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237 Cards in this Set

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What kind of drug is Diazepam?
this a benzo
How long does Diazepam last?
this has a long half life
What three things is diazepam used to treat?
status epilepticus
muscle relaxant
withdrawl tx
What receptor do ALL benzo's act on?
What do ALL benzo's do to GABAa?
these increase the duration of GABAa being open (and thus increase duration of Cl- flow)
What drug affects diazepams metabolism?
cimetidine (tagament)- lowers metabolism, and increases the half life
What kind of drug is chlordiazepam?
this is a benzo
what is the half life of chlordiazepam like?
this has a long half life
What is chlordiazepam used to treat?
this is used to taper withdrawal symptoms
What kind of drug is Flurazepam?
this is a benzo
What does flurazepam treat?
this treats insomnia
What does chronic use of flurazepam cause?
this causes metabolite accumulation because of its long action life
How do you remember flurazepams action?
long flu is bad, go to bed!
what kind of drug is lorazepam?
this is a benzo
How is lorazepam broken down?
this is directly inactivated
What does lorazepam treat?
this treats status epiliticus
How long does lorazepam last?
this has an intermediate duration
How long does midazolam last?
this is VERY short
how is midazolam given?
this is IV anestesia
What is the main side effect of midazolam?
anterograde amnesia
What kind of drug is triazolam?
What does triazolam treat?
short acting to treat insomnia
What are the negative effects of triazolam?
rebound insomnia

no chronic use
What kind of drug is Clonazepam
this is a benzo
what does clonazepam treat?
absence seizures
What receptor do all barbituates act on?
What do all barbituates do to GABA (A)
they increase the duration of action of GABA
What is the general effect of all barbituates
CNS depression
What kind of drug is thiopental ?
what is thiopental used for?
this is a short acting anestesia agent
What is phenobarbital used for?
this is an anticonvulsant barbituate
What do all barbituates induce?
p450 enzymes, and porphyrin synthesis
What are the blood effects of barbituates?
induce porphyrin synthesis
What receptor do all benzo's use
What do you used to treat OCD
What do you used to treat agorophobia/panic disorders
What od you used to treat PTSD
What do you used to treat anxiety in kids
what are the effects of ALL benzo's on the elderly?**
very sensitive= MEMORY LOSS, confusion
Who should not take benzos
sleep apnea
What kind of drug is Flumazenil
this is a benzodiazepine antagonist
What are the possible negative effects of flumazenil?
this can induce withdrawal seizures
What type of drug is Zolpidem
this is a short term non-benzo sleep aid
what type of drug is zalephon
this is a short term non-benzo sleep aid
What drug is approved for long term treatment of insomnia
Do the non-benzo sleep aids effect GABAa?
no these all act on BZ1
What sleep aid causes withdrawl symptoms?
eszopiclone (lunesta)
What receptors does ramelteon act on?
MT1 and MT2- it is a melatonin agonist
What is the contraindication for ramelteon?
severe liver disease
What kind of drug is promethazine?
this is a antihistamine
What does promethazine treat?
occasional insomnia
What receptor does chloral hydrate act on?
Who usually gets chloral hydrate?
pediactric dental

