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43 Cards in this Set

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Heart Failure
The inability of the body to maintain adequate cardiac output to meet the metabolic demands of the body
Types of Heart Failure
High Output--normal CO; due to metabolic factors; normal CO is not enough; not very common

Low Output--decreased CO; the heart cannot generate enough output--pumping less blood; most common
Primary Causes
A problem with the heart itself

Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)
Valve Dysfunction
Drug Toxicity
Secondary Causes
Heart is affected second to some other process

Liver Disease
Renal Disease
Left Side Heart Failure
Leads to a back-up of blood into the LUNGS (Pulmonary Congestion)
Early Stage of Heart Failure
Someone just looks like they are out of shape; have trouble going up stairs
Moderate Stage of Heart Failure
Person will have trouble with Pulmonary Congestion at night, so may sleep with lots of pillows or upright in a lay-z-boy
End Stage of Heart Failure
Lots of PITTING EDEMA present, no exercise tolerance
Treatment of CHF
Often symptomatic

Want to treat the underlying cause

Overall Goals: decrease cardiac work (wall stress), increase CO, control Na+ and H2O

Drugs Used Include:
- diuretics
- vasodilators
- positive inotropic drugs
- beta receptor antagonists
Goal of Diuretics
Excrete Na+ and H2O by...
- decreasing Vascular volume
- decreasing Edema
- decreasing Preload
- decreasing Pulmonary Congestion
Diuretics in the Treatment of HF: Classification and Mech. of Action
Classification: Diuretics are drugs which eliminate Na and water by acting directly on the kidney.

The diuretics are the primary line of therapy for the majority of patients with heart failure and pulmonary congestion.

Mech. of Action: Diuretics (loop, thiazides and potassium-sparing) produce a net loss of Na and water acting directly on the kidney, decrease acute symptoms which result from fluid retention (dyspnea, edema).

Diuretic drugs are classically divided into three groups: 1) thiazides, 2) loop diuretics and 3) potassium-sparing
Thiazide Diuretics
Inhibit the active transport of Cl-Na in the cortical diluting segment of the Ascending Limb of the Loop of Henle
Loop Diuretics
Inhibit the transport of Cl-Na-K in the Thick portion of the Ascending Limb of the Loop of Henle
Potassium-Sparing Diuretics
Inhibit the reabsorption of Na in the distal convoluted and collecting tubules
Loop Diuretics

Loop Diuretics: Mech. of Action and Use
Mech. of Action: inhibit Na+ -K+ - 2Cl- symporter on Ascending Limb of Loop of Henle

Use: monotherapy for heart failure--reduce vascular volume, edema, pulmonary congestion
- IV administration for decompensated HF

*Improve symptoms but do not increase survival
Compensated HF
Living with it; still functioning
Decompensated HF
The people in trouble in the Emergency Room setting
Thiazide Diuretics

*Improve symptoms but do not increase survival
Mech. of Action: inhibit Na+ and Cl- co-transporter on the Distal Convoluted Tubule

Use: in resistance to loop, may be combined with loop, to produce synergistic natriuresis

*Improve symptoms but do not increase survival
Potassium-Sparing Diuretics

*Trials shows Spironolactone alone and in combo. with ACE(-) increase survival
Potassium- Sparing Diuretics: Mech. of Action and Use
Mech. of Action:
- Amiloride, Triamterene--block Na+ conductance channel
- Spironolactone--aldosterone antagonist

Use: limit K+ wasting; block the effects of aldosterone on the heart--attenuate remodeling
Vasodilators Treatment Goal
Decrease Peripheral Resistance by...
- decreasing Preload
- decreasing Afterload
Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors (ACE)
ACE Inhibitors
Mech. of Action: decrease peripheral resistance--> decrease afterload and preload--> increase CO
- Decrease Aldosterone Release
- Decrease Na+ and H2O absorption
- Decrease Cardiac hypertrophy and remodeling

Side Effects: cough, can increase serum K+, hypotension

*Trials show ACE(-) have a significant increase on survival (longevity) and decrease hospital admissions
Type 1 Angiotensin II Receptor (AT1) Antagonists

* Trials show them to be as effective as ACE(-) in treating CHF
Type 1 Angiotensin II Receptor (AT1) Antagonists: Mech. of Action and Advantages
Mech. of Action: block AT2 receptors, effects similar to ACE(-)

Potential Advantages: decrease side effects--bradykinin metabolism unaffected AT2 receptors not blocked

**ACE inhibitors or Angiotensin Receptor Antagonists are drugs of choice for heart failure**
Other Vasodilators
Sodium Nitroprusside
Isosorbide Dinitrite
IV administration ONLY--very potent and short-acting; used for decompensated pts.

