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37 Cards in this Set

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What receptor does Baclofen (lioresal) act on?
this is an AGONIST on GABAb
How does Baclofen (lioresal) work?
this hyperpolarizes and inhibits release of NT's from presynaptic terminals in the brian/spine
While Baclofen (lioresal) can be given orally, what is the BEST way to dose this?
intrathecal route
How does diazepam (valium) work?
this acts on GABAa in the spinal cord
What does Diazepam (valium) treat?
spasms associated with local muscle trauma
What is the major side effect of Valium?
What receptor does Tizanidine (zanaflex) act on?
this is an alpha-2 agonist, like clonidine
what does Tizanidine (zanaflex) treat?
this treats chronic muscle spasticity
What does cyclobenzaprine (flexeril) do?
this is a sedative at the brain stem level
Other than sedative, what receptors does cyclobenzaprine act on?
muscarinic- with anticholinergic activity
What does cyclobenzaprine treat?
acute muscle spasms
What are the side effects of cyclobenzaprine?
sedation, confusion, visual hallucinations
How does Carisoprodol (Soma) work?
this has a central sedative activity
what are the CNS effects of Carisoprodoal (Soma)?
this causes sedation, and altered pain perception
What does Carisoprodal (soma) get metabolized to?
meprobamate, which acts like a barbituates. HIGH ABUSE potential**
How does Dantolene work?
this interferes with release of calcium from the SR (doesnt affect CNS)
other than muscle contractions, what does Dantrolene treat?
malignant hyperthermia
What drug treats neruoleptic malignant syndrome caused by antipsychotics?
What type of neurons does amphetamine strongly affect in the brain?
Dopamine neurons
How does Modafinil (provigil) work?
this increases excitatory glutamine transmission in the thalamus and hippocampus
Is provigil addicting?
NO, its is 200 times less addictive than meth
are there wirthdrawl symptoms from Modafinil?
no there are not
What enzymes does modafinil induce?
this induces CYP3A4, which causes failure of oral contraceptives and cyclosproine
What disease does methylphenidate and modafinil treat?
What is the root cause of ADHD?
abnormal dopamine function fails to modulate GABAergic and glutaminergic neurons
what is the basis for all ADHD treatments?
theres all try to increase dopamine and NE
How long does methyphenidate last?
ritalin is short acting and needs to be given in the morning and at lunch
How long does Pemoline (cylert) last?
this is given once a day
What kind of drug is Atomoxetine?
this is a selective NE reuptake inhibitor
Is there abuse potential with atomoxetine?
No there is none
Why was Phen-Fen withdrawn?
this causes heart valve abnormalities
Why was Sibutramine withdrawn?
increased BP, increases heart attack and stroke risk
What was dexfenfulramine withdrawn?
this caused pulmonary hypertension
how does caffeine work?
this blocks adeonsine receptors, and increases cAMP by inhibiting phosphodiesterase
What does caffiene inhibit?
adenosine's action
How does caffeine affect cerebral blood vessels?
constricts them
What does guarana do?
this acts like caffiene, AND releases NE/DA