nursing home pts
What is chloral hydrate used for?
What kind of drug is Buspirone?
this is an anti anxiety drug
What receptor does buspirone act one
Why is buspirones action special**
this relives anxiety without sedation**
Is buspirone addictive?
No it is not
Who should be treated with buspirone
anxious alcoholics addicts or elderly
What drug should NOT be combined with buspirone?
MOAI's (both work on 5HT)
What is the one side effect of buspirone?
How do the receptors in the brain change with chronic alcohol use?
GABA decreases, NMDA increases
What do high doses of alcohol inhibit?
inhibits glutamate- which leads to blackouts
What does fomepizole do?
this inhibits ADH- given for methanol toxicity
What does disulfram inhibit?
this inhibits aldehyde dehydrogenase
What does Naltrexone do?
this is an opioid receptor antagonist-
blocks alcohols reward pathway
What does Acomprosate do?
this restores normal GABA/glutamate balance in alcoholics
What enzyme is induced in alcoholics
What happens when alcoholics take tylenol?
their CYP2E1 breaks it down really fast creating toxic byproducts quickly!
What are the major side effects of Naltrexone?
Liver damage and nausea
What does disulfram do?
this blocks aldehyde dehydrogenase
How long does disulfram last?
very long duration, 3-4 days**
What microsmal enzyme does disulfam inhibit?
What are the signs of disulfram doing its job?
flushing, intense headaches, nausea confusion
What kind of drug is Topiramate?
this is an anticonvulsant drug
How does topiramate help in alcoholism?
this reduces cravings
What does reserpine do?
this depletes neurons of NE and 5HT- leading to depression
How do all antidepressants work?
these affect uptake or metabolism of NE and 5HT
What receptors of ALL TCA's affect? (not NT's)
M, alpha, and histamine- these are responsible for the side effects
What are the half life for TCA's like?
these all have long half lifes
What type of TCA's are the most sedating?
the tertiary amines, they have more 5-HT effect
How do TCA's affect the heart? **
these can lead to torsade de points
What are the endocrine effects of TCA's?**
What are the vascular effects of TCAs?**
Postural hypotensions (alpha block)
What is the major side effect of TCA overdose?
suicidal behavior
How do TCA"s affect seziures?
these are BAD for seizure pts
What drug treats TCA overdose?
give Pheyntoin
What does Phenelzine do?
this IRREVERSIBLE inhibits MAO-A and MAO-B
Who do you give Phenelzine to?
people who havent responded to other antidepressants
What are the major side effects of MAOI's?
alpha block

Weight Gain*

M block
Do SSRI's have autonomic effects?
NO they do not, no alpha, M, or H blocks
What are the DOC's for depression?
What enzymes do SSRI's inhibit?**
What is the half life of Fluoxetine?
this has a half life of 2-3 days, and its metabolite lasts 7-9 days
What are the main side effects of SSRI use?**
CNS stimulation

SIADH**-> hyponatremia


Sexual dysfunction
What does Paroxetine treat best?
this SSRI treats OCD and Anxiety best (and depression)
What age group gets Paroxetine?
The elderly
Who does NOT take Paroxetine?
pregnant women
What are the main side effects of SNRIs?
increased BP

SIADH (seems like most antidepressants do this..)
What type of drug is Venlafaxine (effexor)
this is a SNRI
What type of drug is Desvenlafaxine (pritiq)
this is a SNRI
What type of drug is Duloxetine?
this is a SNRI
What is Duloxetine good for treating?**
depression and the PHYSICAL symptoms of it
What is the contraindication of Duloxetine?**
this is hepatoxic
What does Bupropion do?**
this inhibits dopamine reuptake (antidepressant)
What side effects do SSRI's have, that Burpropion does NOT have?
this has NO sexual side effects, and can actually correct side effects from TCA's
What two conditions does bupropion treat?
ADHD, and addiction recovery
What are the unique side effects of bupropion?
weight loss
Who should NOT get Bupropion?**
people with seizure or head trauma hx*
What receptors does Mirtazapine (Remeron) acto on?
this BLOCKs presynaptic alpha 2's
What is Trazdone used for?
this is a sleep aid, used for pain management
What type of drug is Trazdone?
this is an antidepressant
What are the hilarious side effects of trazdone?**
What receptors does trazdone act on?
5-HT1a, blocks 5-HT2a
What do classical antipsychotics do?
these block D2, and affect positive symptoms
what do new antipsychotics do?
these block 5HT2a, and affect the negative symptoms
As a whole, what receptors do antipsychotics block- causing side effects?
alpha, histamine, M

so you get hypotension, sedation, and anticholinergic
What are the serious CNS side effects of taking antipsychotics?
extrapyramidal effects

Tardive Dyskenisa**

parkinsons symptoms
How do you treat extrapyramidal effects ?
anticholinergic drugs

(so ach is bad in this case, for causing these symptoms)
What do you treat neuroleptic syndrome with?**
What receptors do Procholopromazine affect?
D2 (classic)
How do antipsychotics affect seizures?**
these INDUCE seizures
What types of drugs cause neroleptic malignant syndrome?
What is prochlopromazine usually used to treat?
nausea and vomiting
What are the unique side effects of Phenothiazines like compazine, and thorazine? (3 of em)***