Mech. of Action: converted to NO; preload and afterload reducer

Side Effects: hypotension, reflex tachycardia, ischemia
Topical, Sublingual, IV

Mech. of Action: converted to NO; decrease preload and some effect on afterload

Side Effects: hypotension, reflex tachycardia, ischemia, tolerance

Decrease VR and decrease pulmonary congestion
Oral Administration

Mech. of Action: unknown; decrease afterload

**Isosorbide dinitrite and hydralazine often used in combination in pts who cannot take ACE(-). A synergistic vasodilator action
Oral Administration

Mech. of Action: converted to NO; decrease preload

**Isosorbide dinitrite and hydralazine often used in combination in pts who cannot take ACE(-). A synergistic vasodilator action
Recombinant form of human brain natriuretic peptide (BNP)

IV infusion

Mech. of Action: increase cyclic GMP; produces natriuretic, diuretic, and vasodilator responses (decrease preload and afterload)

Use: acute treatment of dyspnea in CHF

* This is an emergency room drug; IV only; very short-acting
Positive Inotropic Drugs
DIGOXIN, Digitoxin (Cardiac Glycosides)
INAMRINONE and MILRINONE(Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors)
Positive Inotropic Drugs: Treatment Goal
Increase Ventricular Performance--> increase CO by increasing FC (very rarely used)
DIGOXIN, Digitoxin (aka Digitalis Drugs): Cardiac Glycosides
Absorption: Oral

Elimination: Renal

Mech. of Action: **inhibit (block) Na+/K+ ATPase--> increase intracellular Ca2+ and increase FC**
- increase FC--> increase CO
--> decrease preload and congestion, increase renal perfusion (decrease renin)

**FC is directly proportional to concentration of intracellular Ca2+

Other Effects: Increase parasympathetic tone; decrease automoticity, decrease speed of AV conduction

Side Effects: very narrow therapeutic index (S.E. are increased by low K+); GI effects; Cardiac Arrhythmias

Treatment of Side Effects: Lidocaine, potassium, beta blockers; Fab fragments (digitalis antibodies)

Use: Reserved for pts. in HF with ATRIAL ARRHYTHMIA, or if symptoms persist after ACE(-) and beta antagonists
D1, Beta 1, and Alpha 1 agonist

Mech. of Action: low dose, dilate renal artery

**Long term use is not recommended
Beta 1 agonist

Emergency Room drug, can only be given IV

Mech. of Action: increase FC without increasing HR

Side Effects: tolerance occurs which leads to tachycardia--so usually only used for a couple of weeks

**Long term use is not recommended
Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors
Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors: Mech. of Action and Use
Mech. of Action: increase intracellular levels of cAMP by inhibiting its breakdown; increase cAMP--> phosphorylation of Ca2+ channels--> increase intracellular Ca2+--> increase FC
- In Vascular Smooth Muscle
--> increase cGMP--> vasodilation and decrease preload and afterload

Use: short term severe failure
Beta Receptor Antagonists
CARVEDILOL (beta 1, beta 2, and alpha 1)--10x more potent as a beta than an alpha
BISPROLOL (beta 1)
Beta Receptor Antagonists: Mech. of Action
Decrease SNA to heart, decrease HR + O2 consumption

Decrease deleterious effects of catecholamines (decrease hypertrophy and remodeling)

Increase Ventricular Function (increase EF)

These hearts do not have to work as hard, the heart will actually work better

Beta therapy will decrease symptoms, increase longevity, and decrease hospital admissions in HF and post MI
What 3 categories increase life expectancy?
ACE Inhibitors
Beta Blockers
Ca Sparing Diuretics