centuries, these man-made drugs have advantages in cost, effect, and availability and are used twice as much as naturally produced drugs
salicylic acid
-Derived by chemists in the 1800's, this active ingredient was found in white willow tree bark growing in the Mediterranean -acetyl _______ _______ , popularly known as aspirin, was developed and it eventually became the most widely used drug in the world (1899)
Papyrus Ebers
-the most complete record of ancient Egyptian medicine and pharmacology dating back to 1500 B.C. -This 1100 page scroll document includes 800 prescriptions using 700 drugs, mostly derived from plants
(~500 B.C.) a greek student of Pythagorus, saw diseases as a result of a loss of the body's natural equilibrium, rather than the work of the gods.
King Mithridates of Pontos
(~100 B.C.) practiced an early form of immunization by taking small amounts of poisons so that he could build his tolerance of them. His health promoting potion was used for 1,500 yrs.
Shen Nung Pen Tsao
(~200 B.C.) 1st official Chinese "herbal"; listing 365 herbs for use in health treatments was published. It can be considered an early Chinese forerunner to the FDA approved drug list.
(~77 B.C.) Greek physician working in the Roman Legion who wrote the De Materia Medica (5 books describing over 600 plants and their healing properties-including salicylic acid from the bark of a willow tree and opium from poppies)
(~100 A.D) Indian physician who wrote the __________ Samhita (the first great book of Indian medicine which described 500 herbal drugs that had been known and used in India for many centuries
(~162 A.D.) Greek physician who believed there were four "humours" in man which needed to be in balance for good health and advocated "bleeding" to assist that balance. His emphasis on education, observation, and logic formed the cornerstone for Western medicine.
(~900 A.D.) the Persian alchemist who wrote the Book of Medicine Dedicated to Mansur.
(~1,000 A.D.) Islamic physician whose writings (including a 5 vol. encyclopedia) dominated medical thinking in Europe for centuries.
Indians of Mexico
(1500 A.D.) Upon the Spanish finding them, they had a well established pharmacology that included more than 1,200 drugs and was clearly the result of many hundreds of years of medical practice. The sarsaparilla became very popular in Europe for its use on kidney and bladder ailments.
(1500 A.D.) a Swiss alchemist who rejected the humoural" philosophy of Galen. -Though he had many critics, he is generally creditied with firmly establishing the use of chemistry to create medicinal drugs.
Li Shi Zhen
(1580 A.D.) completed the Pen Ysao Kang Mu, a compilation of nearly 2,000 drugs for use in treating illness and other conditions.
Dr. Zabdiel Boylston
(1721 A.D.) became the first persone to administer a smallpox vaccine.
Edward Jenner
(1796) sucessfully used a vaccine from the milder cowpox disease to inoculate against smallpox
William Withering
(1785) British Physician who published his study of the foxglove plant and the drug it contained, digitalis, which became widely used in treating heart disease.
Frederich Serturner
(1803) German pharmacist who extracted morphine from opium
(1846) first publicized operation using general anesthesia is performed using this drug.
Louis Pasteur
(1846) his experiments show that microorganisms cause food spoilage and that heat can be used to kill them and preserve the food...AKA "germ theory"
(1890) used in a vaccine developed for the diseases diptheria and tetanus
Frederick Banting and Charles Best show than an extract of the hormone, _________ , will lower blood sugar in dogs and so may be useful in the treatment of diabetes. Biochemist, James B. Collip then develops an extract pure enough to test on humans.
(1928) Alexander Fleming discovers a fungus which produces a chemical that kills bacteria. He named the chemical "___________." It is the first antibiotic drug and saved thousands of lives in WWII after its mass production.
(1943) Russell Marker is able to create the hormone ______________, the first reliable birth control drug, from a species of Mexican yam. In 1960 the birth control pill was introduced
(1955) Dr. Jonas Salk succeeds in developing a refined injectable __________ vaccine from killed __________ virus.
In 1960, the birth control pill was approved for contraceptive use by the _____________
(1987) became the first drug approved by the FDA for AIDS treatment
Human Genome Project
(1988) began with the goal of mapping the entire DNA sequence to provide a better understanding of hereditary diseases and all the development of new treatments for them
biotechnology, Epogen
(1989) Amgen, a ___________ company that develops products based on advances in cellular and molecular biology, introduces its first product,____________, an anemia treatment for dialysis patients
HAART (Highly Active Retroviral Therapy)
(1996) introduced for AIDS treatment and is extremely effective in slowing HIV progress.
The avg lifespan in the United States increased by over ______ yrs in the 20th century
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA)
(1990) the U.S. Congress required pharmacists to provide counseling services to Medicaid patients in the __________ Act
(1951) James Watson and Francis Crick identified the structure of _________ , the basic component within the cell that contains the organism's genetic code.