Renal Deposits
What mental condition does Thorazine treat?
schizophrenia (this is an antipsychotic)
What receptors does Haldol affect?**
BLOCKS D2 selectively
What antipsychotic is MOST likely to cause extrapyramidal symptoms?***
What type of drug is Clozapine?
this is an atypical antipsychotic
What receptors does Clozapine act on?
D4, 5-HT2a
In general, what side effects do atypicals NOT have?
these low rates of Extrapyrmidal side effects
What is the serious side effect specific to Clozapine?**
What group of pts is clozapine unique in being able to treat?
psychos with parkinsons, due to is lack of extrapyramidal effects
What receptors do atypicals block as side effects?
M, H, and alpha 1- just like most other mental drugs- same side effect profiles
What kind of drug is olanzapine?
this is an aytpical antipsychotic
What receptors does Olanzapine block?
D4 and 5HT (atypicals tend to affect D4 and 5-HT)
What type of schizophrenia symptoms does Olanzapine treat?
this, like all atypicals, treats the negative symptoms best
How is Olanzapine different than clozapine?
this does NOT cause agraunlocytosis
What is Olanzapiens unique side effects ***
Weight GAIN- most likely to cause this of all antipsychotics****

hyperglycemia and type 2 diabetes
What is the first line drug from treating psychosis?
What receptors does risperidone block? ***
D2, 5-HT, and alpha**
Does risperidone have extrapymaidal effects?
No it does not
What are the two MAJOR side effects of risperidone?**
Postural hypotension (alpha block)

Long QT- MOST Likely to cause this****
What receptors does Ziprasidone (geodon) block?
D2, and 5-HT
what type of drug is Ziprasidone?
What are the MAJOR side effects of Ziprasidone (geodon)

hyperprolactinemia** unique!!
What pts should NOT get ziprasidone?
ones with Hx of seizures
What are the unique side effects of Quetiapine (seorquel)?

weight gain
What type of drug is Pimazide (Orap)
this is an antipsychotic
What is pimazide (Orap) used to treat?
what are the serious side effects of pimazide (orap)
HIGH extrapyramidal effects

ECG changes
What type of drug is Aripiprazole?
this is a dopamine system stabilizer, used as an antipsychotic
What is Aripirazole excellent for treating?
drug resistant depression (ask your doctor if adding abilify is right for you!)
What are the unique side effects of Aripirazole?
Diabeties inducer

How do you dose Lithium?
you must use blood tests to monitor serum levels
What are the side effects of Lithium tox?
Nausea, vomiting, tremor
What things increase serum levels of Lithium? (AKA drug interactions)
low Na+
What are the side effects of regular Lithium use?***
Diabetes insipidus (polyuria, polydypsia)

decreased thyroid function

Weight gain
How do you treat Lithium induced diabetes insipidis?
Amiloride (a potassium sparring diuretic)
What kind of drug is Valproic acid?
this is an anticonvulsant
Though valproic acid is an anticonvuslant, what is it widely used for?
as a mood stabilizer
What needs to be monitored while taking Valproic Acid?
liver enzymes need to be monitored
What are the side effects of Valproic acid?
weight gain
GI upset
Who is Carbamazepine used to treat?
this treats pts who do not respond to lithium
What kind of drug is carbamazepine?
this is an antipsychotic
What are the major effects of Carbamazepine?***
CNS tox

Hematologic disorders** requires blood monitoring****

What genetic phenotype needs to be careful when taking Carbamazepine so they dont get SJS?
What is Gabapentin used to treat?
Neurological pain
What type of drug is Gabapentin?
an anticonvulsant
What is the basis for seizures, based upon receptor activity?
Under activity of GABA

over activity of glutamate
What whole CLASS of drugs requires monitoring plasma drug levels?
All anticonvulsants
How does phenytoin work?
this blocks sustained high frequency firing, by Prolonging the inactivation of Na+ channels***
What types of seizures does Phenytoin treat?
partial seizures, tonic-clonic seizures
What is the elimination of phenytoin like?
dose dependent

1st order low
zero order high
What are the side effects of Phenytoin?
Gingival hyperplasia

How does Phenytoin affect enzymes?***
induces microsomal enzymes
(increases metabolism of oral contraceptives)
What increases the metabolism of phenytoin?
How does pheyntoin interact with warfain?**
this increases warfarin concentration in the blood
What kind of drug is Carbamazepine?
What receptors does Carbamazepine work on?
this blocks Na+ channels to decrease NT release
What diseases does Carbamazepine treat best?
Partial seizures
Tonic clonic*
Trigerminal neuralgia
What does Carbamazepine do to enzymes? (3 things)
this INduces hepatic microsomal enzymes

increases oral contraceptive breakdown.

