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25 Cards in this Set

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Factors determining/influencing BP

Blood volume and vascular tone
Antihypertensive therapy effects on 5 areas:
CO, HR, cholesterol/triglycerides, GFR (renal blood flow), circulating blood volume
Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) inhibitors
prevent conversion of angiotensin I to II, affect of aldosterone, increase effect of bradykinin
No change in postural reflexes or pulse
Decreases afterload, improve CO
Slow onset, for chronic management of essential HTN and CHF
Cardioprotectve and nephroprotective
can cause dry cough
Lisinopril (Prinivil, Zestril)
ACE inhibitor (conversion of angiotensin I to II)
Monitor BP especially when beginning Tx, caution with K+ sparing diuretics (K+ retention)
teach about cough
Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs)
selectively block angiotensin II at receptor, blocks aldosterone secretion, less bradykinin (less cough)
No effect on GFR, HDL/LDL, BG, or HR (nice)
Essential HTN and CHF
(newer and more expensive than ACE inhibitors)
Ex) Losartan (Cozaar)
Losartan (Cozaar)
Agiotensin receptor blocker (ARB)
only one that's currently generic
Renin inhibitors
(no drug example)
newer, decrease plasma renin activity, inhibits formation of angiotensin I

Risk of angioedema (swelling of skin and mucous membranes)
Alpha-2 stimulants
Alpha-2 stimulation actually decreases norepi
Inhibits sympathetic vasomotor stimulation in brain
Adverse effects: usually fade over couple weeks, must d/c slowly/gradually, teach!
Ex) Clonidine (Catapres)
Clonidine (Catapres)
Alpha-2 stimulant (central acting agent)
OP for hypertensive crisis, or patch
Also used for addiction treatment craving reduction, some uses w/ ADD/ADHD
Beta Blockers
Reduce BP, CO, renin/angiotensin, -iso and chronotropic
treat HTN and angina
But: bradycardia, CHF aggravation, bronchospasm (unwanted beta-2 affects in non selective), lowers HDL, increase cholesterol/triclycerides
Propranolol (Inderal)
non-selective beta-blocker
used for vascular headaches, "stage-fright" and "test anxiety"
Metoprolol (Lopressor, Toprol)
cardioselective beta-1 blocker (yay)
less problems with lungs (beta-2 effects)
fewer unwanted effects
Alpha-1 blockers
Relax vascular smooth muscle, reduces afterload
use for HTN and benign prostatic hypertension (BPH)
No effect on CO, HR, cholesterol
Downside: edema --> diuretics needed
Ex) Prazosin (Minipress)
Prazosin (Minipress)
selective alpha-1 blocker
for HTN and BPH
Calcium channel blockers
vasodilation, decrease afterload
Two types: cardioselective (effect on heart, -chrono and isotropic) and dihydropyridine (relax vascular smooth muscle, reduce systemic BP, little effect on heart)
Uses: HTN, angina, supravent. dysrhythmias, A-fib
Adverse: aggravate CHF
Nursing: minute to minute monitoring!
Ex) Diltiazem (Cardizem, Tiazac)
Hydralazine (Apresoline)
relaxes arterioloar and venous smooth muscle, vasodilator
Used for pregnancy induced HTN
But: reflex tachy, Na+ and H2O retention, autoimmune syndromes w/ chronic use
Goal for antihyperlipidemic drugs
lower total cholesterol to under 200mg/dL
LDL under 130mg/dL (or at least matching HDL)
Triglyceride under 150
lipid differential gives best picture
Bile-acid binding resins
oldest and safest
LDL and cholesterol decrease as resins bind to bile and increase excretion in stool
Adverse: GI disturbances, dose related
Ex) Cholestyramine (Questran)
Cholestyramine (Questran)
bile-acid binding resin
Hmg-CoA reductase inhibitors, Statins
Effects rate-limiting step in cholesterol synthesis, stabilizes plaques in vessels, lowers total, LDL, and TGs.
Reduce CHD risk, ACS, stroke, mortality, heavily researched
Low incidence of adverse effects
Nursing: teach adherence to therapy
Atorvastatin (Lipitor)
Rosuvastatin (Crestor)
Hmg-CoA reductase inhibitors, Statins
heavily researched
Niacin, Nicotinic Acid, Vit B3 (higher than vit dose)
Lowers TGs, serum LDL and VLDL, increases HDL
mechanism not clear, not a first line drug, used in combos
Adverse: GI upset, flushing, OTC not effective, more adverse effects
Teach: take w/ food, take ASA 30min before
Fibric Acids, Fibrates
Lowers TGs, VLDL, some decrease in LDL, some increase in HDL
unknown mechanism
Averse: GI upset, gallstones, myopathy, hepatotoxicity, increased risk in combo w/ statins
Ex) Fenofibrate (Tricor)
Fenofibrate (Tricor)
Fibric acid
unknown mechanism of action
Lowers TGs, VLDL, some decrease in LDL, increase in HDL
Antihyperlipidemia methods
Vigorous diet change trial for 6 months, diet low in cholesterol, omega-3s, control BGs, whole grains, weight loss, therapy adherence, combination therapy