AND**induces its OWN metabolism- FUN!
What two drugs inhibits carbamazepine metabolism?
Cimetidine (it affects everything)

What are the Serious side effects of carbamazepine**
Blood dyscrasias
anemia, agranulocytosis (like Clozapine-an atypical antipsychotic)
What is Phenobarbitals method of action?
prolongs Cl- channel opening @ GABAa
What does phenobarbital treat as an anticonvulsant?
this treats generalized clonic tonic seziures, and pratial seizures
What kind of drug is Lamotrigine?
an anticonvulsant
What does Lamotrigine treat?
absence seizures
parital seizures
What kind of drug is Topiramate?
this is an anticonvulsant
How does topiramate work?
this blocks Na+ channels, enhances GABAa, limits glutamate activation
What does Topiramate treat best?*
Broad spectrum- partial, generalized tonic clonic's
What will Topiramate decrease the effectiveness of?
birth control pills
What is the first choice drug for Absence seizures?**
How does Ethosuximide work?**
this reduces low threshold Ca2+ currents in thalamus**
What kind of seizures does valproic acid treat?
absence seizures

basically most seizure types
What are the toxicities of Valproic acid?
weight gain
What receptor does Baclofen act on?
GABAb agonist**
How is Baclofen administered?
Intrathecal route**
What is Baclofen used for?
this is a muscle relaxant
What type of drug is Tizanidine?
muscle relaxant
What receptor does tizanidine act on?
alpha 2 agonist**- like clonidine
What does Tizanidine treat?
chronic muscle spasms
What kind of drug is Cyclobenzaprine?
this is a muscle relaxant
How does cyclobenzaprine work?
this is a sedative on the brain stem
also has anticholinergic activity
What are the serious side effects of cyclobenzaprine?**
this causes confusion, hallucinations
What two diseases is Dantrolene used to treat?
malignant hyperthermia

neruoleptic malignant syndrome
How does dantrolene work?
this blocks Ca2+ release
What kind of drug is Modafinil?
this is provigil, and CNS stimulant
Why is Modafinil better than ritalin?
this is less addictive, no withdrawals
What enzymes does Modafinil induce?
CYP3A4- eats up oral contraceptives
What kind of drug is Atomoxetine?
this is a SNRI
What does Atomoxetine treat?
this treats ADHD
with NO abuse potential
How does caffeine work?
this blocks adenosine receptors
increases cAMP by inhibits phosphodiesterase
How can caffeine treat a headache?
it constricts cerebral blood vessels
What is the root cause of parkinsons?
low dopamine in the nigrastriatal pathway
What are the side effects of L-dopa/carbidopa (sinemet)
What kind of drug is Selegiline?
this is a parkinsons drug
How does selegiline work?
this inhibits MAO-B
What kind of drug is Bromocriptine?
this s a dopamine receptor agonist for parkinsons
Does bromocriptines effectiveness decrease over time?
nope it sure doesnt
What is the sweet side effect of Bromocriptine?**
Erythromelalgia (red swollen feet)


GI problems
What do Pramipexole and Ropinirole treat?
parkinsons disease
what is the one side effect of pramipexole and ropinirole?
daytime sleep
What does apomorphine treat?
what is the major side effect of apomorphine?
severe nausea
What kind of drug is Benztropine?
this is an anticholinergic drug for parkinsons
How does benztropine work?
this decreases the affects of Ach, to match the dopamine loss
What is the root cause is alzheimers?
low ACH
What does rivastigimine treat?
alzheimers disease
What does rivaastigmine do?
this is a cholinesterase inhibitor
What does Tacrine treat?
How does tacrine work?
this is a cholinesterase inhibitor
What is the toxic effect of tacrine?
liver toxicity
What does Memantine treat?
How does memantine work?
this is an NMDA receptor antagonist
What are the beneficial side effects of memantine?
this protects the brain from glutamnine toxicity
What are the general side effects of memantine
mostly urinary effects